Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oops I forgot Tea Time Tuesday :)

Sorry about my last post! I was so grumpy! Today I am in a much better mood! The exact opposite of yesterday actually. The morning was the same… lecture this morning was all about Rubens and Van Dyck which was what my presentation was about, and the paper that I am writing right now is about. Basically I didn’t have to be there. I didn’t even take notes. It was good though because Patty was the lecturer and he is hilarious! I need to see a scene in Monty Python about Rubens apparently. Ill have to youtube it when I get the internet TOMORROW!

The afternoon class was painful… this is the class that we do the 20 presentation for and that’s it. We have 20 minute presentations, say a few words and go home. Its all fine when the presentations are halfway decent. The three today had no point. Literally. They had no reason for being. They didn’t have a conclusion or even an argument. It didn’t help that for all the presenters English is a second language. The one lady literally showed us 40 images from the baroque and just told us what emotion she thought was coming through. It was completely subjective. The one was a segment of Caraviggo’s The calling of St. Matthew and she said the boy looked innocent. Umm…. They are gambling in the streets… Not so much. Oh it was embarrassing… so Patty is really really funny. He just says most honest un-academic things about images and the artists. He made a joke about one of Rubens works and no one laughed… except for me! (well the older woman chuckled some but it was mostly me) And it wasn’t just a chuckle... I thought it was really funny! Sigh.

After lecture I had 2 hours to kill before tea. I wandered the library, wandered to Oxford St and then made my way to Charing Cross. I was dreading it… I am kinda tired of forcing conversation and I remember her being nice, but it was four years ago that I saw her and she talked a lot to Uncle Billy. Well she is really really nice and so talkative that it wasn’t work. It was fun. The room was nice and she didn’t like it because they had changed it from a “cozy scruffy place” to a well… classical, romantic room. Tea was good, scones delicious. I was so hungry that it was hard to eat politely. My stomach was growling and Im nibbling on my two scones trying to make them last! Apparently she lives right next to the Burghley House (the really big one… our first field trip) She was disappointed because she wanted me to come for a weekend and show it to me. Best part about it… she treated which was good because I walked in and thought “crap this will be expensive”. I forgot to ask her how Will and Kate’s wedding was… I thought about it right at the end, but didn’t know if it was appropriate. She seemed cool enough that it probably would have been fine but I didn’t know!

I came home, ate dinner and am writing this. Next is the paper, some reading, a shower and off to bed. Im getting up at 8 on my day off because the internet dude is coming anywhere from 8-1. Kinda wishing it was a 2-3 hour window… not a 5 hour one! Grrr…. But it will all be worth it! Yay for internet! I am so excited. Sitting on my own couch surfing the world wide web. Im just going to watch greys forever until Im caught up! :)

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