Thursday, November 10, 2011

One Day From Friday!

Today was a crazy day even though I only had a morning lecture! I got up on time for once and headed off to school. I read my really good novel (Im almost done!) and ate breakfast and went to lecture. It was a pretty normal morning. Lecture was really good. It was the introduction to the 17th century. Patty is such a good lecturer and so funny that the class seemed like it was a half an hour long instead of an hour and a half! Basically he went through what France, Spain, Holland, and England were doing in the 17th century. He made fun of all of them (except Holland). Apparently they were the only civilized ones in this era! (minus their involvement in the slave trade) It was funny anyways, and true! Someone was dumb enough to mention that America wasn’t starting any religious wars (we were talking about the 30 years war) and he that was true. We were just murdering women in Mass. Protestantism gone wild. (Salem Witch Trials) So no one escaped the jokes of Patty except Holland. It was fun and I learned a lot. I still need to write out my kings and queens though into a chart and list artists beneath them. I only know the obvious ones like Rubens is under Charles I!

Realizing why I love Europe… in America a cabin made in 1770’s is amazing and “old”. I tour castles made 200 years before that! The bad part about doing a masters in London… I never want to do work! There is too much to see!

After class I finished and turned in my project. I don’t know how I feel about it. I don’t know what else I could have done, but Im worried I didnt do enough. Gah. We shall see I guess.

Then I headed home and stopped at Sainsburys for peanut butter. After that I went to the bank to get my debit card. FINALLY! And then it was to the library to skype mom and upload posts/pictures. For those of you who have read every post… you have read 52 pages and 32,866 words. Congrats! :) This is the longest thing I have ever written I think!

Tonight is reading for my horrible Friday class and then Im done for the night. This week has been rough so Im ready for the weekend!!! Sory about my horrible posting practices this week! Ill be better now without a project!

1 comment:

  1. It's okay that it took you awhile this week. I hope that your project went well. I'm sure that you did fine. I can't believe that I have read so much! LOL, it's interesting :) I hope that you have a relaxing weekend planned after this busy week!!
