Friday, January 13, 2012

So Happy its Friday!

Today was rough. Well the morning was so let me restate. Half of the day today was rough. I don’t know which is better. Having to deal with the roughness in the morning when you are half asleep, or in the afternoon after you have gone through the entire day. In undergrad I didn’t wake up well, but some coffee and a run across campus in the cold (it was cold most mornings!) woke me up in time for class. Here it’s a little worse. I don’t have coffee. So I try to wake up on the commute into school. Usually I don’t have to think and I can just aimlessly walk to where I need to go. Not today. I was running on time when I got to Willesden Green station. The train was pulling in but it was pretty full so I decided to wait for the next one. The train sat there. And sat there. A few minutes later the announcer guy said that the line was having delays from a signal failure. (signal failures happen ALL the time. Especially on the District Line) The guy said that the train will move in 5 minutes. I was starting to think that I should get on this train when the guy came back on. A train had broken down in central London (a Jubilee train) so it would be awhile before any trains went anywhere. At this point its about 9:20. Im usually in central London by now. I had to use my brain. After a bit of hard work (it was hard to turn my brain on) and watching other people I remembered… the Metropolitan line runs parallel to the Jubilee and it crosses it in two places, Finchley Road (which was towards central London) and Wembley Park (which was north). The tracks to the south were blocked, but not the northen ones. So I got on the first train going North. I switched at Wembley to the Metro line, and then went south again and got into Baker Street. There I took my normal train to Great Portland. I got off that train at 9:58am. I was stressed. I got to school 5 minutes later and settled into my seat and remembered I couldn’t eat in the lecture room. I snuck some cheerios but basically I had missed breakfast.

Class started and the lecturer tells us that she was giving two lectures this morning. (we knew this because it was on the schedule) Then she says that she thought she was giving 2 hour and a half lectures but when she got here was told she was doing 2 hour long lectures. We stared at her. We thought she was doing maybe 2 45 min lectures. She said she would fit everything in the hour slot. The first one went over by 15 minutes and then she gave us a 15 minute break so at 11:35 we started again. I was so hungry. It was just a rough morning. The lecture was cool though. We are finally getting into cool porcelains. The picture on top is the set of China from Bonton that I had wanted when I saw it over Christmas. The set below is the Meissen porcelain which I think I will upgrade too. :) BonTon china just doenst seem to do it anymore..

I forgot to tell you all this yesterday…. My neighbor had stopped by and said that I needed to call the water company. She had thought I had given them the wrong flat when I signed up for water. I didn’t think so but I called anyways. They had in fact canceled my account and I had to set up a new one. The money I paid in Oct was transferred over to my new account. I couldn’t figure out how I did it. Then it hit me. Im Europe…. The UK (like Italy) numbers their floors differently. Our first floor is their ground floor. Our Second floor is their first. So when I called I said I was Flat B on the second floor, not Flat B on the first floor. Gah. I miss America.

Supposedly my new neighbor is moving in today. I keep listening for activity in the hall, but so far its just my upstairs neighbors. :( I hope its someone nice, and happens to be a 22-23 year old girl who is studying here and living on her own. I think my odds are pretty slim but Im still hoping!

Something else I keep forgetting to mention… Christies Education’s Admin just keeps getting better and better. Apparently we cant walk in the graduation ceremony until June. Of 2013. Yes you read that correctly. A year from the day that classes are over. Not this June, but the following one. We hand our thesis into them in Sept and they apparently cant get them graded and have an outside examiner read them in time to get our grades in to walk in Dec. I miss HWS more and more.

I think that is it for today! I will probably think of something that I left out while Im in the shower tonight. (yes it actually does happen. Almost on a daily basis. I think of stuff in the shower for my blog.) My plans for tomorrow are…. SLEEP IN.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a looonnng day!! Sorry that you had to put your thinking cap on so early in the morning!! At least you made it though. Although I do feel your pain...I'm sure that your stomach was growling SO badly!

    Sorry to hear about your water also...and the graduation time. I'm guessing that you did get that verified since we talked. I hope that you have a good weekend, and I hope that you can relax!
