Sunday, January 8, 2012

I feel Drugged

He misses me :(((

Im sorry for not blogging yesterday but I couldn’t function! After I last left you I boarded the plane and found my seat (44C) and the guy that had been chatting to me was in 44E. Inbetween us was a really nice girl who was a student and had visited her friends in the USA for New Years. She got stuck with him randomly asking questions! We sat at the gate for a very long time thanks to the plane who parked behind us. (yeah don’t know why that happened!) Finally we took off and I watched Crazy Stupid Love. If anyone is feeling like a Chick Flick I recommend it. I ate dinner while I watched and it was pretty tasty! BBQ chicken, beans, salad and mashed yams. (they unfortunately touched my chicken but I wiped most of the nasty, pureed root off of my yummy poultry) Then a miracle happened… I fell asleep. For THREE hours! I loved it! I am not a good sleeper on planes. My butt fell asleep also (not so cool) but the painful tingling was worth the sleep! We landed (the worse landing ever and I am slightly afraid of landings… Instead of touching down, we slammed down and then went flying forward when the pilot slammed on the brakes. Grrr)

I got my luggage (it wasn’t ripped open or missing a lock for once), got through customs (after the lady gave me attitude. I do not take attitude well after traveling of 20 hours. I gave her the “I worked at Chautauqua and have had enough attitude” look and she let me through), found the tube really easily, made the train switch easily (I love elevators), made it up the flight of stairs at Willesden stations, made it on and off the bus, and up the stairs to my flat. I was so happy to see my tiny flat and not have to deal with the Dragon that I got a second wind of energy and ran around unpacking and settling in! it almost felt like coming home! I was happy and energetic until I opened my mail (a bank statement of my account that didn’t have as much as I wanted to in it, and an electric bill) Suddenly I didn’t have energy to get off the couch. It was probably 1pm and had 8 hours until I could close my eyes. I decided to shower (there is nothing like a hot shower after a transatlantic flight) and stood there until the hot water went out! Usually that gives me energy but it didn’t help. Before I sat down I made myself make lunch (a can soup) and decided since I had pasta and a jar of sauce that there was no way I was going to Sainsburys! To stay awake I watched Glee while I ate and then just kept watching. I watched until dinner. I barely made it until 9, but I did and I fell into bed. 31.5 hours after I had gotten out of bed in the states. Finally.

I didn’t set my alarm last night because in Sept I woke up at 10 and was ready to go. Not this time… I woke up with a start at 12:30pm. 15 and a half hours of awesomeness. Actually I had really weird dreams. I was so out of it when I got up. I felt drugged (not that I know what the REALLY feels like but Im assuming its pretty close!) I don’t know how I got dressed. It took me forever to make sure I had everything for my food trip (list, money, passport (so I can use my AmEX), and bags) I literally stood in the hall, clutching my keys (my door locks automatically and my biggest fear is locking myself out) and giving myself a pat down. Shirt… Check. Coat… Check. Pants… Check. Shoes??? Yup. Purse… Check. I walk outside and rip off my scarf, unbutton my coat and unzip my sweatshirt. It was a BEAUTIFUL day of sun and warmth! SO different than WNY!

Long story short… I got everything on my list. I did forget Cheerios but I forgot to put them on my list! I spent the rest of my short day skyping mom, cleaning, making meals, and getting ready for school tomorrow. Im hoping to have time to watch Greys. Depending how this show goes I may never watch it again. Grrr. Anyways I am doing well and am tired but feel humanesque!


  1. So glad to hear that you made it back safe!! Modern Warfare 2 is awesome. I played last year when I got it for Christmas with the PS3. It's epic. I don't play a lot but I do dabble from time to time. I will definitely have to check out that book you speak of. I just went to the bookstore with Dave yesterday and got some good ones, I'll check out this one, is it on the Kindle? Exciting and excited for you, can't wait to hear from you and continue to read your blog. :)

  2. I'm glad that your flight was easy, besides your landing! And that you actually fell asleep, that's amazing!

    It sounds like you settled back in well. Good luck on your first day of the new quarter tomorrow!! And even though you slept forever, I'm sure you needed it. Although I do know what you're talking about feeling weird when you get up from sleeping that long!

    Love you!
