Monday, November 21, 2011


This morning was even better than yesterday. No alarm and I didn’t wake up until 10:45. I don’t remember the last time I slept in that long! It was awesome! It did put me behind on the Sunday schedule though! I went shopping and somehow got a lot of stuff and had 8 extra pounds left to put back into the Christmas fund! Woo! Next week I will need even less because I got two peanut butters, my cheerios and fruit for this week and next week. (the pears were on sale this week!) AND I got a .84 pence coupon off of anything next week. That’s almost an entire pound!! Woo! :)

I got home, put everything away and ate lunch. I am getting tired of peanut butter. I am not having a pb sandwich the entire time Im home! Then I headed off to the library to skype, post my blog and attempted to post pictures to facebook. My internet wasn’t good enough so facebook kept freezing when I tried to put up pictures. Sigh. Then I came home from that and played some compy games (spider solitare, freecell and chess) Im horrible at chess. I barely win on the easy mode! Then I….. finished my paper! I just need to footnote a few things but my Word started wont let me do it. I have to do it at school! So I consider myself done for the moment! Just two footnotes away! I wish I could start last paper but I cant without the internet. So I don’t know what im going to do tonight. Dinner, shower, dishes and idk. Try to pass the night somehow.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome day. I can't wait to sleep in until I just wake up!! And awesome job saving money...I also wish that I could do that when I grocery shop. But there is something about that celiac disease that doesn't allow that :) And way to go on your paper!!!! So impressed!!!!!!
