Thursday, January 19, 2012

My 100th Post!

So sorry I didn’t post yesterday. It was a long, boring day so Ill tell you the important bits. I got up at 5:45 on my day off (yup 5:45am on a day that I could have slept in) Why was I up that early?? To see a once in a lifetime (ok not really.. once in a great while) exhibit of Leonardo DaVinci. If you remember Im not really a fan. I know he is a genius its just his painting style that Im not really fond of. Anyways I met Freya at the Charing Cross Station and was in a very long line at the National Gallery at 7am. It wasn’t cold cold, but it was chilly and to top it off raining. We were in the middle of the line and were told that there was a possibility that we would get tickets but it wasn’t guaranteed. Freya spotted Katie from our program who was across from us, farther up in the line. Freya went over and Katie said that she would tickets for us. We stealthily handed over our student id and money. We stood and stood and at 11:30 came up with tickets. (4 and a half hours later) and that was thanks to Katie getting for us. We did badly until we later saw the couple right ahead of us in the exhibit so all was good!

Our tickets were for a 1pm entry so we headed to Pret Manger (or whatever its called) and I got soup to warm up. We headed back over and went into the exhibit. It was so SO crowded. You had to wait in line to see everything, people pushed their way in front of everyone (especially the old ladies) and after the hour and a half in the exhibit I didn’t feel like I saw anything. The best part was the two Madonna of the Rocks in the same room (the louvre actually lent it) and they were completely across the room from each other. I think it could have been set up a LITTLE better. I got home at about 3:45 and accidentally fell asleep at 4:15 and woke up at 6:30. Oops… I didn’t get anything done by the tie I made dinner, cleaned up, and showered. SO that was y day off… Oh and I paid 11 pounds for that experience. Sigh

On to today…. My commute was nice and quiet today. I just missed the crowded Jubilee train, and there was one RIGHT behind it so it was empty. I love when that happens! We followed the other packed train all the way so no one really got on the train. I got to school pretty early and got to read some more of the Hunger Games. Its starting to get old, but Im so obsessed with what is going to happen that I just keep reading. I started book one Tuesday afternoon and now Im in the 4th chapter of book three. Not too shabby for having to go to class, and Leo!

Class was on textiles so of course I loved it! We did 18th century tapestries, bed, furniture upholstery, and carpets. I really liked it! I want my house to look like all the pictures! (ok not really but it is so SO pretty.) The exciting part of the day was the afternoon. Isabel and I walked to Ben Elwes’ art gallery. Perhaps you remember the dealer who came to our talk once, the one who poked fun at Christies and looked like John Elton… well this is him. His gallery is impressive. We looked at the backs of Old Master Paintings which was BEYOND cool. We met his wife (I couldn’t believe someone married him. He seems stuffy and arrogant) who is his business partner. We also used a blacklight on a painting and learned how to see restoration. WAY cool. It was really interesting. Everything embarrassing seems to happen to me however. He had a little dog in his gallery and it would lick my feet! I had flats and skinny jeans on so the tops of my feet were bare. It licked them! I pet him to distract him and then he would go back licking! Tracy was the only one that noticed and thankfully the dog got distracted but really?? Oh and then while we were getting ready to leave one of the girls asked a price on the TINY image of a teenage boy (the one we used the blacklight on) He said 90,000 pounds and I dropped my bag in shock. I was in the process of picking it up so it wasn’t TOO high off the ground but still…. Awkward!

Other exciting news is that I got mail… and it was COUPONS! Woo! I got four coupons that double or triple my reward points at Sainsburys! I get excited about little stuff here..

Tomorrow is a half day!! I have lots of work to do in the afternoon though! Gah!

P.S The picture is my favorite portrait by Leo. She looks like she has spirit! Also I forgot my crazy Evening Standard News... London is heavily guarding its cemeteries becasue of the many MANY break ins lately. People have been stealing the Brass fixtures to sell as scrap metal. Random....

Besides reading 100 posts, you have read 57,000 words and 91 pages of text :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that the exhibit wasn't a better experience for you. Being that crowded had to be hard.

    Your class sounded interesting. And so did the other exhibit that you saw. The prices seem crazy though! And, haha, about the dog licking your feet. Strange things do always happen to you.

    Have a wonderful weekend :) And I like hearing about your crazy news!
