Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Potluck

Today was my Thanksgiving! Right now I am full and loving it. Lets back up though to this morning! I woke up and looked at the clock… 8:30. What?! Cant a girl sleep in around here? So I refused to get up and instead rolled back over to rest some more. Half an hour later (or so I thought) I decided I should just get up and be productive before I ate my weight in food. I rolled over and it was 11:15!! I thought I had just closed my eyes for 25-30 minutes! I really had to get up now! I hopped in the shower (I was way too lazy to shower last night!) and got ready to go. Then I realized I would be ridiculously early so I read a little bit of my new book! (I am currently reading two books. The Death and the Virgin (which is basically a textbook but I LOVE it) and The Way We Were which a lot of people are reading at the moment and I heard it was good. So far so good. Well if any of you know me and reading… I cant read for 5 minutes. It just doesn’t happen. So next time I looked up it was 1:30 and I needed to get everything together to go!

Getting there was painless. Thank goodness the Jubilee and Victoria line was work free today. And Lesley gave us really good directions so I got there without any problems. I was the third one there (at 2:30) so I hung and talked with the girls and more slowly arrived. We ate at 5:15 and there was SO much food that everyone brought! It was really good (even had brussel sprouts!) It was just different though. I did eat a bit of everything… including the turkey. I ate Turkey without bbq/sweet and sour sauce. I was proud of myself! And my plate was literally heaping with food and I was so hungry that I didn’t even care that everything was running together and touching. It was a Thanksgiving garbage plate! (for those of you who know what that means!)I ended up leaving at about 10:00pm. It was fun but it just got to be a little long for the girl who finds it tiring to make conversation with people that you don’t really know all that well. I didn’t it for 8 hours. I think I deserve a star or something. My contribution to the meal was two bottles of wine (I asked what Lesley needed!) I should have only bought one because I took the second home with me! There was about 12 girls there so I thought 2 would be better but a lot of people ended up bringing a bottle. I can never remember which color goes with what meat and I thought white went with chicken and turkey is close to chicken! I bought a red just in case too! And then I was worried that people like the sweet instead of the dry! It was stressful but it all turned out just fine! Question to the wine people out there… is a Riesling just a NY/Eastern coast of USA thing? I found ONE bottle in the store and it was like 18 pounds. They had every other kind but no Rieslings. (which I was bummed about because I went to college in the Riesling heaven!) Just curious! So now I have an even better offer for people… a couch to sleep on (aka double bed) and a bottle of Chardonnay. Someone visit me! :) (especially my sister who wont come home for Christmas and picked Hawaii over seeing her little sister in London!)

Speaking of Rieslings…. I really miss HWS. A LOT. I think I could be their poster girl. Compared to this post-grad experience HWS is a million times better. Everyone in high school should tour it. Compared to Christies the professors are so helpful and willing to help to at any time. I miss being able to just walk in their office and chat about an assignment without being completely intimated and having to schedule an appointment. I didn’t realize how good I had it I guess. And I had SO much more work there which sucked at the time, but Im realizing how much that helped me learn the material. Here I sit in lecture and then the topic is done. I am thankful that I pick things up quickly and am good at memorizing things. Otherwise I don’t know how I would learn things here. Maybe because it’s a post-grad course that they except us to do our own things?? A girl at the potluck tonight is at Christies doing her second Masters and she said this course was a LOT harder than her other one. WHAT? This is so easy work wise. I don’t understand. Anyways I miss HWS and being around friends all the time. I would even go to Saga happily right now. Even if it wasn’t a Sunday Sunday.

I need to clean my flat. I have gone into lazy bum mode and everything is just all over. Tomorrow wil be busy with laundry, cleaning and starting my paper. Well reading for it. I have no idea what Kant is saying! 100 dollars to the person to tell me all about Kant, Bourdieu, and Hume and relate them. In 2500 words too. Im in so much trouble.

Its midnight so off to bed!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great time! I know that your Thanksgiving wasn't quite the same, however at least you had a lot of food!! And...turkey without some sort of sauce, wow!! :)

    And I don't know your Riesling question...sorry. We have Rieslings in VA but otherwise I don't know. Sorry:(

    And I'd love to come see you. However, plane tickets are not quite cheep. I had to make my decision of where we were going before you decided you were going to London. So I choose Hawaii and three days later you decided to go to London. Wish I could some see you :( Sorry :(

    Love and miss you!!
