Monday, January 30, 2012

No Worries Katie!!!...The Blog is Back to Normal!

Today was a good day and that is saying something considering it is a Monday. I was not thrilled about going to class, but it was nice and uneventful. My commute in was faster than normal as the St John Wood station wasn’t opened (apparently the escalators were down. Why people couldn’t just walk up and down them is beyond me..) Anyways we got to skip the station!

Class this morning was the 18th century house in Britain. It so fun to look at the interiors of huge country homes, but the lecturer who does the topic is a piece of work. She thinks highly of herself and is so uppity. I wouldn’t want to hang out with her! Im really starting to get confused too. There are too many things going on stylistically in different regions. France is going Rococo, England more Neo-classical/Palladian… GAH! I wish the styles fit better into little boxes! It would sure make things easier!

Lunch was the same… sat around for way too long and then I was off to the Wallace Collection with Rebecca for our museum visit! I LOVE the Wallace Collection. 18th century stuff, amazing rooms, and its free. It was hard not to touch though! Now that we have had handling sessions that we could touch everything its weird to be back in a museum that you cant! I love that Rebecca makes sure that she doenst go over a hour and a half because standing around things gets long. Oh I saw The Swing in real life today! I didn’t know it was in the Wallace Collection!

The Evening Standard wasn’t out at Bond Street Station today so I don’t have a crazy story for you. I was proud of myself that I just walked to the Station from the Wallace Collection without thinking or looking at a map! I am beginning to know London better! I guess the “crazy” story of the day can come from my real life instead. I succeeded in accidently elbowing a man in the butt on the tube today. This occurring for many reasons… 1. He was standing and I was sitting next to him, 2. I thought that there was a pane of plexiglass between us (like there usually is!) and 3. I got my zipper on my bag caught so my hand flew off and caused my elbow to jab the man. Thankfully he didn’t seem to mind (after I apologized). Why do these things happen to me?!

Before I wrote today’s segment I looked back and read my first 4 or so posts. Enough time has passed now that I laugh at my predicament. Its funny now. I really don’t know how I survived her!! Man did I really want to go home! So know I see why everyone was laughing when I told my horror stories! She was so crazy that its funny. It just wasn’t fun at the moment that I was stuck there, 3600 miles from anyone I knew!

Its almost Feb and I have to say that my New Years Resolutions are going well! The first… make a friend is going well (shockingly!) Well they still don’t know anything about the REAL me and I don’t know much about the REAL them, I have done things with people! (Freya and I went to the market, Isabel and I walk to class together every Monday and Thursday, and Im invited to a wine and cheese party on Saturday at Isabels!) I talk to more of the people while we are waiting for class to start. Im getting better! The second (don’t buy anything without food…) I had a tiny little lapse the second week (H&M was having their sale. I got a cute skirt for 5 pounds, and a needed tan open sweater). The third (buying shoes) is still going strong! I haven’t even looked! (which is probably why I haven’t bought any!) And the last (eat fish and chips) is halfway done. I ate some chips! I need to save my extra grocery money and sometime go out to eat! All and all.. not too shabby! It could be MUCH worse!

Off to do some work, have soup for dinner, and put away the laundry (if its dry yet!) What an exciting life I lead!!! And … this sentence puts me on the 100th page of my blog! (in Microsoft word!)

The picture is an older one, but one of my favorites from this trip! A pair of one of the monarhs little baby shoes at Kensington!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, thank you for the post :) I love it.

    Your tube story is hilarious. Sorry to hear that it happened to you. But it is funny...and I'm glad that you can at least laugh at your earlier posts now.

    I am also glad to hear that your resolutions are going well. Let us know how the wine and cheese party goes. Sounds like fun...and an excuse to dress up. :)
