Friday, January 27, 2012

Corsham Court

I was dreading today. Field Trips with Christies can be long! I was up at 6:45 to make the 8:15 bus and was off to Corsham Court. I dosed off (for what I thought was 15 minutes) and woke up 1.5 hours later. I LOVE sleeping on trips. I usually cant! We enter the CUTEST little English country town that I have ever seen. It was littler than Oxford which is what made it so cute. Then we pull up to the house. I liked it MUCH more than Burghley. One it was smaller so more reasonable, and two it felt like a home (not a museum) because it is still PRIVATELY owned. Can you believe that? The taxes, heating bills, upkeep etc most be HUGE. The owner comes out and he is the nicest man! I thought he would be all stuffy but instead he was humble and friendly. We walked into the picture gallery and my mouth dropped (it has happened a lot this year!) half of the downstairs is open to the public. I can not even fathom how much wealth the man is sitting on. You couldn’t buy the collection of paintings, furniture, and objects today. There is just no way. The house was full of amazing things. A drawing by Turner, paintings by Van Dyck, Sofinsba, and Reynolds. Crazy objects and furniture. It was awesome.

During our break Freya, Isabel and went to a pub for lunch. I had a roast beef sandwich with pickled cabbage, pickles, lettuce and a creamy sauce. Delicious. And the chips!!!.... Im never eating French fries again. The chips are like steak fries, but they are double fried so the coating is thick and yummy. I could have eaten ten servings of them!

After lunch we walked around the town, then headed back to the house. We saw peacocks, and the awesome gardens. I was in awe the entire time. I felt like Jane Austen touring the rich people’s country houses! (she tours Mr Darcy’s!) It was just amazing! I have decided that all the movie stars in LA have horrible taste. If I was a billionaire I would have a house like Corsham court with big gardens and a crazy amazing picture gallery.

I got home at 7:40, took a shower and skyped mom at 8. After that the night was basically over and I fell into bed!


  1. The house is awesome. That guy must have done something right :). And you have now made me hungry. Your pub lunch sounded awesome!!

  2. Hahah yeah... he was BORN! He inherited it. It had been in his family since the 1700's!!! Dude.. the lunch was steller!
