Sunday, January 8, 2012

JFK Airport, Terminal 2, Gate 8

Well here I am again… sitting at the crazily confusing JFK airport but this time much calmer. Weirdly calm actually. The drop-off at Buffalo went well, got to gate 7 and waited for my flight. We left late, but got to JFK on time. Uncle Billy was waiting! We got my 50.5 pound bag and dragged it along with my 26 pound carry-on to the elevator, to the air train, and then over to terminal 2. What is in my bag that makes it 50.5 pounds you ask? I also would like to know. I don’t have that much stuff in it! I only packed one pair of shoes, a few sweaters and random stuff! Perhaps it’s the two things of shampoo (one of them is the family size… with the pump), my mega sixed Olay bodywash, two facewashes and three boxes of tampons… but still. It shouldn’t add up to 50.5 pounds! I don’t have any textbooks with me! (besides the Prague travel guide but that’s in my carry-on) My carry-on weight is my fault. I am carrying two boxes of fruit snacks, a bag of Swedish fish, a bag of the watermelon things, a box of sour patch kids (like the ones you get at the movies not at Sams!), a bag of Hershey kisses, my planner, Kindle, ipod, camera, and Oprah Magazine. I wouldn’t care about the 76.5 pounds of luggage except I have to carry it up 3 flights of stairs, get on and off two train, and a bus. Gah. Besides the doomed adventure that I face in 8 hours, I am exceptionally calm. Its weird. I have never been this calm or nonchalant when I am flying. I like this chill side of me!

Since you have last checked in with me lots of things have happened! I probably gained a good 15 pounds eating everything in sight, and then lost it all laughing at Bill Bryson’s awesome book. I was literally laughing out loud (ask Dad or Cooper!) I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After 20 Years Away… Go buy it. Its on Amazon and will be the best 10 dollars you have ever spent on a book. I have started the one about him hiking the Appalachian Trail and was laughing out loud at Gate 7 in the Buffalo Airport. I want all of his books for my birthday.

I came home with a list of all the things I was going to do over break. I was ready to roll and get a head start on my next term…
My List:
1. Pick a Thesis Topic
2. Read the books that my professor gave me and I lugged home
3. Re-Learn some Italian for my Venice Trip
4. Install a full version of Microsoft Word on my compy so I can do footnotes at home
5. Read through my Honors Project and get ready for Prague

The only thing I did on that list was number four. Instead I frosted cookies, made a snowman, cleaned the entire house, spent hours starting a fire everyday, played X-Box and became addicted to Modern Warfare 2, ate everything in sight, went ice skating, watched movies, built Lego creations, read Bill Bryson, organized all of my books (I need a new bookcase for my birthday too… I have filled my one floor to ceiling bookcase and my two half bookcases), survived Christmas Eve (that was no small feat. I was the youngest one there my 28 years again), went to Timmy Hortons (only twice..) drooled in Wegs, wanted everything in BonTon, ate chicken wings, chicken nuggets (but no fries…)and used a dryer. For all of you out there with dryers… don’t take them for granted. Its such a luxury to wash your clothes and wear them the same day.

News Years for me isn’t that big of a deal. Ok so the year changed… now I have to really think when I write the date. (which I do anyways… January 8, 2012 in the states in 01/08/12. Here its 08/01/2012. Confusing! I got it down first term and then went home and got all confused again!) So every New Years while everyone is making resolutions I am eating chips and dip and focusing on beating whoever Im playing a board game with. This year I have decided to give the whole resolution thing a try. You all saw how great my Over Break List went so Im not holding my breath.
This Years List
1. Make a friend
2. Don’t buy anything that isn’t food or its something I actually NEED (this is null and void once Spring comes and the new clothes come out. I still cant not go crazy thou! Perhaps an outfit. Or two…)
3. No shoe buying until Spring. When it is spring only a pair of Oxfords is allowed
4. Eat Fish and Chips even though I don’t like Fish

Hopefully that list is doable. I am excited about it now but that will probably wear off. Shortly. Just like how I brought Jillian Micheals with me (well a dvd of her anyways) so I can workout at night. That probably wont last long either (if I even start!)

Off to take a walk and stand some before this flight! Cant wait to get there!

P.S I added a picture of myself in my awesome bathrobe on Christmas morning. In my my hand is my Wedgewood Teapot from Mom and Dad (or was it from Santa? I cant remember :)) ) I always had put pics up on my Rome blog and I dont know why I havent doen for this one so Im starting to! Enjoy :))))

1 comment:

  1. Haha you crack me up :) Shampoo and Conditioner are I do believe that you suitcase weighted so much. Sorry :( I'm sure it wasn't fun to get it up your flight of stairs or on the train/bus for that matter.

    Sorry that you didn't complete your list when you were home. I think you needed the relaxation and fun though!

    I do like your New Year's Resolution list though! I do think that you might like fish and chips. It does not taste that fishy. We fry fish about once a month.

    I think that you may like working out :) Although you do so much walking that you probably don't need to! I love my tae bo dvds. I like making fun of the people on the dvd while I work out. I probably laugh more than I do work out, but that's ok!
