Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!?

This was the weirdest Thanksgiving! It didn’t seem like a holiday at all! First of all I debated whether or not a need to wear my coat this morning!! Secondly it was a normal day. I woke up late and didn’t get out of bed until 10 minutes before I was supposed to be leaving! Somehow I was only 3 minutes later than usual walking out the door! The commute was nice, quiet and easy! I arrive at school and walk into the common room and…. The Christmas tree is up. Already. Ok I LOVE Christmas but that’s a little early… And its fake which makes it worse. So Merry Christmas one month and one day early! I sat besides a Christmas tree and ate my cheerios. Everyone was telling each other Happy Thanksgiving and it was funny that the international students were asking what it was. I don’t really think they get it. The one girl was like “so you guys just eat because you are thankful?” hahah well yeah.. I guess so! The British, French, Austrian, Spanish, and everyone else were walking around telling every American Happy Thanksgiving. It was cute.

Lecture was torture. It was by the man who showed us around Burghley, the guy who went 45 minutes over! Well he only went 15 over in the morning lecture so I guess we were lucky! Im so glad we are in the 17th century. Man has stopped being a backward caveman in the art world by this point and things start to get interesting.. especially in the decorative arts world! Its just that our lecturer was so boring. He did the afternoon lecture too on materials and techniques of sculpture. I literally almost fell asleep. I mean he defined “in the round” for 15 minutes. (in the round= you can walk around it) Yeah its that simple. I was so happy when 3pm hit! (well 3:10. He went over)

Then I rushed home to run to the library to skype mom! I heard Straight no Chaser in the background. What a year to miss the parade! Gah! I am craving Thanksgiving food (minus the turkey). I think my body knows that “hey its been a year! Its time to binge eat on good comfort food!!” It is just weird not being in NYC.

I should have been starting my final paper tonight and trying to figure out what my philosophers are saying! I didn’t though. I don’t really know how I wasted so much time without the internet but somehow I did! I got a letter from orange with my account info for my internet so I signed on my account and the estimated connection day….. TOMORROW! I am trying to not get too excited in case it doesn’t happen but…. IM PUMPED! Hopefully tonight was the last time at my library using the internet amongst the homeless.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you missed Thanksgiving. I can't imagine not having a tradition that you're used to. Black Friday was pretty good this year...probably a good thing that you missed it!! Let me know when you get the internet!!
