Thursday, January 12, 2012

Such a Long Day

I again woke up starved from sleep. Its getting old. I did sleep better last night than I have so far this week though. Maybe exhaustion is just setting in. Getting up I knew this was going to be a long day. Class at 10:15-11:45 and then the V&A at 3:30. Isnt that EXTREMELY annoying? On a good day I have an hour and 45 minutes to sit and entertain myself. (I hate Britain and their dumb tea breaks. It does NOT take that long to drink tea) Today, however, I had 3 hours and 45 minutes… Too long to sit in the lounge, too short to go home. Gah

The morning lecture was torture. It was on Baroque silver (which should be cool) but the lady gave us basically the same lecture as she had the last time she was there and it was more about rare stuff mounted in silver than it was on actual silver objects. Add that to the fact that I was already tired and wanted to see Rococo stuff, I didn’t really take notes.

After that riveting 1.5 hours it was time to amuse myself for another 3. I ate lunch (slowly) and then wandered into the worse library on this planet. (actually that is a lie. It’s the second worse… Willesden Green is the first. At least the books in the Christies library are put in SOME sort of order!) I decided to print off my Honors thesis and read through it. (I am going to Prague later to see my Concentration Camp and need to remember everything!) What re-reading resulted in was a 41 page thesis with blue pen all over it. I started editing it… bad idea. I literally gasped in horror when I found that instead of referring to the veterans of World War I, I had put down World War II. The Nazis couldn’t have included the Jewish veterans of WWII when it hadn’t finished (or really started) yet. Oh dear. I then read a book on consumption of China in 18th century Britain. (yes it was actually interesting!) Then at 2 I couldn’t take it anymore so I went to my bank to deposit some money. It was SO cool! I walked up and put in my debit card and a hole appeared in the machine. I threw my money in it, it counted it and then deposited it for me! It was fun!

After the bank I had so much time that I decided to walk from school to the Baker Street tube stop. It was a nice day to do it. I think I may die though doing it sometime. I never know what the cars coming out of Regents Park are going to do. I don’t know what light they follow and there aren’t little people lights to tell you when to walk. I look like an idiot every time I get to the gates. (and there are about 5 of them!) I battle plan every time… pretend to make sure shoes are tied (I looked even dumber when Im wearing my boots) look at the car, in the street, and then make a mad dash. So far so good.

I get to the V&A without any problems. I even found the staircase that we were supposed to meet at! At 3:30 I got to go behind-the-scenes to the “Staff Only” area! WOO! Our tutor was Angus (the Australian who talks like Hugh Jackman) Honestly I could listen to him talk ALL day and be completely happy. Then we got GLOVES and… TOUCHED SILVER! Woooo!!!! It was epic! Todays picture is an example of what I touched. I held a 1750’s silver ewer that weighed more than a child. It was EXPENSIVE. The ewer in the picture is the same sort of thing that I HELD today! SO epic. So that made my day. It was long and I was so SO tired but I held an expensive hunk of Rococo silver while an Australian explained it. Not too shabby! :)

I didn’t get home until after it was dark (around 5:30) and made dinner, unpacked stuff, cleaned up and now am writing. Next is a shower and bed will follow soon after! Tomorrow is FRIDAY!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the long wait paid off!! That was a crazy long wait though...but so cool that you got to do that! I'm glad for you. Enjoy your friday :)
