Monday, November 7, 2011

Gah to Mondays

This wont be very long because I am tired, slightly grumpy and very sick of being at this smelly hangout for the homeless (aka my local library). Last night wasfn! It was so much fun to be in the sports pub atmosphere and see all the crazy sports fans. It was very funny that there were english guys rooting for Buffalo and no one really knew where it was. On guy was amazed I was from around there (its hard to get them to realize I live in the middle of nowhere so Buffalo is freaking close enough!) and he said he google mapped the stadium and his quote… “Do you know its in the middle of Bloody nowhere?” Wow. Yes. Yes I do and actually compared to my home town that is not nowhere… that is civilization. Also one of the questions on the British NFL station came in from the viewers and the question was “Why are the Buffalo Bills named the Buffalo Bills?” Seriously? No one knew and the announcer said that they had to research it. Later after some commercial breaks they thought it was because of a guy named Buffalo Bill but they didn’t really know who that was. And I was the only person in the place that knew the cheerleaders were Buffalo Jills. Really?? You call yourselves fans? It was fun though, and the cider was good!

I got home late, and to bed late, so I am sleepy today. Lecture this morning was 16th century Netherlandish paintings. For those of you who feel sorry for me its ok… Im happy as long as we are out of the Renaissance and of Italy! The afternoon session was our first professional development. It was interesting and depressing at the same time! The one panel dude was the coolest guy. He was Australian and sounded JUST like Hugh Jackman… nothing bad about that! He also is in charge of the arms and amour at the V&A so he was really cool. The other girl didn’t sound as cool when she talked… but she works for the Queen so that’s legit. I wanna work for the Queen!

After school I went to get my dumb British Library card. What a HASSLE! I thought libraries were supposed to like you to come in and read. Nope.. not the British one. Then I ran home, grabbed my compy and headed to the library where I looked things up but I really want to go home. I may soon! Tomorrow is an easy day which I am thankful for! Hopefully I can get in bed early tonight. I am tired!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha the people's comments at the pub crack me up. Buffalo is actually civilization! LOL if they only knew. :) Glad that you had fun though!!

    That would be awesome to work for the Queen. I wonder how you get that job?

    Awesome about the library card!! Soon you'll have internet and won't have to go to your smelly library :) Friday right for internet?
