Saturday, November 19, 2011


Today was a good day! I woke up to Erin messaging me :) I was running a little late but it was worth catching up with her! The tube today was on time and the commute to class was easy! My former favorite part of my commute is now my least favorite. I used to love Baker Street. I still do, but its just crowded and a hassle! I didn’t used to have to walk through it, just look at it through the window! I read an article today that they are working on making the Jubilee line even better (that’s my line!) for the Olympics because Wembley Station (which is 3 stops away from me) is an Olympic stadium. My excitement for the Olympics coming here is dwindling. My quiet tube is going to be horrible. They are estimating another 1 million people on the tube during the Olympics. GAH!

I got to school fast and had a lot of time. Today I picked to start Anne of Green Gables. I love Anne. She is one of my all-time favorite characters. Gilbert and her are my favorite couple too. She names plants too (which I just noticed) so that makes her even cooler! (I have a habit of naming my orchids and I just named my rose bush Adelaide!) And she has red hair :) than mine but though! I love how she says that red heads cant wear pink even in imagination! Oops… I break that law!

Class was on Spanish art which was really awesome. I love some of the work! I hate a lot of it too! Im learning that art is not as innocent as I thought. We are learning all kinds of sexual conations (which I knew about some) but the Dutch especially have some crude since of humor! And the violence in the martyrdom scenes! He showed us the easy ones to look at and spared us the worst ones. We saw some gross stuff! People being skinned alive, a woman having her breasts torn off with pincers (cant remember what Saint that is at the moment…) But it was all intense!

Fridays afternoons = issues and context. The class this week was SO short… I was walking out the door of the building at 3:03! Only an hour and a half long! Today was Karl Marx, Foster, and Freud. All I could think about during Freud was Frasier!! Haha. I love that show! Anyways Freud was pretty crazy and I learned all fetishism and sexuality (of course… its Freud after all!) It was the first time reading Freud and it was really interesting. Here Ill teach you a basic chart.

Violence Sex
. insulted . see pretty girl
l l
. punch guy . . date her
l l
. fight (kill the man) . sex
That is the normal flow of events, but in some peoples mind instead of the flow downwards, the lines get crossed and the goes through the middle dot. So instead the flow is see pretty girl, date her, kill her. This happens with murders with sexual implications (the SVU unit!) I thought it was interesting. Anyways we eventually applied fetishism to art… and how it affects the value of the piece of art. The more detail= more fetishized=more valuable. And then we brought commodity into it and how that affects the value. Like a cup from ancient Greece… to that society it was just a cup but we fetishize it and put it ina museum under lights as a piece of art. It was all kind of mind blowing but I think I got the basics! Also flowers are ruined for me in a way. I We talked about Georgia O’Keefe and her flowers. I have learned about the sexuality behind her flowers at HWS, but we looked at flowers in general in fetishism. Gah. Roses are ruined…. Just read William Blakes poem! Poor Adelaide is just never going to be the same for me (she is my rose!) Basically that was class!

I got home by 3:45 and didn’t know what to do with myself! I decided to take a trip to the big Sainsburys to buy a new pan. I am literally eating my old one. It is burning off in the inside and little flakes end up in my food. I decided that this was not a good idea and I should invest in a new pan and frying pan! I also treated myself to a clock so my phone doesn’t have to be on ALL the time through the night and be my alarm in the morning! I didn’t realize that it needed batteries however… gah. Then I came home, read the Evening Standard, and made leftovers for dinner. Somehow its 8pm… don’t know what I have been doing! After this Im going to plan my day tomorrow, shower and go to bed early! Maybe read some more of good ole Anne :)

Oh I am excited.. I was invited to a Thanksgiving next Saturday by some girls at school! I am really excited about it! I feel like I have people to talk to at school, but I don’t really know them so I am looking forward to “thanksgiving”!

Ill try to do something epic tomorrow… I feel like my blog needs some spice!


  1. SOrry my chart didnt copy and paste well!! Ill post todays stuff tomorrow!

  2. I would imagine that it will get very crazy over there for the Olympics. Sorry that it will be so busy on your line though. That's a little frustrating. Your classes sounded interesting.

    Have fun going to a Thanksgiving! I have been thinking about you and how weird that would be to not have a Thanksgiving!

    Ohhh...and I'm glad that you bought new pans. It probably isn't healthy that you were eating your old one :) Love you!!
