Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Already??!?

Wasn’t it JUST Friday? How does the weekend always ZOOM by? Gah I don’t wanna go to school tomorrow! I did my more routine again today. Got up late and headed to Sainsburys. It was a GREAT shopping day! It was buy one get one free oranges! AND buy one get one free Cheerios! It gets better… my digestive cookies were half price so I could get two packs instead of one! And it gets even better… the fabric softener was 2 pounds instead of 4.50 and since I would need it in two weeks or so I picked one up! Then I used my 2 pound coupon and only spent 23 pounds on all sorts of goodies. My fridge and cupboard are both FULL which doenst usually happen. I LOVE Sainsburys! (Wegmans still wins of course but Sainsburys is right up there!) After I was this excited all morning about my awesome shopping skills I realized that I am leading a sad life if I get this pumped about my weekly food trip. Its pathetic actually.

After I got home (barely because I had three bags full of food instead of my usual two half-filled bags) I put everything away and cleaned. The bathroom, kitchen and all of the floors are spotless. I love the feelings on Sunday/Monday. My flat is so clean and by Tuesday it needs help already! It smells so good in here as my laundry is drying and everything is spotless.

I do need to go to work though. I need to read my article that I have to present on. Sigh. I hate that theory class! The plan was to have it done before dinner (tonights pizza night) but I had an hour and a half skype date with mom so that may not happen! Tomorrow will come all to soon and my week will start over. At least Ill have a study day this week though and Tuesday will be a lot easier too!

Until tomorrow…. (P.S my life will be back to normal therefore my blog will be up at the right time!)

P.S Todays picture is of the owls who live in Corsham's Court gardens!

1 comment:

  1. I get excited about saving money too. LOL. Good job though! Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend.

    I'm glad to hear that the blog will be back to normal :) Haha. I was getting worried.
