Friday, January 27, 2012

Is The Week Over Yet?

Today was good but long. I was tired and felt like I had been running around all week like a chicken with their head cut off! This morning’s lecture was given by the editor of the Art Journal and it was really good, but not basic enough. He talked about how the English artists were influenced by other art (which was interesting and cool!) but we didn’t really see any of their work as examples. I know nothing about 18th century English artists so it would have been nice to see some! Other than that the lecture was really good!

The afternoon…. Epic. The best handling session yet. Why? Because I touched things that I have only dreamed of touching. I got to touch a Rococo jewelry cabinet on a stand…. Sold for 250,000 pounds!!! I touched a Boulle marquetry cabinet…. I may not see one of that caliber again. It was amazing. The I touched a Chippendale sofa. He touched that sofa! It was amazing. They didn’t look right however… Chippendale is famous for his confidence and amazing symmetry and the sofas looked off. The man then took off the modern upholstery (a tasteful cushion I thought… until it was taken off) and suddenly the entire piece worked. The cushion made it look HORRIBLE because it was 10 inches thick instead of 3! So if any of you have an old sofa… make sure you don’t overstuff it! After the couches we looked at cabinets, a green piano, and a commode. It was an awesome afternoon. We were the late session, however, and we got there at 3:30 and didn’t finch until 5. By the time I got home it was 6 and I made dinner, watched some Big Bang Theory and then decided to write my blog. First I thought I would close my eyes for just a minute. That was at 8:30 and when I woke up it was 10. Oops! I took a shower to wake myself up and was still barley awake so I went to bed instead. Again.. not much free time!

P.S the picture is just like the sofa I touched but in worse condition (the cushion however is more accurate!)

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! I'm glad that you were able to see those things...and touch them!
