Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Monday

Gah this morning was a typical, bad Monday morning! I woke on time and then laid in bed for an extra 15 minutes! Yes it was a stupid idea. I still made it to school before lecture but I only had 5 minutes to eat my Cheerios. (by the way for the month Im home Im not touching peanut butter, carrots, or Cheerios!) I went into the lecture room and we are told that we have to wait 15 minutes because our lecturer is stuck on the tube. So I read some more and continually checked my phone to see if Orange had texted me! The lady came and talked to us about silver. It was interesting this time because she is a social historian and told us about how the silver was actually used. I thought that was way cooler than how it was made! Maybe I should take the social historian route!

After was lunch and then back in the lecture room at 1pm for our professional development. It was nice to only have an hour or so in between class instead of an hour and a half! For everyone who says that Art History is for nerds and geeks (ok maybe it is!) but you should have seen the guys who came in to talk to us! One was a few years older than me in a very expensive suit, the other looked just like Elton John. Dead serious. He is the coolest art person I have ever met. The younger one works in a company gallery. Sounds intense and really cool! And it looked like he was making some money too! Everything in their stock is probably all 30,000 pounds and up. The Elton John looking one started his own business and is a dealer. I want his job. He sells old master painter works. I mean like 1 million pounds apiece master painter. Amazing. I also don’t want to work for Christies. The more I hear about it the more I don’t want to work there. Also I learned that auction value is not the accurate market value (Dear Antiques Roadshow you may want to think about that!) If you get two idiots in a room the object can do way better than it should, or the opposite could happen. He told us a story about a painting (cant remember the artist!) being auctioned that had an estimated value of 1 million pounds. It went up to 35 million pounds because there were two Russian men in the room who hated each other and didn’t want the other to have it! Then everyone thought their paintings by the same artist would be worth that much too but of course they aren’t! Also he dissed Christies pretty hard about not identifying things correctly. He bought a signed and dated painting that was worth 150,000 for 3,000 because they didn’t see the signature and he did. How bad is that! He said that a lot of his friends that are dealers have done the same thing! I want his job!

After the talk it was only 2:15 so I headed over to the British Museum because I had gotten lost every other time I had tried to go. I found it this time only to learn that the exhibit I want to see cost 8 pounds to get in to. I was too tired to appreciate it and honestly I didn’t know if I wanted to see it THAT badly so I wandered downstairs to say hi to the Rosetta Stone and head home.

When I got home I was one grumpy girl. No word from Orange so I took matters into my own hands! I set up my router and hoped that it worked. To my surprise IT DID!! I literally jumped around my flat and almost cried I was so excited (sad I know but when you have no friends the internet is nice to have) I should have been doing work but instead I watched Greys, had Skype dates and went to bed HAPPY! :)

1 comment:

  1. Learning all about silver sounds very interesting, along with the paintings. At least you get to hear what a bunch of different people have to say about different art history jobs!

    And I'm really happy that you have the internet :)
