Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Actually Im not a huge fan of Halloween… but Happy Halloween to those of you who are. Apparently its not that big around here either. There was an event at the library that kids came dressed up for on Sunday, but last night I didn’t see any kids out in costumes. Maybe its just hard to trick or treat when you have to buzz to get into flat buildings?? I don’t know but it was a quiet night and I didn’t even have to worry about chocking a little kid by feeding him Starbursts. All and all a good evening :)

Monday itself was a pretty busy day. I went to school early so I could fix my powerpoint (gotta love not having powerpoint on my laptop. Must fix that problem over Christmas) It doesn’t help that I throughly hate powerpoint in general. Its so overrated. I hate making the slides, and people can either lecture well with it or it’s a disaster. Anyway I worked on my powerpoint before lecture, shoved some cherrios down my throat and went to the lecture room. Lecture was all about living in the Renaissance era. It was pretty interesting because all she did was show us country houses and palaces from France and England. There never gets boring. Other than that however, it was not that informative. But it was fun.

After lecture I…. you guessed it! Hit up the library and then shoved lunch down my throat. Our afternoon class was at the National Portrait Gallery with is on Trafalgar Square so it was a walk to get there! It was good to walk another part of the city though. I need to go back and explore, but I probably shouldn’t considering all the really want to check out are the little hole in the wall bookstores that are covered in dust. (those bookstores are the best kind. Add some dust and tower books up to the ceiling and Barnes and Nobles would be heaven. Kinda like the Strand actually… but with coffee!) Anyways the National Gallery is AMAZING and I only saw a bit of it. We whizzed past master works to get to our era of study and I was drooling. Class itself was boring. I am going to sound really conceited… but I knew all of it. We were identifying saints in images and what that attribute is. I talked SO much because I knew all of them. Man in the wilderness looking hungry with a lion…. St Jerome. Man in study with red cardinals hat… St Jerome. Mary Magdalene: red hair/jar of ointment. Virgin Mary: blue robes, fainting, or vase of water. St Catherine… a wheel. St Peter… keys etc etc….or mythical gods. Diana with a Bow etc. It was cool to see the works in person and nice that I didn’t have to take notes!

After class I stopped at a souvenir store and picked up 3 posters of fake painting of London scenes for a 1 pound a piece to add some life to my flat. Then I ran home to write my notes for my presentation, and make a handout. (P.S here handouts are a huge deal. Every lecturer must give a handout with notes. I can see an image list, but not notes. I made my people work. I gave them dates and images and if they really wanted to know they could write down why the dates were important for themselves. It’s a Masters Program! Im not giving them everything!)

Off to bed !


  1. Anna, I know I have not commented before, but just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your blog. It has been so much fun exploring London with you. Thanks for sharing. Each day I look forward to hearing of your adventures! Laurie

  2. I am so glad to hear that you knew stuff for your class. How awesome is that! Can't wait to see more pictures of the pad!!

  3. LAURIE!!! I miss you! Im glad you like it! I am trying to keep everyone posted on my life! Hopefully Ill see you in a month or so! I hope everything is going well for you!
