Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Morning

This morning as been the routine Sunday morning, but I slept in a lot later than last Sunday! I got up at 10:30 and got dressed. Grabbed my list and headed to Sainsburys. I wasn’t expecting to spend much and I didn’t besides the fact that I tried to have soup for lunch yesterday and didn’t have a can opener to open it. So some of my extra food money went to a can opener so I can eat the food I have. Gah! It is so frustrating.

I went to Sainsburys looking like a complete crazy because for some strange reason I didn’t brush my hair out after my shower. I just took it out of the towel and went to bed. I have no idea what I was thinking. (apparently I wasn’t it) So today my red locks are CRAZY. In a ponytail it looks like I rubbed a balloon all over my head, down it looks like I stuck my finger in an outlet. Its one bad hair day. Its in a bun at the second in a sad attempt to control it!

Im home sweating from carrying my groceries, and because its so hot in here. It was a turn on the heater night last night so I always roast for the day after. Im working on laundry so at least the clothes and bedding will dry fast today! :)

I just have a feeling I wont get a ton done today either… I am going to head to the library at 2 and then I do in fact have a football watching date at 6pm tonight. Go Bills!! Freya and I are meeting at the Charing Cross Tube station so I have to figure out what line that is on. I have been by it on a bus, but haven’t ever been through it on the tube!

Ill post about tonight tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the bad hair day. At least it was a weekend day!! And I hope that you guys had a fun time watching the game. Sounds like fun to me :)
