Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy November 1st! (aka the post I forgot to post!)

Ahhh its November. That means the month for Christmas is coming! I am very excited!! I know I know.. its too early to be excited. Since the British don’t have Thanksgiving they are already getting ready for Christmas. Oxford is slowly starting to decorate and windows are popping up. Love it :)

I forgot to mention about yesterday… the National Gallery has the BEST bookstore. BEST. Its all art history so it doesn’t get any better than that. I wanted every book in there. I didn’t buy a THING! (someone please be impressed and proud of me! I resisted the art history book temptation)

Today was crazy and long. I was at school early again to tweak my powerpoint and print my notes and handouts. Then I ate breakfast and read some of Emma (Dear Jane Austen…. It better start to get more exciting pretty soon because I don’t like Emma and its slow. Just saying) Then our lecture was on Renaissance furniture. It was cool, but so broad (we covered the medieval ages to the end of the Renaissance) that I feel like we just brushed the surface. Hopefully next week Ill learn more in our furniture handling session.

After lecture it was lunch, and reading over my notes. I was nervous that it was too short. But then I decided not to worry about it because there was nothing I could do about it now. So I read some more of Emma.

The presentation actually went well. The only thing I was mad at myself for was not making the point about Van Dyck being a narcissist. It was one of the things that was so obvious that I forgot to mention it. Oops. My tutor did though so whatever! Patty (Patrick but everyone calls him Patty) is really cool. All the older women in my course have a crush on him. Its funny. He is really laid back and funny though so its fun to have him as a tutor.

After class I felt so much better! I have a project due next Friday but Im not too worried about it. I feel relieved! I went down the street to Rymans (the stationary store) and got a flimsy notebook to put ticket stubs in (like a scrapbook that I did for Rome) some envelopes, and some pens. Then I was so close to my favorite place that I headed to Piccadilly and went into…… Fortnum and Masons. I wanted to see if they had anything on sale from Halloween. I didn’t even know if they “did” sales. They do. :) Fortnum and Masons have these large wicker picnic basket things filled with bottles of champagne and chocolate truffles. (yes I want one) They start at 150 pounds. That is a half empty one. Anyways so they are known in a way for this wicker hampers that are full of goodies. Well there was a mini 6 inch by 6 inch one that was full of chocolates for Halloween. 35 pounds. Gah. I was looking at it and I flipped it over… on sale for 5 pounds. YES! So I have a replica of the wicker basket and really awesome chocolate. Some of them are “exploding Chocolate frogs”. I thought those sounded epic so I bit into it (at home of course after I had bought them!) I chewed… nothing. I was severely disappointed. I took another bite and BAM. Me whle mouth was tingling. Basically it was tiny invisible poprock kind of things in the chocolate and your whole mouth buzzes. Awesome.

I came home to a package of Halloween candy! (thanks mom!) and then mad dinner really fast. I ran to the library a little late and did some things. Then was the skype date with mom til the library closed so that is why this post is late at being posted! Sorry about that! Tonight I am going to get caught up on neglected things and head to bed early. (hopefully) Tomorrow is an adventure of some kind in the morning and then the V&A (the Victoria Albert Museum Katie in case you forgot! Hehe) to look at my object for my project and if Im not too tired Kensington Palace! (my membership finally came so I get in for “free”) Kensington was my favorite part of London last time I was here so I am excited to head back!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that your presentation went well! And thanks for the reminder. :)

    The exploding frogs sound like something out of Harry Potter. :) I love it! The candy sounds amazing. Have fun with that!!
