Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Epic Fail of Stromboli size proportions

I woke up this morning at 8am just in case my workmen man would come. It was like Christmas morning. My alarm went off and BAM I was awake, up, dressed and sitting on the couch. I sat there rocking back and forth just like I have sat on the top of the hallway stairs on Christmas morning for the last 21 years of my life. This time though I wasn’t telling mom to hurry (she is the slowest person on the planet on Christmas morning! Sorry mom but you are!) it was the workman dude.

At 9:15 I heard a door slam. I went to my front window and saw a communications van. Woo! I was excited and hoping it was for me. It was! He ran up to me (my intercom does work which is incredibly exciting) and I pushed the little button to let him in. (which also worked!)He is really nice and I am writing my blog while he is here because my flat is so small I have nowhere to go but I don’t want him to feel like I am watching his every move. I was going to write my paper but im too excited to think about Sir Anthony Van Dyck at a time like this. It is sad how excited I am for the World Wide Web, and for Grey’s Anatomy! I will be able to keep in touch with everyone so much better now too! EXCITED! (if you didn’t already know!)

Ok well while Im sitting here Ill tell you all about some things that I have been forgetting. Number one is somewhat a mystery to me…. Maybe you can help me out. The last few days I have been to tired to read on the tube. Im just not awake yet so I have been people watching. There has been a girl applying copious amounts of makeup everyday. I don’t understand. Why would you do your makeup on the tube? First everyone stares at you while you do it. Second, everyone knows the copious amounts that you are applying. Thirdly we are MOVING in a tube, and fourth the mirror is so small that they just look dumb. So I don’t get it. Literally everyone stares… it’s like a show. And some girls really cake that makeup on. I just don’t understand. Get up 5 minutes earlier and do it in the comfort of your home and pjs.

Ok the guy is still here and I just want to pounce and ask how its going and whats he doing. That would be incredibly annoying! Sorry you are all getting the play by play of the excitement! He just moved to go outside and trace it. Whatever that means! I hope that means he is almost done! He has the cap in here back on so that must be good! Yay I am so close to living the good life! (i.e having internet on my couch..) Really people… you take it for granted. For those of you reading this in the comfort of your home and who didn’t have to walk 4 blocks carrying all your crap to a hangout for the homeless that has stupidly short hours….. be grateful!!!!

Ok after an hour and 15 minutes he is GONE!! I have to wait about 15 minutes he said for the router to recognize the internet and then Im all set to go. Im so excited. I did a little jig when he left! Hahaha. It was so awkward for a minute…. He looked really embarrassed and asked to use my bathroom. I didn’t care but I felt bad that he was so embarrassed to ask. Im now sitting on my couch staring at my router. Haha

Ok Epic fail on the internet. The light never came on…. Because Orange needs to activate my account and it takes 7-10 working days. O my goodness. I almost was mean and then I thought of all of us minions answering the phone at Chautauqua! Im a perfect customer thanks to that experience! So I was nice and said ok, and then threw my phone at my pillow. (it was my 10 pound phone, not my droid). I sunk into a depression making lunch and then decided I needed to accomplish things! I ate lunch and headed out to register for the doctors. I thought it would be annoying but it was really simple. I didn’t know the dates of my shots and the lady was just like eh whatever. Alright… so that was easy. Then I made the mandatory check up appointment for next week. Next stop was to make myself exempt from the council tax. Its about 900 pounds a year so I really did not want to pay it. That was also painless! I have done a lot today which makes me feel better. I have even worked some on my paper, and now I only have to do my reading for Friday. I am all set up to watch Greys… but I don’t have internet. Grr.

I want to completely re-do my wardrobe. I love the style here. I get dressed up a lot here… like no jeans dressed up. Its nice to wear legit clothes and look nice instead of sweats. Im going to stick out I think when I come home! I want so many pairs of shoes and I was in H&M yesterday (LOOKING not buying! I walked out without a bag!) and I wanted every evening dress there was. Where do people wear these too?? I wanna wear them! I wish H&M was my closet and Aldo supplied my shoes. (or Coach… :))

Well that was my roller coaster of a day. Im waiting to skype mom in the library and then off to do homework and have a quiet night at home. I am loving the stress-free living! I am COMPLETELY settled now that I have a doctors and got rid of the council tax. I cant believe I have moved to London, found a flat alone, moved, figured out my droid and SIM cards, bought internet, found a doctors, figured out water and electricity bills, became exempt from tax all on top of going to school and I have done it all alone. Im pretty proud of myself. USA…. Bring it on! I can do anything in the US if I can do it here!

O one more note…. The entire population of London hates America. I guess we are demanding crazy security stuff for the Olympics. It really is crazy.. what we are demanding. I should look it up again in the paper and tell you all! We want Britain to up everything to crazy numbers!

Ok off to surf the web until mom comes on!

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a crazy day. I'm sorry that the internet isn't ready yet! That's a bummer. Once you get it let me know so we can skype!! I can skype any day next week except for Tuesday probably (I have go grocery shopping:( ) But I have Wed-Fri off. I'm glad that you have a doctor and everything!! Once you find the security stuff let us know. I'd like to know.
