Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I miss Dr Holley

I did not want to get up this morning! I was sleepy and this was supposed to be my sleeping in day! I did drag myself out of bed though and headed to the doctors. The nice thing is that it is a 30 second walk. Literally. That is where the nice things about it end. I hate it there. I want Dr. Holley. I go in and show them my little appointment card. I sit down and see my name scrolling on a sign so I get up and ask what that means. Apparently it means that I can go in. So I go in and instantly pray I never need to come back. Ever. It looks like a summer camp nurses office. Great. I find my nurse and get asked 55 million questions. First I need a next of kin in the UK. Really? I say Mary Tanner but I think I gave her the wrong phone number so that was pointless. Next was all the “have you ever” questions (surgery, broken things etc…) All my answers are no. I think she is getting frustrated she isn’t getting any juicy details. Next it is weigh/measure time. I love getting measured! I am 5 foot 8.5 (if she converted the cm to inches right for me) and I got weighed. She enters in my info and the computer calculates my BMI (yeah camp nurse offices don’t have that but still… you should have seen this place) and I then get a lecture about eating because Im under the ideal weight. She literally interrogated me and didn’t believe that I eat carbs (hello grad student living off of a loan… I live on pasta), do I eat meat etc etc. By this point I don’t like woman. Then we go through family history (which I should probably learn better at some point in my life). She then tried to get me to get screened for EVERY STD under the sun. Umm no thanks. And then the golden moment “did you bring your urine sample??” Ummm no. Didn’t know I needed one. Off to the potty I go, hating my life more and more every second. I survived this appointment but barely. I never want to go back. So I loved Dr. Holley before this experience, but my love for him grew EXPONENTIALLY.

Today I have wild plans… reading for class, going to the library and maybe starting to think about my really hard paper. Yeah… back to the normal life of having no plans.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha. You and doctors. LOL. They have to ask all of those questions silly :) But I'm surprised that they are asking for a next of kin in the UK. Most students won't have anyone! well i hope that you don't have to go back, but at least you're on file now :)

    Good luck working on your paper.
