Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cozy Day

So there isn’t much to report today. I have been back a week now and I feel like I am settling back in. I am hoping Im officially back on track timewise. We shall see how I sleep tonight but last night I was out! I slept in today and was going to take a stroll around town and see what my whole neighborhood is like (pathetic that it has taken so long I know. I always just went into central London though on my adventures) Today was too cold though to just wander around outside so I stayed in to get some work done. I feel like I need to refresh myself on what I saw last semester and keep up on it so when we have our image test later this term I wont be cramming! I don’t know where this “good student” stuff is coming from. I def didn’t do this in undergrad! I am almost done with my epic chart of monarchs/artists which will be good. I am hoping to print it off at school on Monday.

Last night I finished reading my undergrad thesis…. I hate it. I want to scrap it all and start over. I feel like the writing is at the level of a college freshman, not a senior Honor student. Gah. Maybe Ill start working on that too. Also I need to start thinking about my next step. Sigh. After June 29th (my last day of class) it is just one big mystery! (besides the fact that ill be writing a thesis in something and then being a beach bum at Katies for a bit!)

Today I also have decided that I want to go to Budapest. It looks pretty epic. We shall see what happens! I want to fit so many places in while Im here but need time and more importantly this weird thing called money!

That’s all for today. Off to shower and read some of Bill Bryson’s book!!

P.S the picture.... Budapest Castle. Looks cool right??

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice relaxing day! You should check out the area that you live in though :)

    I can't believe that you are already studying, way to go!! I'm sure that your honor thesis wasn't that bad :) And I'm glad that you're going to be a beach bum here for awhile, love that!!

    So what is in Budapest that interests you so much? Just wondering :)
