Monday, November 14, 2011

Grumpy Gills

I have been in such a bad mood all day today and its getting worse as this is the loudest library on the planet. Didn’t know that screaming children, annoying teenagers and talking on cell phones were the norm for libraries. Apparently it is for this one. Not to mention that you cant find a book in here because of the of organization of it and none of the books are where they should be. Grrrr…. I told you all I was in a bad mood!

Today wasn’t even all that bad. The morning lecture was all about Bernini who I have studied a lot before but he never really gets old! Then the afternoon was the V&A. That was incredibly boring and seemed to last for freaking ever. So I don’t really know why im so incredibly grumpy but I am.

OK I just checked my email, my HWS one that I haven’t checked in ages because its mostly junk mail now. The dragon emailed me! I haven’t opened it because I don’t want to deal with her tonight. I cant believe that after a month she emailed me! Gah.

So basically Im going to go home to peace and quiet. Maybe work on my paper, maybe not. Then im off to bed early to see if that puts me in a better mood tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Awww sorry that you're in a bad mood. I can't believe that a library is like that! At least in a few days you'll have your own internet and you won't have to go back to that library. Good luck with the dragon email. I can't wait to read the blog on that one!! I love you though!! And miss you :)
