Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Bunch of Rando Stuff

I don’t know how Im awake and creating sentences right now. When I got up this morning I wasn’t sure I was going to make it through the day alive. I was so SO tired. I need to shake the jetlag! I don’t know how I made it out of the house with everything that I needed for the day. Somehow I did and I strolled to school. I didn’t have a care in the world because I was so stinking tired. I even pulled out my Eminem and pumped it up but… to no avail. Part of the problem this morning was the pain that radiated from my shoulders to my calves. That is what happens when an extremely out of shape girl works out to Jillian Michaels. The next day is just painful.

Class this morning was pretty cool. Regency furniture. Pretty cool stuff! If you haven’t figured it out already I LOVE the 18th century. LOVE it. Oh and if you are concerned about the level of bad stuff that kids today are exposed to… don’t take them into a Rococo period museum room. Talk about rated R. Just saying…. That’s not way I love it by the way! Class would have been better if it wasn’t absolute torture to keep my eyes open. I couldn’t figure it out why I was so tired this time around. Last time I was fine! Then I realized that the amount of stress in my life was probably keeping me WIDE awake!

After furniture was our hour and a half long lunch. I hate lunch (I never would have thought that I would be saying that!) Its just too long. Then it was Culture and Ideology briefing time. A lot of us were smart and sat at the back of the room to get our first pick of class. I did! WOO! I chose…. The Image of Women. HAHAHAHA Im going to DESTORY this. And it’s with Patrick who I had last time. He is really laid back and chill. This is going to be a piece of cake. Ciletti has taught me well :)

After that 5 minute briefing and battle to sign up we had an introduction to cataloging. It well be challenging I think but nothing horrible. Very very doable. I don’t know what everyone has been making such a big deal of!

So I made myself talk to people AGAIN today. One of the girls asked me what I was reading (I was reading before class) and I told her (A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson). She knew who Bill Bryson is and read some of his other books! And another girl know who he was too! Apparently I was living under a literary rock! They both LOVE him too so there are three people who would recommend you read his stuff!

Remember my frantic search that spread across the city of London to find a stupid drying rack for my clothes? Well walking home from school today, on my street, right inside the door of a convenience store sat about 20 drying racks. TWENTY! Well now I know, if someone were to break into my flat and steal my rack, where I could find one. How frustrating.

Every day that I read the awesomely free Evening Standard, I come across something absolutely crazy. I think I may begin to share some of the more interesting things that come up. One today is cool…. But at the same time who needs it. It’s the new LG Smart Manager Fridge. It goes on sale later this year for 2,000 pounds. It has an LCD screen and internet connection that allows you to download recipes. Ok no big deal…. Well. It can do more than that. You scan your items into it and it keeps track of the for you. You can make grocery lists, have it tell you when something is low and has a camera inside so you can check its content from your cell phone. (apparently in case you forget your list) Don’t believe me? Check it out at http://www.lg.com/us/press-release/article/lg-smart-appliances-for-2012-deliver-connectivity-efficiency-through-smart-thinq-technologies.jsp

A shout-out to the ticketing office (including the switch board!) at good Ole’ CHQ as they deal with gate passes going on sale! I have to admit Im not jealous of you guys, except for being able to get into Straight No Chaser for free! Thanks for reading my blog at work! :)

Tonight Im hopping to get some work done. I have motivation to do some work to get prepared for when I get hit with work. Its weird, but Im going to run with it while I have it!

P.S The picture is of my favorite Rococo room on the planet

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you'll get the time down quickly! That has to be hard. I'm glad that classes are going well and that you got the one that you wanted. Good thinking sitting in the back of the room!

    Haha, about the 18th Rococo period stuff. I think that is crazy and kind of funny :) Although I am glad that you enjoyed the lecture.

    I will have to look into that author. I need to start reading more again. And, that fridge is crazy! I don't know if I'd even want that.
