Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mild Monday

Today was a pretty good day… especially considering that it was a Monday! Getting out of bed wasn’t even so rough! I went to class and the tube didn’t really like me. My platform was shut down at Baker Street (I don’t know if the Hammersmith line wasn’t running or the platform wasn’t running) but anyways I had to take a Metropolitan train school. It was throwing off my routine but wasn’t difficult to do.

Morning class was French 18th century painting. Apparently Im the only person in love with the Rococo style. No one else seems to like it. It fell so far from fashion that the National Gallery has one room of it and most of them were acquired in the 1970’s. I just love the colors, softness and frothy-ness of the period, which is exactly why people hate it! Oh well… I enjoyed lecture!

During the afternoon break I went to the library and read some ceramic books…. For fun. Yep Im a nerd! Ill admit it. The afternoon class was long…. Gah. It was how to catalog decorative arts. I wanted to destroy the girl sitting in the front row who was asking questions/answering questions/making comments every other second. It was amusing to watch everyone melt down. Im not too concerned with cataloging. I think it is do-able. If I can memorize Chinese names, places and dynasties I can catalog an object. Everyone began to panic. Hehe

I FINALLY got home and…. Spotted my neighbors (my new ones). Im disappointed. There are at least two guys and I don’t know what language they were speaking but it wasn’t English. So my hopes are dashed for a friend moving in below me. Sigh.

Oh a good thing that happened to me today…. I got a hotel buddy for Venice. To be honest I have been worrying about this since the first day of school. Freya was nice enough to be my room-mate for the trip and I am so SO relieved.

My New Years resolutions are going well I think! Well at least the not spending money ones! I have only bought food/transportation so far. I really want to go to Notting Hill market, but they have antique stalls, vintage clothing, and flea market stuff so I KNOW ill spend money. So I cant go. I am going to have to think about something to do this weekend that is COMPLETELY free and doesn’t go towards Oxford Street!

Ok off to write todays post :)

P.s the picture is my fav mythical Story... Psyche showing her sisters her gifts from Cupid

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that your one class was so long and the one girl kept asking so many questions. I can't stand people like that, it's so frustrating.

    I am so glad that you have a roomie for Venice! That's a relief :)

    Sorry to hear that a young girl didn't move in below you :(
