Monday, November 28, 2011

A Normal Sunday

Today was a normal Sunday. I woke up (earlier than I expected actually. I was up at 9!!) and started my laundry. I sat on the couch and read while I waited! When it come out it was time to head to Sainsburys where I only spent 12 pounds! I am so excited! And that is with buying cookies! I have 18 extra pounds from this week’s food money! I think the trick was that I ate some cheerios right before I left! I wasn’t as hungry! I came home, but everything away, and cleaned the flat! Every surface got its weekly cleaning in! The I continued to read my book while I ate lunch and then headed to the library.

I am hoping that my trip today was the last one. I cant stand that library anymore and I hate not having the internet. If I don’t get it tomorrow I may go crazy and lose my sanity. I cant read anymore. I read ¾ of my “new” book today. Oh if anyone wants my copy they can have it! I will gift it to you! It’s The Way We Were…. I didn’t cry at the end. I literally sobbed. Full out sobbing. I hated the book so if you want to cry your heart out this book is the right one for you. My nose is still runny and I finished it a good 25 minutes ago. Basically I am done being positive about me not having the internet. My patience is too far gone for that. Its been like 6 weeks and Im not know for my patience to begin with.

Next on the list for tonight is reading academic things so I can start the hardest paper I have ever written. I think it is going to be difficult to explain something in 2500 words when I have NO idea what either guy is saying.

Oh I looked for my electric meter today… I almost died finding my water meter but I cant find my electric. There isn’t anywhere else for it to be! Im going to have to bug Jack and text him tomorrow. Oh why I almost died… I found a cupboard above the stairs (so if you are walking up stairs and turn around there is a cupboard but you have to lean out over the stairs and brace yourself on the walls to poke your head in) Ask my sister… Im a snoop. I admit it. I like looking in cupboards! So I saw it and opened it. All that was in it was a bunch of junk, some tools and the water meter that doesn’t even work because we aren’t on the meter system for the water! Grrrr….

I should go actually do work. I have done such I great job at putting it off all day that I feel guilty….

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you saved money this week on groceries! Good job. I need to learn how to do that :)

    You crack me up about the cupboard above the stairs. LOL. I can totally picture you doing this :) I'm very glad that you did not kill yourself!

    And after reading this and looking at facebook I am so glad that you won't go crazy because now you have the internet!!!! YAY!
