Friday, November 18, 2011

What you ALL have been waiting for.....

Dear Everyone....

Here it is. The last word of the Dragon from her Lair. It only took me five days to open it! I actaully feel kind of bad. I can hear her say it so I can hear her evilness in the beginning but besides that I feel slightly bad. Well I read it and its over!!! This probably will not be nearly as exciting or juicy as you all wanted it to be!

An Email:
Hi Anna

I was so sorry to find you missing when I returned from France .
I had no idea that you were considering this for what ever reason ............?
Please could you be kind enough to give me some indication for your leaving as it is something I should be aware of for the future.
I have been trying to contact you on your mobile/cell with no luck , maybe you have changed your number again.
Hope you are happily settled and coping with the course!!!
I enjoyed your brief stay and company - I miss you!
Thank you for leaving everything clean and tidy.

So there it is. I wont go to the library tonightsince it closes at 6 so my blog about today will be up tomorrow (or worse case Sunday)

1 comment:

  1. awww, actually doesn't sound that bad. I think she liked you...but I am so glad that you don't have to deal with her.
