Friday, January 27, 2012


Im so SO sorry that I haven’t written all week. Basically I have actually had a life the past few days and was so un-used to this new phenomenon that my time management went down the tubes. Lets start back at Tuesday….

The morning class was all about the Grand Tour. I didn’t really pay attention honestly… it was just about the rich men who went abroad, got syphilis, bought some paintings and came back. Seriously. Oh they did a lot of partying too… shocker! The afternoon class was really interesting but kind of pointless. We went to the National Portrait Gallery for my culture and ideology class. A group of us waited in a very central spot until 2:10 (class started at 2:00) and when Patty didn’t show up we headed into the gallery. He had started without half of the class! Apparently the others met right by the door, not in the entry hall. Gah! We looked at portraits of women but patty only really told us their stories, we didn’t really look at styles. Weird.

I got home at 4:15 and quickly heated up leftovers for dinner. By 5:15 I was back out the door and headed for Notting Hill tube stop to meet Freya, Lesley, and Betsy to walk to the cinema. The theater was an old, two leveled theater which was really cute. We saw The Artist and I wasn’t too excited about it. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a silent, black and white movie. It was SO good. I LOVED it. It was sad, but had a good ending. I recommend it! EVERYONE needs to see it! Even if you wait and pay a dollar for it at RedBox!

I got home at 9, jumped in the shower and skyped Katie at 9:30. Then I was off to bed! I didn’t have much free time at all!

P.S the picture is of the grand tour with lots of Homo-sexual things going on.... And we think that this is new concept...

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...and I'm glad that you liked the movie :)
