Sunday, October 30, 2011

Super Productive Sunday!

I woke up at 8 this morning very proud of myself for being on such a productive sleep schedule! I get a lot done when I get up at 8! Well I just realized that the clocks changed last night. I def thought it was at 2am Monday morning. Gah. Well now I dont have to worry about getting to school on time tomorrow! I didnt know if my droid would update the time or not! (it did btw and my cheap phone didnt. Thats I how figured out that the time had changed! So USA Im four hours ahead of you for the week instead of five!

Even though I slept longer than I thought, I still have been super cleaning woman this morning! My apartment is spic and span. (is that how you spell it? Well you all get my point!) I threw my white clothes in the washer, ate breakfast, re-organized all of my clothes, assembled a vaccumm (or a hoover as they say here), cleaned everything in the bathroom, dusted and picked up the living room, hoovered my entire flat, cleaned the kitchen, and hung up my whites to dry and put in my colored clothes. Bam. All in 2 hours. Im still waiting for my colored clothes to be done so I can go grocery shopping at 11 when Sainsburys opens! I do need to get changed because I cant go out in sweatpants. Its a Europe thing I guess, not just a Rome thing. You never see anyone in crappy clothes. Everyone here actually gets dressed to go somewhere.

After Sainsburys Im going to eat leftover pizza for lunch and head to the library to post this and yesterday's entry! After the library the plan for the day is work on my presentation and try to figue out how to stretch "he was arrogant" over 20 minutes. Gah. Then I may start laying out the heading for my project due on the 11th. Im not worried about that one.. i just need to do it! If I have time Im hoping to read more of Emma and chill until bed. Exciting life I lead! It does feel good to get caught up on stuff though!

I am now addicted to tea thanks to my kettle. I have had three mugs this morning which means my clean toliet is now longer clean! :)

I keep forgetting to mention this. Something that bugs me here.... At home we walk how we drive. We pass people going the opposite way on our left hand side. Opposite here. Of course. So when you have those moments that you and someone else are in the middle of the sidewlk and you both have to move over, I move the way which cause many an awkward encounters. I hate it. Sometimes I pass people on the "normal" side (well normal for me!) just for fun because I am tired of walking on the "wrong" side of the sidewalk. Just a vent about something tiny that drives me crazy daily! Im still not used to it hence the awkward encounters.

Im back from Sainsburys and let me tell you... I am going to be RIPPED when I come home. You may not think its a big deal to carry a weeks worth of groceries 5 blocks and up 2 flights of stairs, but guess what. By the time you get home you cant feel fingers, your arms hurt and you are sweating. Its quite the workout! I think it may be worth paying the 20p to steal a cart (its like Aldis where you have to put in a 20p coin to use the cart and you can get it back when you leave)

O I thought I should get candy just in case the two kids upstairs come trick-or-treating. I saw that the sleeves of starburst were 4 for a pound so I got that. (ill eat the if they dont come!) Then one way home it hit me that the litle boy is little. I can never tell how old children are. Either you walk, or you dont. You talk, or you dont. You wear a diaper, or you dont. Those are the main determining age factors for little humans in my book. I have no idea when they start to do such things, so it doesnt really help me. Anyways he doesnt really say anything that is any form of language and he just learned to walk. I dont know a lot about feeding little children, but i probably shouldnt give him Startbursts. Just a guess. So I am hoping that they arent coming to trick-or-treat.

When I was eating lunch I was lookking at my windows thinking how gross they were. Then I touched one... I thought the dirt was on the outside! Well half of it is! The insides were black. My hand was black after and sitting on the couch looking at them they are still streaky with dirt after two times of washing them. Grr!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you had quite the productive weekend! The little boy is probably about one then. Do they really do Halloween over there? Just wondering. Good luck on your presentation and good luck carrying all of your groceries.
