Tuesday, January 17, 2012

An Easy Day

Well my morning was back to normal… hating my alarm and staying in bed too long! The tube was oh so nice to me this morning though! I didn’t have to wait for a train at all. I would step on the platform and BAM one would come. It was like the train schedule revolved around me…. I liked it!

Before class I finished my Bill Bryson book so I decided to change it up. All I have heard about is the Hunger Games so I decided to see what all the hype was about. I read a chapter and I was HOOKED. I haven’t been this obsessed since Harry Potter came out. I love it so far and would recommend it!

Class was eh… It was Rococo silver and frankly Im getting tired of silver. I cant remember all of the technical terms and I can never tell how its made by looking at it. The only think I like about it is that it is shiny and worth a lot of money. The 18th century stuff is getting better because they are casting their pieces, which makes them thicker. But still… getting old.

During lunch I stuck my nose in my book (actually my Kindle which I will be happy to sell btw after my time in London is over. I like real books.) Then it was time for our intro to this terms Culture and Ideology. If you recall I chose to be a feminist and look at the representation of women in art and women artists. He randomly assigned topics for us to do our presentations on… he must love me. I really almost hugged him. I have governesses and seamstresses. EASY! So happy!

We got our info for our trip to Lame Old Paris. Nope not being sarcastic. I don’t like Paris. If you want “romance” go to Rome. Paris is just a city with snobby people running around. The food is good though… but otherwise not pumped. Anyways… we go May 22nd-25th. Alex if you are reading this Im going to send you an email because I think you are flying in the 21st….. Sorry about that.

Well Im off to skype my sister and then head to bed EARLY. Im meeting Freya at 6:55 to attempt to get tickets to see Leonardo Da Vinci (who I don’t like). I feel like I should see it though. Its the first time his two Madonna of the Rocks are side by side because the French FINALLY lent it out. So Im getting up at 5:45am to stand in line for 3 hours to hopefully get a ticket. I didn’t think it was going to sell out so I didn’t buy a ticket months ago. Should have because now I have to put in a lot of effort to get one of the 500 tickets that they hold back each day. The things I do to see art. Ill tell you all about it tomorrow!

P.S the picture is a sliver teapot on a heating thing a mig jig, I want one...

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to let me know more about these new books that you're reading. I never thought that you would be much of a kindle person. But I can see the convenience!

    That's awesome that you got a great topic for your presentation. You'll have a lot of fun with that.

    Oh and I'm glad that you did get your tickets. Can't wait to hear about it!
