Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Today I was robbed from having a study day. I had to get up and go to class this morning! I wasn’t a happy camper because I am still not sleeping all that great. I cant fall asleep until around midnight every night and then I keep waking up and that isn’t cool for the girl who wants to be out by 10:30-11pm in order to wake up as a human at 8am. So I got up and somehow dragged myself to class.

Class today was cool. It was 18th Century British Rococo furniture. Enter Chippendale! Woo! Before I came here I totally thought he was American. Yup Im was an idiot. That’s why Im paying the big bucks to get educated! (I really REALLY thought he was a New Englander!) Lecture was interesting because I like this style of furniture. (Its basically the style that is in American so just think of Revolutionary War era) Ill put up a picture! The only bad thing is the lecturer is that one I had at Burghley. He goes over ALL the time because he talks so much. He knows everything so he needs to get a lot out, but still. Oh and on top of that he thinks class is done at noon. So he plans class for 15 minutes longer than it should be, and then goes over. Instead of getting out at 11:45 we got out at 12:10. Its not a HUGE deal but a 2 hour lecture gets long.

The picture… Chippendale bookcase. I do need another bookcase… Ill take that one for my birthday!! (mom and dad that was directed at you…)

After class I was going to go to Regents Park but it was a TINY bit to cold to go wandering around a park. SO I headed home to do work and made the best chart for school. I should sell it. It has the English monarchs next to the French ones, next to top artists. It took me awhile and could still use some more artists! Then at around 3 I took a nap, and am now writing my blog. Oh before I napped I heard through my door that someone new is moving into the flat below on Friday! They had been working on the flat all week so I was wondering what was going on! The lady I only saw once has apparently moved and someone is moving it! Ill keep you posted!

Off to eat and watch Pan Am (that show makes me want to be a stewardess) and then it’s a skype date with mom!

1 comment:

  1. I also like the bookcase :) Glad that your lecture was at least interesting!
