Sunday, November 20, 2011

shopping and wanting everything

Mornings without an alarm going off. What an absolutely perfect way to start ones day? No rude, frightening, annoying buzzer to jerk you from sleep! (in my case its actually “This is why Im Hott” :)) SO my day started off well… I didn’t have an alarm but I somehow woke up at 9:15. I decided I was lying in bed for a bit more! I was out of the house by 10 though with my packed lunch! (I pack my lunch everyday because why pay to eat lunch out??) I had run out of peanut butter however, so it was a nutella sandwich… just not the same.

It was a beautiful day out and the tube closures didn’t affect me! (that is the first weekend that they haven’t!) I was thinking about going to the Tower of London today but the district line was out and it just would have been a hassle to get there. So todays epic adventure was the V&A and Harrods. I went to the V&A to get my library card for the National Art Gallery. I got distracted by the jewelry rooms so it took me a bit of time to make it there! :) I get there and walk in, and I get pounced on by an old lady… I cant have my bag in the library. She explained that I needed to put in the cloakroom (which is on the other side of the museum, two floors below me) Ok. I then asked if the registration was in the next room. It was but not on Saturdays. Really?? So needless to say I did not get my library card today. Im telling you… it’s the hardest thing to do in this city!!

So I wandered around the museum and my fetish stuff from yesterday kept cropping up. (why is all of this stuff even in this museum??) I decided not to get philosophical but instead wandered into the amazing gift store. I had walked through it before as it acts as the connecting hallway from the sculpture to the main foyer. The stuff in there is so fun. It is here that I found my lego ring and lego earrings! :) I decided I didn’t need the necklace! They have all sorts of cool and quirky gifts! It was really fun to look around in the store. After that I walked down a block to the infamous Harrods.

I had been in Harrods once when I was here with Uncle Billy, but only on the first floor. Harrods is amazing. The decoration of the store itself is worth seeing. I didn’t get downstairs to see the Diana shrine, but everything else was awesome! For me the fun of being in Harrods is seeing what is out there, and man are there some awesome things. Yes it is expensive (I had fun guessing how much something was and then looking. Usually it was a shock!) Everything was designer. It was awesome. The shoe dept was better than any shoe dept I have ever seen. I was in a trance over a pair of 190 pound cherry red pumps. I have no idea why (never had any wish to own a pair) but they were beautiful. I don’t know what it was about it!

I found the cheaper tourist section (Harrods Gallery) and its everything embossed with the Harrods name. I got a cute little bear ornament and my London magnet for this trip (for those of you who don’t know I get a magnet everywhere I go. I have already been here but I decided to get a new one to mark this trip!) It was fun to see all the stuff! Oh I also got a really obnoxious bag that I am somehow in love with. It was originally 40 pounds and apparently no one liked it because it was 3 pounds. THREE. It is pretty big, and ummm…. Well Bright Metallic Gold with little H’s all over it. I feel like a preppy girl owning it! Look what HWS did to me! A girl wearing sunglasses that took up her entire face in the store, and wearing those fur shag boots also picked one up. At that point I almost put it back down!!

After that I went on the search for Wedgewood! I got vey distracted along the way. I found my floor (I don’t know what to call it! Its not womens but its not teenager…) I walked off the escalator and just stopped. There was this dress…. It was red and it was the most beautiful article of clothing I have ever seen in my life. I think I stood there for 5 minutes in the aisle just staring. It was strapless, knee length and was in red and a soft purple. Both versions were gorgeous. They were both 179 pounds. I just stared. Finally I moved on and was struck by another one (this time white with huge jewels) I touched it and it was the highest quality dress I have ever touched. I looked at the price tag (1,995 pounds) and then instantly took my hand away! If that first dress would have been in dollars I would have bought it and worn it to class or something just to wear it. They had a fur coat in a light grey over the light purple version… it looked classic and elegant. Sigh. I wanted that outfit. I didn’t look to see how much the fur was though!

I wandered some more and found the Harry Potter Shop. It had the real costumes from the movie because harrods was teaming with Warner Brothers to sell the tickets to tour the sets (im doing this! Just don’t know when yet!) I merchandise was no different from Hamleys Toy store but the costumes were cool! I wanted to touch Hermione’s dress (check out facebook for photos!)

I decided to move on and try to find the Wedgewood. Instead I found the baby dept. Who doesn’t LOVE looking at mini clothes! Especially when they are designer. There was the cutest little pick sweater and it was the softest thing I have ever touched! I thought omg this cannot be cashmere. No one would be that stupid to stick a drooling, pooping child in cashmere. I was right… it was pure cashmere at 79 pounds. Seriously?? I couldn’t find an article of clothing under 30 pounds. There was an extremely pregnant woman shopping with her husband and they both had their arms FULL of stuff. I cant fathom blowing 1000’s of pounds on baby clothes that the kid is going to either ruin or grow out of in 3 weeks! I wandered over to the designer section where I was asked when I was expecting. Yeah… I may lay off the digestive cookies. I laughed and said I wasn’t and she said how nice it was that I was shopping for someone else! Yeah.. didn’t admit that I had no business being in this department and I was just looking to see how crazy the prices were! Did anyone know that Armani does a toddler line?? If you are a millionaire that is a good reason to have a boy. The little toddler girls would be drooling over him because he would be the best looking kid in class. They clothes were amazing. The sweaters, pants, shoes all mini versions of the Armani men’s collection. Everything was adorable. I decided to then to leave before any other sales associate thought I was popping up offspring and started to seriously look for the china department.

I found it finally (3rd floor) and I walked in the fine dining wing and I could almost hear the “awwww!!!” (imagine that singing sound…) Everything was shimmering and it was so good that I couldn’t afford a thing because my obsession with dishes became 20 times worse. I saw the Jasperware Wedgewood from way across the room and headed towards it. There was a divine (yes it was that beautiful) black, blue, and white Jasperware Teapot with 4 little teacups. 9700 pounds. Ok… I decided maybe I should lower my standards and head to the Wedgewood China dept and leave by dreams of owning a Jasperware teapot in the dust. I headed over and a sales woman asked if I needed help. This is where I pretended! I said no thank I was just looking and getting some ideas of what I would want. (this is true!!! I was getting and idea of what I wanted!) The lady understood and said that there was a wedgewood deal buy 2 get a 3 piece free. She actually thought I was seriously looking! In harrods!! It must have been the Coach shoes! It was fun to pretend though! I did find an ok teapot. 135 pounds. It was stunning, but very geometric. Then… I turned around and saw it. The table displaying Wedgewood’s highest end china pattern. My jaw literally dropped. It is STUNNING. Deep blue, gold and white.. awesome. The only problem is a dinner plate is 179 pounds. I didn’t dare touch the teapot to see how much it was. It was perfect. Josiah Wedgewood is probably looking down on it very impressed. I walked around the table 15 times… like a vulture. I cant even imagine how much money was on the table of 8 place setting. Each showing the dinner plate on top of the decorative plate, with salad plate, cup saucer…. I wish I took a picture. I was drooling. I left the dining section depressed and dejected. I am never going to be able to buy a Wedgewood teapot! No set of china will come close to that pattern and everything in BonTon is looking pretty pathetic now…

I headed home, and then to the library. Tonight has been relaxing and there really isn’t much to say about it. Tomorrow is my cleaning/relax day except I really need to work on that paper that I am almost done with. Its not due until the 16th but I need to turn it in on the 9th, and that is 3 weeks away. I have to turn in my hard paper too so I want to get this easier one out of the way! Off to work or read Anne of Green Gables! One or the other!

Todays (sundays) post will go up tomorrow! Sorry!


  1. Haha, I loved this post! Thanks for all the details. Harrods sounds amazing! And I'm glad that you found a few deals :) Even better. I can't wait to see the pictures!!

  2. Facebook is being a pain in my rear... i cant figure out how to upload them. Ill keep tryign!
