Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

First of all… Happy Birthday mom! :)
I was so tired this morning that I didn’t know what my alarm was. I was hearing it in my dream but I had clue what it was. Needless to say I got out of bed late this morning and have been in a sleepy daze since! Lecture this morning had so much potential…. Rudolph the 2nd and cabinets of curiosity! It was still good, but I wanted to hear more about Rudolph and Peter the Great. The stuff was really cool! I wanted most of it. We talked about collections and basically I have all the qualities of a compulsive, obsessed collector. That’s awesome… Whatever :) It was a cool lecture but I wanted to hear more about the “crazy” collectors! Oh and thank you Harry Potter for teaching me what a bezoar is. We saw one mounted in silver and the only way I knew it was a stone from a goat/sheep was Harry Potter. Thanks JK Rowling!

At 1:30 we had materials and techniques on…. Furniture! Something I know absolutely nothing about. (well now I know some!) It was really cool and I am never going to be able to tell woods apart but it was interesting! After lecture I needed to look stuff up on the internet for my project that I REALLY need to work on tonight. It is really time consuming. I don’t know why they hate us to much… they took away our study day on a week we have project due. I actually would have used the day to study this week! I do have Thursday afternoon off but I want to print it off on Thursday so Im not fighting for a computer on Friday morning. I miss the HWS world. I had the internet and my own printer. Such luxury.

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