Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lazy Day!

Today has been a lazy lazy day and I LOVE it! I havent spent many weekends at home (especially Saturdays!) so today was a nice change. I have a busy week this week (no study day!) and I project due Friday so I really need to get the majority of it done this weekend. It isnt hard just time consuming! So the blog is probably going to be more boring than usual as Im writing and reading for most of the day!

Today woke up at 9am thanks to the construction going on around me. I decided it was Saturday so I laid in bed. At 10 I got up and tea and biscuits for breakfast. Im obsessed! :) Digestive cookies are SO good. I tried the caramel ones this week… not as tasty but the texture is cool so I approve! After breakfast I went down to the post office to pay my very first bill. I feel very adult like, but refuse to admit that I am actually in the real world! I am set now for my water until March 31st so that is nice! (I don’t have meter so it is just a flat rate for water!) I thought the post office closed at noon on Saturdays… nope! They are open til 5:30 which is good to know! I headed to the library for internet…. I thought they opened at noon. Nope again! They open at 9 on Saturdays. Silly me!

The rest of the night is going to be boring. Project writing and reading. I am excited to have time to read FOR FUN! I want to get through Emma so I can start my new book. I also want to start one of my two final papers this week. I know its early, but my presentations were early and I have already done the research. I need to write before it all leaks from head! My other paper is going to a horrible one to write (for Issues and Context) so I need to get the easy one out of the way!

I didn’t get much done actually as I ended up reading Emma and then closing my eyes which turned into an hour and a half nap. Great. When I woke up I didn’t feel like doing work so I just made dinner and did things other than doing work! Off to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome for lazy days! They are the best. Good luck on your project and papers!!
