Monday, January 23, 2012

A Very Long Day

It is my 17th day in London and my routine is already getting wearisome. Pathetic... I know. But it’s true. I don’t know how Im going to survive Real Life if I get bored doing the same routine every day after I have had a month off. I don’t think Ill get a month off every 3 months in Real Life. I should be a professor…. Then I would! And I would have summers! Hmmm…..

Today was a long day. The morning routine of getting up, dragging myself on a 10 min walk, two trains, and a 5 minute walk just didn’t go over so well this morning. I made it and ate my cheerios. I didn’t read however, because I don’t have a great book. I realized that I hadn’t been that obsessed with a book since Harry Potter 7. The Hunger Games was a breath of fresh air. I love being addicted to a book that I literally just cant put down and Ill stay up WAY past my bedtime to squeeze in those extra chapters. Now I feel lost in the book world. Im back to classics (Jane Eyre) and I just cant get into it.

Class this morning was good. We looked at William Hogarths work. It was fun because he is ALL about the Satire. So this morning not only did we get some art history, we actually laughed through what he painted. This doesn’t happen all too often in the art history lecture world. You get a lot of erotic stuff that the professors get awkward telling you. (that is just so incredibly awkward by the way. The more awkward the professor is the more awkward everyone else is. You may as well just have fun with it (like our professor Patty.) He just tells it like it is!) Anyways… class was fun today!

Todays picture is one of my new favorites. Its by Hogarth and of the Graham Children. Ill give you the quick run-down… its all about childhood (obviously), the loss of childhood, and how fleeting of a stage it is. The boy on the right is playing his instrument/box thing, and thinks that the bird is singing along to it. The bird sees the cat, however, and is probably making noise in fear! On the side of the box is Pan playing to the animals (they forget the natural food chain and instead all harmonize) The boy still thinks this is possible (until he grows up and realizes that it isn’t). The baby boy is actually dead… he is sitting in a car that is an outdoor toy, reaching for cherries (the fruits of paradise) and the silver basket at his side may be an offering (most people don’t give their best silver to 4 children under 13). The clock above him represents the fleeting movement of time, and death. So childhood doesn’t last forever. And the oldest girl is looking out as us suggesting that she is on the verge of losing her childhood and becoming a young lady. That is the very basic rundown! I like it :)

After our lecture is when the day got long. We had a session about our project right after it (I was really hungry by 12:15 when it ended!) AND Mondays are museum days. Sigh. My group was with Andrew at the V&A at 2. I deposited my check (my loan money came today!) and ran off to the museum where the 1.5 hour session took 2 hours and 15 minutes. I was pulling my hair out by the end and had stopped listening. I finally got home and did some stuff, made/ate dinner and am writing this. Next is a shower, some work and then I get to get up tomorrow and do exactly the same thing ALL over. Except instead of the V&A Im going to the national Portrait Gallery. Sigh.

I forgot to grab a paper so no crazy stories today :(

P.S I did write yesterday because I just cleaned and did work!

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