Thursday, November 3, 2011

One more day til Friday!

First of all before I go into today I forgot (in my rant about how bad Kensington Palace looked) there was a highlight. There were these “informers” running around who were actually kinda annoying minus one of them who seemed to kind follow me. Anyways he was really funny and obviously loved his job. He was telling me about the ceiling (which you could barely see from the lighting of the stupid exhibit!) and he asked me “whats the best way to look at a ceiling?” and I said “use a mirror”. Well he thought that was a good answer because most people don’t know but he said no. its not the best way and he laid down. Right in the middle of the room. I thought “you have got to be kidding me. Can you DO that? Is that legal exhibit edict?” So I laid down with him. In the middle of the floor and looked up. He is right. It’s the best way to see a ceiling. I don’t know if other people were that happy with us but there I was laying in the middle of the floor with a guy all dressed up (miners head light, weird glasses, grey robes) staring at a Renaissance ceiling. So that is way the picture is so straight on. He made me take it laying down. It was a lot of fun! I may start doing that! So if you are in a palace with a painted ceiling and someone is laying in the middle of the room, don’t think their crazy! :)

Anyways on to today. I was slow getting up (this is a consistent theme isn’t it?) and my flat was toasty warm because last night was a heater night! (my heaters have two levels. On and off. Cant control it. So if they are on for a night (electric is cheap at night here) they heat the flat so much that I am good for 2 nights of not having to turn them on.) I headed to class after a huge debate of what to wear (I wanted to wear pjs).

This is pathetic but I feel so cool riding the tube into class in the morning. Going to NYC every year I always wanted to be one of those people who read on the subway and were anxiously looking out the windows at what stop they were on. I am now one of those people. :) I feel so cool! Hahah Its kind of sad isn’t it…. :)

Lecture today was a rough one. 16th century ceramics. Im sorry but ceramics aren’t cool and awesome until you hit the end of the 18th century when the French are making kick butt porcelain in the Roccoco style. That is when things get interesting. I cant wait until next term when we are out of the Renaissance. Im starting to hate the Renaissance and those Italians.

Im typing this at class waiting for my handling session of ceramics at 3. What a long gap! I should be doing some research but eh. Ill get to that in a minute! Im debating about registering at the British Library today for a library card. Its seriously worse than opening a bank account. Its pathetic.

Ok I didn’t make it to the library. My class in the afternoon went until 4:30 and it was DARK when I got out of class. Also I now know why the Brits drink tea all the time because I just experienced London rain. O my goodness I had an umbrella but my feet are all wet and it was cold, and dark. Very depressing! I wanted to run into Sainsburys on the way home so I didn’t take the bus. Gah. Oh and Sainsburys…. That was interesting.

I get all the stuff I wanted and head for the “till” (the cashout). I get in line behind an older man. You know how old men can either be really adorable and cute, or really creepy? This one was creepy. He looks at me and then puts down the divider on the belt. (side note… this is a very serious thing. If someone comes up behind you, you put down the divider. Otherwise you get stared down by the cashier and the person behind gets huffy. It’s a serious thing those dividers!) He puts it down and said “oh you can relieve those arms of yours now.” I was just like ok… thanks. He looks at me and said “do you need help??” Ok I have three things. I was just like “no… I got it” and stood there and read ads while he stared me down. Then its my turn and creepy guy is gone. The cashier is about my age. I smile and say” hi how are you” like I always do. He says hi and then starts checking me out. (my groceries!) All of a sudden he says “can I see some id?” I just stared at him. There is not really a strict drinking age in this country except you can get ided because they don’t want pre-teens and teenagers buying it. (understandable) . I have bought cider before not getting ided at all because I just don’t feel like I look like im 15. So I stare at him and say Oookkkk. I show him my passport (which I have in order to use my American Express credit card. Yes its fun carrying around my most important document with me) He looks at it and says “Anna… (emphasis on Anna) I thought you were a lot younger. You look so young” and smile at me. I just stare at him and said “really” and he is like “Yeah that’s good though right? Compliment” and smiles. Ok… so I pay and he says “where are you from” and I just look at him and said “well like my passport says, the States” and he asked what part and I said New York and he of course said “o the city!!!” I didn’t want to encourage him talking to me so I just said yes instead of NEW YORK IS A STATE with rivers, mountains, lakes etc!! I shove everything in my bag and the best part of the entire conversation… “its too bad im working… I have a bigger umbrella. I could have walked you home” Really?? Does he really think this stuff works? I just said “o too bad” and left. That’s my local grocery store. Creepers and crazy cashiers.

So that was my night and I have to go back out in the rain so I can skype mom and post this post along with Tuesdays. (Sorry I forgot Tuesday!) Then I have to come home (def having tea and biscuits!) and read for tomorrow (art history theory) and hopefully go to bed at a decent hour.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I'm sorry but this post made me laugh. :) Sorry that your feet are wet though, that would want me to be cozy too!!!

    And I am SO sorry about the crazy/creepy dudes. I get so rude when people are like that and they keep going...really can they not hear my sarcasm? LOL. Hopefully next time you go grocery shopping that won't happen. I'm sure he just looked at your id so he knew your name. Creepy!!! And yes honestly having to explain that NY is a state is annoying. It's even worse when you have to do it when you're in the state!!

    Good luck on your reading.
