Sunday, January 29, 2012


I felt that Friday would never come. It was a long but eventful week! I was actually up and ready to go when my alarm went off. I don’t know how that happened! I don’t know what the problem is, but since I have gotten back from Christmas Vacation I walk slower…. Everywhere. It takes me 3 songs to get from my flat to the tube, when it used to take me 2. SO I am getting to school later… and later each day. It happened to me all the time at undergrad. The beginning of the semester I was crazy early, and by the end I was sneaking in just as class started. Its how I roll, but I have until June. I need to be leaving earlier or walking faster!

Class today was Neo-Classical painting. I am starting to HATE everything classical. Really Art History is one big cycle… they love classical stuff, they break away and move away from it… and then they love classical stuff, and then they break away from it. Its annoying. And it makes it more confusing to little students such as myself. Im not a huge fan of neo-classical. Its too orderly and thought out. I am excited to get to the romantic period. Everything loosens back up and (as patty says) there seems to always be a breeze that moves people’s hair/clothing!

Then it was lunch that always drags! I am trying to read Jane Eyre at the moment. Patty suggested I did for my presentation on governesses. It isn’t bad… its just not addicting like The Hunger Games! After reading for an hour it was time for my Issues and Contexts class. I hate that class. I always feel so incredibly dumb and I don’t really know what’s going on for most of it. Theory is not my strong point in life. I got my paper back from last term… I passed just not with flying colors.

After class my brain hurt and I was completely out of it. I came home and watched The Big Bang Theory (I absolutely love that show. There are so many Star Wars/Star Trek/Lord of the Rings references. I could fit right in to that little group of misfit nerds!) and I completely crashed. I made dinner, wrote my blog from earlier in the week and just zoned out. It was awesome. I did get an email saying that I have an interview on Feb 9th at 6pm to be a security guard for the Olympics! I am excited! We shall see what happens! I forgot that they may not want me because I can only work 20 hours a week because Im here on a student visa. GAH! Anyways….. I survived my crazy week!

P.S Crazy Evening Standard story… a policewoman is jailed after she bit off the ear of a previous friend. (I am not clear if the friend was previously a friend before the ear was gnawed off or because of the loss.)

P.S.S The image today is a famous Neoclassical painting. It SO boring and ordered! GAH!

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