Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Already?

Wow I cant believe its Friday already. Where did the week go?? It flew by, which probably had something to do with me walking around the world with my nose literally stuck in a book. Actually not literally because unfortunately Im reading my books off of a Kindle these days. I have finished the 3 volume Hunger Games and now I just feel Eh about them. It’s a good story with lots of good imagination, but the main character gets annoying, all of the death and destruction gets kinda old, and basically I just made it through book 3 because I wanted to know the ending. So I guess I recommend it, just be prepared to get annoyed I guess.

I barely got out of bed this morning, but it was worth it. Our class this morning was French and English Porcelain. The English sucked at making porcelain, but the French factory Sevre knew that they were doing. I could collect that stuff! Rococo forms, gilding, colors… I love it. My only hope for getting a good piece is go to Westfield and dig through everything, flip it over and hope to find some that no one knows what it is. I feel like in WNY a lot of good stuff could be non-identified stuff. I just feel like there aren’t that many experts in the decorative arts that they thoroughly examine every single thing. I could be wrong…. But I know what to look for now in a real piece of Sevre and how to tell a fake. I want to go antiquing! :)

Today was one of those days though. You know when a car goes flying through water and it splashes whoever is on the sidewalk with water. Well that happened to me. Water got in my shoe and all over my leg. Grrr to that driver. THEN I was walking from school to the tube station and almost got ran over by a motorcycle while I was on the sidewalk! Stupid. I gave him a mean look. I hate motorcycles in any country…. Rome is the worse still!

This weekend I am planning to stay in and start getting to work. ALL of my assignments for the term are due in a month. It seems ike a long ways away, but when it’s a proposal for a thesis that you cant decide on a topic, a major project, two presentations and a fake test I think I should get going. Also next week is our first week of Issues and Context… the worst class ever. SO I need to read for it. Fun Fun. My flat also has thing strewn all over so that is my Sunday chore, but I cant think with the mess so I may have to do it tonight or tomorrow. What an exciting life I lead!

P.S Photo is of Serves porcelain... I told you the french were awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you got drenched by a car. That is not fun at all. But hey now to motorcycles. you can't hate them all!!! :) Just the ones that drive crazily and on sidewalks. Real motorcycles are cool :)

    Have a nice relaxing weekend.
