Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Nomal Day

For some reason todays commute was a pain. I guess I shouldn’t complain because I haven’t had a problem with the Jubilee line since I have moved and the District line was ALWAYS a pain. But today the trains were 5-7 minutes apart and we sat at every platform for quite a bit. I didn’t get to Great Portland St until 9:45 and usually Im there at 9:30.

Class was morning was good actually. It was on 17th century Dutch art which I basically know nothing about. I really like the Dutch paintings though… besides the still lives. There are too many under lying meaning that ruined the pretty pictures of beautiful stuff for me! I love the landscapes, marine, and genre painting though.

In the afternoon we had materials and techniques of paint surfaces. That was fun, but my brain hurt afterwards! He would show us a tiny portion of an old master painting and we had to tell him who painted it. By the end my centuries were confused and all the brushstrokes were looking almost the same! Another problem was that I am realizing that I didn’t get a lot of later art history at HWS. I am a pro at the Renaissance (ok not a pro but I know a lot of stuff) but once you get into the Rococo I don’t know artist’s names (except for the obvious ones of course!) and by Impression I only know the superstars! It was a fun class though!

Tonight Im going to work on my footnotes for my paper and if Im really ambitious Ill finish writing it. I don’t really know what to do with myself after class now. Im tired so I don’t feel like running all over the city, but I have nothing to do really at home and STILL no internet. I finished my reading for Friday yesterday and I am writing a paper that is due Dec. 16th. Yeah…. I feel like I need a life! I also would love an income… that would be awesome actually. I don’t like not making money!

Off to the library to post this. Sigh. I am so tired of going to that library…..

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an interesting class. Hopefully your internet will start working soon! I can see how it is getting old to not have internet at your place. I hope that you have a great weekend!
