Sunday, October 30, 2011

Super Productive Sunday!

I woke up at 8 this morning very proud of myself for being on such a productive sleep schedule! I get a lot done when I get up at 8! Well I just realized that the clocks changed last night. I def thought it was at 2am Monday morning. Gah. Well now I dont have to worry about getting to school on time tomorrow! I didnt know if my droid would update the time or not! (it did btw and my cheap phone didnt. Thats I how figured out that the time had changed! So USA Im four hours ahead of you for the week instead of five!

Even though I slept longer than I thought, I still have been super cleaning woman this morning! My apartment is spic and span. (is that how you spell it? Well you all get my point!) I threw my white clothes in the washer, ate breakfast, re-organized all of my clothes, assembled a vaccumm (or a hoover as they say here), cleaned everything in the bathroom, dusted and picked up the living room, hoovered my entire flat, cleaned the kitchen, and hung up my whites to dry and put in my colored clothes. Bam. All in 2 hours. Im still waiting for my colored clothes to be done so I can go grocery shopping at 11 when Sainsburys opens! I do need to get changed because I cant go out in sweatpants. Its a Europe thing I guess, not just a Rome thing. You never see anyone in crappy clothes. Everyone here actually gets dressed to go somewhere.

After Sainsburys Im going to eat leftover pizza for lunch and head to the library to post this and yesterday's entry! After the library the plan for the day is work on my presentation and try to figue out how to stretch "he was arrogant" over 20 minutes. Gah. Then I may start laying out the heading for my project due on the 11th. Im not worried about that one.. i just need to do it! If I have time Im hoping to read more of Emma and chill until bed. Exciting life I lead! It does feel good to get caught up on stuff though!

I am now addicted to tea thanks to my kettle. I have had three mugs this morning which means my clean toliet is now longer clean! :)

I keep forgetting to mention this. Something that bugs me here.... At home we walk how we drive. We pass people going the opposite way on our left hand side. Opposite here. Of course. So when you have those moments that you and someone else are in the middle of the sidewlk and you both have to move over, I move the way which cause many an awkward encounters. I hate it. Sometimes I pass people on the "normal" side (well normal for me!) just for fun because I am tired of walking on the "wrong" side of the sidewalk. Just a vent about something tiny that drives me crazy daily! Im still not used to it hence the awkward encounters.

Im back from Sainsburys and let me tell you... I am going to be RIPPED when I come home. You may not think its a big deal to carry a weeks worth of groceries 5 blocks and up 2 flights of stairs, but guess what. By the time you get home you cant feel fingers, your arms hurt and you are sweating. Its quite the workout! I think it may be worth paying the 20p to steal a cart (its like Aldis where you have to put in a 20p coin to use the cart and you can get it back when you leave)

O I thought I should get candy just in case the two kids upstairs come trick-or-treating. I saw that the sleeves of starburst were 4 for a pound so I got that. (ill eat the if they dont come!) Then one way home it hit me that the litle boy is little. I can never tell how old children are. Either you walk, or you dont. You talk, or you dont. You wear a diaper, or you dont. Those are the main determining age factors for little humans in my book. I have no idea when they start to do such things, so it doesnt really help me. Anyways he doesnt really say anything that is any form of language and he just learned to walk. I dont know a lot about feeding little children, but i probably shouldnt give him Startbursts. Just a guess. So I am hoping that they arent coming to trick-or-treat.

When I was eating lunch I was lookking at my windows thinking how gross they were. Then I touched one... I thought the dirt was on the outside! Well half of it is! The insides were black. My hand was black after and sitting on the couch looking at them they are still streaky with dirt after two times of washing them. Grr!!

I love Saturdays!

Last night I went to bed at 9:45 (yup I am that cool on a Friday night!) because I had a headache and was just really really tired. GOing to be early has advantages however because I was wide awake and well rested at 8:15 this morning! So I got up, ate nutella/crackers and headed off to Buckingham Palace. I was a tourist today which was fun, but I wasnt a very good one. My Buckingham Palace experience turned into an epic fail pretty quickly.

I got to Green Park and got off the tube. I walked through the park and found Buckingham (Pretty hard to miss actually) Right when I get to the road people are running towards me... whats going on! Turns out the mounted guard was riding by so that was cool. I got a picture of two! Then I headed for the Queen Victoria Monument to see if that was a good place to see the changing of the guard. (I wasnt planning on going until I saw the mounted guard and it was 10:45. Convinent!)Well the monument was covered in scaffolding. Bummer. (the down side of going places during off-tourist season) I got a good spot on the top steps and waited. At 11:15 I was wondering why the police werent there yet. The crowd was huge and there werent any barricades or mounted police. Hmmm. At 11:30 I was really confused. Last time they had been here by now. Then the Mounted Guard went by.. a total of like 10 horses. Then everyone just stood there. It then hit me that this is October. In October the big parade and changing of the guards is every other day. I pull out my Droid and look it up... yup the changing of the guard is Oct. 28th and Oct. 30th. Woo!! I had stood there for nothing. Oh well. It wasnt that big of a deal. I was frustrated though that I had tried to take a video of the mounted gaurd and thought i was until I realized that I hadnt pushed the button hard enough. The entire thing was kind of a fail.

I then walked down the mall. (not like the one at Chautauqua which actaully isnt even a legit mall, but the one that Will and Kate rode down after the wedding) There wasnt much there but the park was really pretty. I ended up near Big Ben again (its crazy how small downtown London really is) and decided to just call it a day and take the Westminster tube home.

I had realized on the way to the Palace that there was a HUGE Sainsburys at Finchley Road. I could see it from the tube. So I got off there to see if they had a drying rack... the only thing I wanted in life. No... they did not have a drying rack. of course. Its not like they have DRYERS in the country! Why would they have something to hang your clothes on to DRY!I did get a hot water kettle.. on sale for 5 pounds. Its an electric one that boils water in 1 minutes. Perfect for tea! I was just going to get a normal kettle but those start at 7 pounds so I go the cooler one on sale instead!

I then went home, grabbed my compy and headed to the library to post my blog and check emails. After I decided to go back on the bus I took last night to a store that was at a different bus stop. its the TJMaxx of home stuff, but even cheaper. Its awesome. I had to put so man things back down. I did walk out with a flat sheet (WOOO!!!! I had given up on that one!), a cool englad mug and coaster set (for 1 pound), a french press (for 3 pounds) and.... A DRYING RACK!!!! O my goodness it was the only one there and it was 2.99. I sprinted at the shelf and grabbed it and just hugged it to me. its my most prized poscession now and has a place of honor in the living room (the only place it fits when its not folded up actaully...) I was so happy. I took the bus home and popped my pizza into the oven. I opened all of my goodies and set them around the house (Oh I bought a oven mitt for 2 pounds so I would stop burning my hand through the hand towels that I was using).

After dinner was the exciting moment of trying both the kettle, and the french press. Woo excitment for the girl who has had no coffee except for one horrible cup! I followed the instructions and Bam! Coffee. i have no creamer/milk however and I think I put too much coffee in so its kind of taking off the enamel on my teeth, but Im still happy. I have had this bag of coffee since my very first day here. the dragon made me buy it pretty much. It has been tormenting me ever since. I thought i would never use it because coffee makers are 25 pounds here. gah! My little french press and water kettle did the job just fine though! its like Christmas here in Willesden Green. Im one happy camper.

So after all of that running around today and yesterday I am going to chill tomorrow. Im going to do laundry, clean my apartment (dusting, picking up, the works! The toliet may even get a bath too!) and I have to work on my presentation for Tuesday. I jsut dont know how I can take 20 minutes to say that the artist was a cocky, arrogant, elitist jerk. (my question is Why Rubens and Van Dyck never showed themselves with a paint brush in their hand.) So I am going to have to pull some stuff out of my butt (which I am pretty good at. I hope) I do have to do my weekly shopping and hit up the library too! Hopefully Il be home for most of the day though!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Finally Friday!

I was so tired dragging my butt out of my warm, cozy bed this morning. I was just a slow mover. I managed to leave the house the time, but I walked to the tube slowly in a daze, stared at nothing on the tube, and zombie walked to school. I somehow got myself downstairs to the library and got on a computer. I posted my blog post, shot off an email and then remembered why I was in the computer room... i need to print off my handouts for my presentation. Duh. So I quickly printed off 14 copies of the most boring stuff ever, and went upstairs to the common room to eat my Cherrios. I didnt even read Emma (my lastest book. When you dont have internet or friends you tend to read a lot at home) The lecture was Mannerism. Talk about a topic that would have normally put me sleep. gah. The lecturer was really REALLY good and funny so that saved the day. (and kept my eyes open!) I still am not a fan Mannerism, but the lecturer said if sometone wants to make a name of themselves then we should crack the code of Mannerism. No thanks.... I would rather discover something cooler! :)
After lecture I ate lunch and started to panic about my presentation. There really wasnt anything I could do about it though. It was as good as it was going to be. I still re-read the article (i didnt retain anything but it made me feel better!) Then it was time. I headed to lecture. I was one of the first three there which is always fun because outside of lecture Michael Michael is really fun. We talked about NY state because I had mentioned I was tired of explaining to everyone that I live 7 hours away from the city and the state is bigger than Manhattan. He fed us cookie/candy things. It was really hard to only take the polite amount of them because 1. I was really hungry and 2. I was nervous so i wanted to eat everything in sight.

Julia was the other presenter today and she blew me out of the water. Completely. She went first too which is always awesome... following a good presentation when yours is mediocre just sucks. I have no idea what we talked about. I do not understand what Kant was saying at ALL. He is crazy and elitist. That is what I got. I am not a fan of philosophers that talk all aloof and wordy. I would like t understand your genius ideas, not hate you for your writing style. I think my professor dumbed down his theories for us... but I didnt get the dumbed down version either. Yup... Im a winner. How did I get into this program you may ask?? Your guess is as good as mine!

At 3 (after an hour and a half of Kant) it was tea break. (10 minute tea break but one none the less) Then I was up. I sat in the scary chair and tried not to look through everything on his desk, and then started my pathetic overview of the article. All and all it didnt go too badly. He did ask me a question at one point that I had no idea what the answer was. Thanks to having red hair, my face can turn into a tomato faster than a Ferrai goes 0-60mph. He didnt ask me a question after that. hahahaha :) I think I almost got more confused at what Bourdieu was saying as we went through the text together. Obviously I got the very basics of the article and nothing more. Eh. Whatever. We ended up debating the education system in every country that we had represented in the room (Japan, New Zealand, France, England, and the USA) Basically every one was amazed that I went to a public school (I need to stop admitting that) and that I didnt get much of an education in the Classics. Duh... I went to school in rural Western NY. Oh also everyone wanted to know why I chose to take Spanish in high school instead of a romantic lang that would have really helped me in Art History. Then they were shocked I didnt have a choice. After everyone stared at me for a bit, we debated the whole point of education and the ideal education system. We didnt come up with one! Then we got back into my article and I made an idiot of myself. I said I wondered how good of a survey that Bourdieu did to chart preferences of taste amongst social classes. Well..... apparently he did a good job as this model is still used by every advertising company and magazine out there. Cool.

I was so relieved when class was over. Walking out of that room was awesome. I decided to just go home tonight. I got my water bill. Woo and then I spotted a little postcard for me! I had gotten a package so I had to go to the post office to grab it before 5. I basically ran the 3 blocks and grabbed it! It was like Christmas!
I decided that I really need to do laundry this weekend. I had seen a super Tesco (kinda like a super walmart) near Brent Cross shopping center so I found the right bus and went over there. It ended up going to the mall part of the shopping center so I needed another bus to go to Tescos. I finally got there and.... they were out of racks to dry my clothes on. The ONE thing i need, and the reason I dragged my butt all the way out there. Where in this city is a freaking drying rack! I cant find one! So frustrating.

I came home defeated and ate dinner (left over meatballs with some potatos and such) and I am planning on skipping the shower and going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow is the library, Buckingham Palace, the V&A and then home to do some work!

Friday, October 28, 2011


Today was a good day! The start of it was a little bit rough! I didn’t sleep well last night because I was worried that I would be late and the bus would leave without me! Well that caused to to be very very tied at 6:30 when my alarm did in fact go off and that caused me to lay in bed way too long. I got up 5 minutes before I wanted to leave which meant I left 15 minutes later than I wanted. Granted I was still 15 minutes early to the bus.. but I was STRESSED! I did get to the bus though and was able to go on the field trip!

I sat with Freya and I really like her. We ended up being bus buddies the entre day and hung out most of the day! (except for the tour. We werent in the same group!) We did eat lunch together and tour the grounds alone so I am hoping for a friend! :)

The house was AMAZING. Ill post pictures I promise. We literally went around a curve and my jaw just dropped. It was HUGE. (I forgot! Right outside of the house in the little town is a Cummins plant! What a small world!) They host wedding there… I wish I lived in England! Anyways.. we pulled up and had a meeting with the curator of the house who gave a little talk. It was a good introduction to the house. We then split into 3 groups to tour. We wer e the second group and got stuck with the man who gave us the silver lecture yesterday. Don’t get me wrong.. he KNOWS his stuff! But he is so LONG WINDED! Oh my goodness. We spent 20 minutes in every single room and the group of Christies behind us had to keep waiting for us. It was incredibly interesting though! The best part for me…. We were in this CRAZY awesome dining room. The guy told us that the room was used for the filming of the 2004 Pride and Prejudice (the one with Keira Knightly!) It is Ms. DeBourgh’s dining room. I need to go home and watch that scene!

I don’t know really what to tell you ll about it. I just can not fathom ever having that much money to build this house and buy ALL the things to go in it! Oh speaking of things… I saw the bed that Princess Victoria used when she stayed at the house (the future Queen Victoria!) and the bed that her and Prince Albert came when she was Queen. I wanted to leap across the rope and fall on to the bed, but I refrained! ( I did touch a lava stone compostie table… shhhh! Don’t tell anyone!)

We were walking through and someone asked why the paintings didn’t have labels. Its because the house is a house that is open to the public, not a museum. So to keep it a house they don’t put labels on it. Our tutor Rebecca said that she forgets that all of us havent grown up going on field trips to tour English Country houses. No… at Panama you just went bowling (and actually I didn’t even go on that. I sat and ate candy with Mr. Morgante. Thanks for that fun filled day mom and dad! I do now understand why you didn’t sign the fieldtrip form.) Im so jealous that English kids get to tour English houses. Another reason I should have gone to boarding school. Another thing I love about England.. they actually have history here. The house today was 1500’s, at home its old if it is pre-Revolutionary war. Nothing against Iroquis longhouses but I would rather go to a English Prodigy Country house.

So basically my day was full of jaw droppng sites. Oh and everyone was making fun of the one guy who put the estate into 34,000 pounds worth a debt by going on 4 world tours and buying art eveywhere. Not going to lie.. I understand him. If I had that kind of money I would buy whatever art I wanted to too and go into 34,000 pounds of debt that my tenants would eventually pay in rent. I would be an obsessive collector. I admit it. And honestly his stuff were great investments. His painting he bought for a few hundred pounds are worth thousands now! Smart man. It must be nice to be that rich just because you are born and not because you have done anything worthwhile in your life. Mom and Dad… you really messed that up for me! I wont be a heiress! :)

We saw a wine cooler made of solid silver, the second biggest known and it was 320 pounds of silver. The going rate of silver is 15.90 pounds per troy-ounce. There are 12 troy ounces in a pound. A girl and I got that it is worth 61,056 pounds just in the silver content alone.(that’s $97,513) Not to mention the craftsmanship and unique nature of the piece.

After the tour I got lunch (mushroom risotto. I had brought my lunch and I ate that and was still hungry so I bought lunch too) and Freya and I walked around the grounds and made friends with some deer. (Some looked moose like so I thought of mom and our failed mission to see a Canadian moose!)

Then we were off to the strangest thing I have ever seen. It’s a trianglar lodge that a guy used to raise rabbits in. If that isnt weird enough its FULL of symbolism of the Trinity (3 sided building, three floors, 3 windows on each floor cut into 3 parts) it goes on and on. It was weird and we couldn’t break all the codes that were on it. When Andrew was explaining it to us it sounded way different than what it actaully was. (check out facebook for pictures)

Im so tired and tomorrow is presentation day. I think Ill be ok and at least hold my own. Im actaully more worried about Tuesday’s now than tomorrows! Off to read my other article for tomorrow (Kant. Im still on Kant because I have no clue what he is saying) shower, and BEDTIME! I cant wait for the weekend!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Wed.

Today has been a long day! I got up at 9 and ran off to school even though I didn’t have class. I really needed to work on my presentations for Friday and next Tuesday. I worked from 10:30-1:15, ate lunch really fast and went to lecture. Lecture was pretty sweet today. It was all about English silver. There is no way that can be boring! I learned all the clues to telling between quality silver and crap! Im pretty excited. I want to go out and collect silver now! (I would need money to do this….) Silver though is a legit investment because the piece has value for just being silver and since the paper money (or notes) are going down the drain the prices of silver are going up. Currently one ounce of silver is worth 15.90 pounds.

After lecture I went to Waterstones to get the lecturers recommended pocket guide to hallmarks of silver. I got the only copy there so BooYah! I also wandered around the store for an hour and only bought one other book. It was on Rubens so I am counting it as a school book! (It was only 5 pounds too!) Also I tried really hard to find a poster of the English Monarchs. I am in desperate need of one for two reasons. First of all my apartment needs decoration. Secondly my professors keep saying “Edwardian” of “Georgian” and I don’t know their reigns so I have to figure out the dates by myself. I am going to go see Buckingham this weekend so I am hoping that a tourist shop will have one.

After that I went home (Goodge Street Station is a pain to get to from Willesden Green I have found out!) I grabbed my compy and am at the library working on my presentations for the last 2 hours. I am going to go home and make dinner now, take a shower, do more reading, and head to bed early as our bus to Burghley House leaves at 8am and if are not there before 8 you don’t go. I need to leave early tomorrow! I probably wont get a chance to get internet tomorrow as the house is 2 hours away and by the time I write my blog the library would be closed! Sorry you will have to all wait until Friday for updates!

A very Productive Tuesday!

At the start of the day I thought this was going to be a LONG, frustrating day. I was pokey getting out of bed but I threw on my outfit (a very cute one if I may add!) with my new trendy scarf. (I cant believe I own one of these said trendy scarves. Never thought I would) I put it one (hopefully the right way) and sped through my morning routine. I decided to wear my new, chestnut brown, oxfords. They were so cute! I was all excited about my new shoes and new scarf! I bounded down the street, happy the weather was nice when I noticed a twinging pain in my right heel. I ignored it thinking that new shoes always rub and Ill be ok. WRONG. By the time I was at the tube station both heels were raw and throbbing. I was grateful for a seat and hoped that they would be ok when I stood up to switch trains. Nope. They were now shooting pains up the back of my leg. (I am NOT exaggerating!) I hobbled as I switched trains and walking from the Great Portland tube to school was beyond painful. I was a waddling duck and I looked like I should be going to the pregnant women hospital thing that I walk by every day! If I had the tummy I would have fit right in! I collapsed on the couch at school thankful to have survived but then realizing that I had to make it back home somehow. I thought “bandaids!” and hobbled my way to the firstaid kit. No band aids. Everything else under the freaking medical sun, but no BAND AIDS! What kind of school am I going to? So I made my way to a seat for lecture and tried to ignore the throbbing.

Lets just say that the lecture that I somehow stayed conscious for was not worth the legitimate pain that I put myself through to hear it. The lecture was on a very specific kind of Italian pottery. It really could have been cool if it wasn’t so general! I don’t know if Im just used to more in depth stuff at HWS, but some of these lectures are just vague and broad stroking the entire concept. Either I know everything the lecturer says about something, o I know nothing so the basic overview isn’t enough for me to get everything. I don’t know… its weird.

Getting home was one painful blur. I took the bus from the tube station to the stop outside my flat. I felt so lazy but I couldn’t walk that far. I walked in and threw off my shoes and cleaned the bottoms. I packed them up to return them. I look down and there is blood seeping through both of my socks. Don’t let cute little shoes fool you!

After bandaging my feet I headed off to the library to skype the mother. She liked my trendy scarf! :) Then I shot off some emails and looked up some stuff and headed back to my flat. I was tired of waiting for Jack to text me the phone number for the electric so I had looked it up. I called them and in 2 minutes I was all set and Ill get my bill and welcome pack in the mail soon! It was stressing my out so I was happy to get that resolved!

I then grabbed the evil shoes, and the tights without feet and went to Oxford Street to RETURN THEM! I did and didn’t have any problems! I was asked so SO many times were Primark was. Primark is the Gabriels of London (for those of you who don’t know what the is….. its like Forever 21 but even cheaper) Tourists don’t realize how LONG Oxford Street is. The all get off at Oxford Circus and expect to be right there. Well… Primark is at the Marble Arch tube station… two stops away. After two times of being told that it couldn’t be there because its on Oxford St I gave up and just said I didn’t know. I did head over to Primark though because I wanted to check it out. It wasn’t all that special but I did get a pair of 2 pound pj pants, a 3 pound shirt, 1 pound ring, and some flat stuff. (see facebook!) The bedding was really cheap so I got a cover for my other duvet, a fitted sheet, and a second towel. It was all uber cheap! LOVE it.

My flat is starting to look better! I have cards that people had given me out on my dresser (In the living room) the couch looks better now and now I just wish I had something on the walls! I think Im going to get a plant at Sainsburys on Sunday. Every place needs a plant! I love living on my own. I feel so grown up! I am getting used to living alone.

After I set up all my new stuff Jack texted me the water number and I gave them a call. That took probably… 4 minutes and Im all set! Im so relieved! Now I need to figure out how to get exempt from Council Tax and register at a doctor in case I get the plague or shingles! (hey you never know. I have already gotten the old peoples disease so it could always pop back up!) I am getting there. Im almost completely settled!

Today was London and my one month anniversary. Getting out of that car a month ago, I never thought I would make it this long. I am so happy to be out of that lair! Everything is just better. I no long shove food down my throat to avoid seeing her. Its nice! I still think about her telling all of her friends! Hehehe :)

So that was my day. I need to go read and actually do work now that I have played all day. I have a presentation Friday and Tuesday! I don’t have powerpoint on my compy or the internet so this should be interesting!


So I typed my blog last night and was all ready to postitthis morning at school and I realized I never put it on my USB stick.Fail. So Ill have to post it tonight when I go to the library! Sorry!

Monday, October 24, 2011


I don’t know why it was so incredibly hard to get out of bed this morning! I went to bed early (out of boredom really) but I still didn’t drag my butt out of bed until 8:30. It was fine though because I left at 9 and still got to school at 9:30…. 45 mins before class! So I did my normal morning routine of eating my cherrios and reading my book until people started arriving. I chatted and then went into the lecture room. It was a lecture on Venetian painting. Again it was too broad and the only thing I got out of the hour and a half lecture was that Im pumped about going to Venice in March! :) Then we discovered that the Museum rotation that was supposed to happen today was a mistake on the calendar so we really had the afternoon off! Hooray! I love when surprises like that happen! Instead of going to class I walked down Great Titchfield Road to see what was down there and it runs into Oxford Street (which I had NO idea!) I wandered around there and decided to take the bus home and spend the afternoon getting some much needed reading done. I hopped on the 98 and didn’t look at the map… I took it the wrong way. It wasn’t the end of the world because the route was almost over where I got on, but I stil couldn’t believe that I was that stupid. Oh well. I kept riding the bus and an hour and 20 minutes later I was home!

Random thing today… I was on the bus on the way hme (going the right direction finally!) and the route goes by Marble Arch. (basically it’s a small park with a triumphal arch in it) and there was a woman who was covered head to toe in a billowing black cloth (I don’t know the proper name of it) with only a slit for her eyes. She was standing in front of the waterfalls to get her picture taken. Being a western girl I just didn’t get it.

One thing I miss about Parsons Green… I lived by 3 schools. My favorite thing on the morning and afternoon walk were the little primary school boys in their bright red jackets, hats, little shirts, grey knickers and knee high socks. It really was the cutest little thing. I could have stolen one of them! (kidnapping is bad… I know!) It just always reminded me of that phase I went to in high school when I hated Panama so much that I sent away from info so I could apply to boarding schools, on being in the Isle of Man. I used to carry the brochure with me everywhere! Haha. And now here I am going to school in London with still no uniform. How did that happen??

That was basically my day. Nothing crazy to write about. My blog is suffering without the Dragon Lady. I, however, am not! Tonight Im off to the library to post my last two blog entries, email some people and look up the guy I have to read an article about! Again… nothing too exciting!


The weather is beautiful here. I heard once the clocks change (they do next weekend) and the cold sets in all of us are going to be extremely depressed… but right now I don’t need a jacket and the sky is really blue and cloudless. Its gorgeous! I slept in again (love it!) and headed to Sainsburys because 1. Sundays are my groceries days it seems, and 2. I had nothing for lunch except for some carrot sticks. Not enough!

After lunch I headed to the library to take full advantage of the free wifi. I am SO lucky to live two blocks from the library. I just remember Rome… taking the 40 bus for 10-15 minutes to get to a McDonalds and having buy something to use the internet! Dear Library.. I am appreciative of you! Not only for wifi… I am currently nose deep in Jane Austen’s Persuasion. I take it everywhere. I feel like a native when I read on the tube instead of staring at the map to make sure I get off at the right stop. I am just waiting for the day I get too involved in my book and miss my stop! It wont be the end of the world, but I am just waiting. I usually don’t read on the way into school. Im just too sleepy. I just check my email and zone to my ipod. Music saves me in the morning! Anyways… I went to the library until about 2 and headed back home.

I decided to go to Piccadilly and do some Christmas shopping. I know that sounds crazy… its October. A bit early for Christmas but they don’t have Thanksgiving here (really sad about that one!) so they are already pumped about Christmas. I LOVE Christmas but its early… 2 months and 2 days actually! I headed to Fortnum and Masons where I feel in love. This store is (as Laura Burns would say) TOP NOTCH. I love it. Its Tiffanys of Kitchen and food stuff. The men on the staff wear tuxs… with tails. (Is that what they are called??) That is just awesome. Its Pride and Prejudice in 2011. I love it! The guy who helped me was so incredibly gay and he was awesome! So nice and helpful in his TUX. I spent too much money honestly but the majority of it were Christmas gifts. Those of you who are still laughing at the fact I went Christmas shopping, the Big Ben ornament that I wanted was ALREADY out of stock. Yeah. I got a little solider instead! That was my gift to myself! I said no to teapots, teapot cozies, china, towels and food. Oh I did get the cutest linen napkins. Not saying how much they were… but they are really cute. I only bought two! I have realized that I have very very VERY expensive taste. Everything I wanted was the high end stuff. I found a really pretty teapot. I wasn’t going to buy it but I looked to see if I could save my money for it. Umm… 250 pounds. Not happening. I spent forever in there and had a blast shopping for me and others! Oh I bought a cookie… it was one of those pre-packages sugar cookies. I didn’t have high expectations. Those are never very special. Well… I ate mine and almost fell over in shock. One of the BEST cookies I have ever had! It cost 2 pounds so it should have been, but the frosting and the cookie… ummm.

After I continued from Piccadilly towards Oxford Circus. I was looking for an H&M to grab some tights so I can wear my cute skirts in the fall and winter. (the heavy knit ones that actually keep you warm!) I found it and bought some tights, 3 shirts for 6 pounds total, and a sweater. I need to bring the one pair of tights back. I didn’t realize that they didn’t have the feet. Gah! And I got cream and brown and really only need the brown so I can get money back for the one pair! Today was just so much fun. It was a blast!

I cant believe Im going to say this… it is annoying not having the internet but it really gets me out and about. Also I get a lot more reading done and work done with being distracted! I still cant wait to have it back though! Oh speaking of school work… Christies is always saying how hard this course is. Im waiting for it to get hard. Im used to reading for 4 classes and having papers, projects, and discussions for four classes. I have reading for two which meet once a week. Yes I will have two papers due at the end of the term, but until then Im just roaming around London. This week I wil have work because I have two presentations but after the two presentations I have one project due Nov. 11, and then two papers due Dec. 9th. Maybe term two and three will be harder?? I don’t know. Im loving this though! Learning lot with minimum outside of school work. Beautiful!

I really have no idea what I want to do for my thesis. Im lost. Honors was such an easy decision… this not so much!

Oh I just know I am the talk of Hurlingham Square. I bet the Dragon has called everyone and told all of her little old evil friends.

Well im off to shower and read so I can go to bed early!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Waste of the day/ Potential Friends?

Today really doesn’t even deserve a blog post! I didn’t do anything really. Just wasted my day. I slept in (which was nice) and went out to the post office before it closed. Then I came back and had soup for lunch. I had picked Lentil and Bacon without thinking what a Lentil was. I finished the can but I really don’t think Ill be buying it again! It looked gross and didn’t taste all that great! Then I headed off the the library and hung out all day. I surfed the internet, read my article and decided I really have no idea what the guy is saying, and skyped my parents. I shouldn’t have gone so early because I ended up just waiting around to skype mom and dad. I couldn’t really focus on what I was reading because there were kids running around, and people talking. Basically I accomplished nothing so at the moment I am frustrated and grumpy.

Alright…. Well I wrote that part yesterday when I was I a bad mood! After my waste of a morning I went out to Betsys house for dinner. She had 4 of us girls over. Katie, Leslie, Blair and I were there and it was actually fun. Dinner was good, had some cider, and talked about school and other random things. It was nice to be out with people and have someone to talk to so I am really hoping that last night was a first step towards friends. I learned that Leslis is from North Tonawanda!! How crazy is that?? We both almost fell out of our chairs! Blair and I are in a lot of the groups at school together so I can talk to her! The groups go by last name so Im with the same people over and over. Ill make an effort to talk to Blair tomorrow! I got back late even though I was the first to leave. I didn’t want the tube to shut down on me and I have to figure the buses out at midnight. I couldn’t remember when the Jubilee line shut down (I have just started using it!) so I left at 10:40 and got home an hour later. It was a good night!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


I went to bed last night at 10:30.. partly from boredom and partly because I was really really tired. I had a rough night for a few hours from about 7-9. I was really lonely but I cried it out and was ok after. This adjustment has been harder than I expected. I think also I was so overwhelmed with the Dragon that I didn’t really settle into London. I was running from one thing to another trying to stay out of the house. Now that I have stopped and relaxed I feel very alone!! Hopefully Ill adjust (im sure I will!) and be ok. It is peaceful living alone. I don’t want to do it forever though! I am just thankful that I feel so comfortable in my apartment. Im not scared at all! I was un-easy in the Dragons Lair alone at night. There was too much space and emptiness. Here it is small and cozy and I have met the family upstairs which is comforting! She seems nice and its not a creepy loner man above me! :) I haven’t met the other tenant who lives below me but Im ok!

Today was rough just in the sense that I woke up and my phone said that I didn’t have any credit left (no calls or texts for me!) and I went to check my email and it said that my internet was gone too. It just wasn’t a great 5 minutes to my day. I got out of bed late but managed to get out the door at 8:50. I need to chill and just accept that fact that I can change my schedule because me leaving at 8:50 gets me to school at 9:30. 45 minutes early for class and 35 minutes early for being early enough to get a good seat for lecture! (Something that I am trying to get used to. Class is “lecture” and you never go to THE lecture, you just go to lecture. Kind of like how they go to university.) I am becoming a nerd. I was one before Ill admit, but Im getting to class early to get a good seat?? Really? What have I become?

Lecture today was EPIC… like sit on the edge of your seat and scribble as fast as you can epic. (that confirmed my nerdiness!) It was an hour and a half of….. RENAISSANCE AMOUR!!! Woo! I learned so much!! One thing was that Hollywood lies (ok well I knew that..) and when the depict knights who can barely move under the weight of their amour its wrong. Its light way and flexible and you can do summersaults in them! As our tutor said today… if one went into battle with the Hollywood version, fell down and couldn’t get up that is suicide… something the knights actually wanted to avoid! Also most “suits” of amour were not made for battle, but for jousting, parades and just plain showing off!! Look at all you learned! I am paying thousands of pounds to learn this stuff and you all just learned it for free! You are welcome! :)
After lecture I snagged a computer to check facebook, figure out how to top-up my phone, and check email. I was dreading my seminar. I didn’t know what to expect from it. 1:30 came really fast and I headed to Dr. Michael Michael’s office. (yes that is his name. He explained it to us. When the British colonized the Welsh tribes they undid their naming system of taking their ancestors names. They took family names away to simplify everything and it left him with Michael Michael) I was the second one there and he is actually nice. He fed us digestive cookies (it means they are made from whole wheat. Something else I learned!) (o and after lecture I went to Sainsburys and bought two rolls of them and ate an entire half of the roll) and told us stories about a Jaffa cake. Then it was class. Presenting doesn’t look like it will be horrible horrible. It was still be stressful and Ill be a mess next Friday, but it looks like Ill live through it. Class wasn’t scary, just long. 2 and a half hours of the theory of studying art and beauty gets to you. My brain hurt and I didn’t even understand all of the first article. Lets just say I took TONS of notes. So I lived. That is the good thing!

Lecture ended at 4 and I went all over the city trying to find flat sheet for a reasonable price. I cant figure out where normal Londoners get reasonably prices (not designers) home things. Sigh. I also topped up my phone which was weird. The creepy guy gave me a free SIM card with 30 pounds already on it for no apparent reason at all. So I topped up my current SIM and then got another one with 30 pounds on it. 60 pounds of credit for 30 pounds. I don’t even know how to use it because different SIM means different phone number. Im not changing my phone number again! I may just use it to call home (because a 30 pound top up gives me free international minutes plus 30 pounds worth of UK calls) After finally finding a reasonable blanket (a single duvet for 15 pounds) I decided to ride the bus home.

Tonights wild plans… showering, reading Persuasion (I got it from my local library!), reading my wallpaper book to see if I want it to be my thesis, and probably going to bed. Wow… crazy plans. Tomorrow is the library for wifi!! Woo! I cant wait to have the internet at home. Be thankful for it!

My blog is going to be a day behind for awhile because I dont have the internet at home!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rest of yesterday and today

Last night went so smoothly! I got a call at about 6 rom the car company saying that there was a problem… there was a football match in Fulham (Chelsea vs Arsenal) would there be any chance that I could be ready early. I was already ready so I said sure and 10 minutes later the car was there. Awesome! Everything fit into the car (I was worried!) and in an hour I was outside of my new abode. I lugged my crap upstairs (I need to take a picture of the staircase sometime… Im going to kill myself on it!) I unpacked and got all settled and then remembered that I had no food so I ran out to Sainsbury’s. It was uneventful and I came home, showered and went to bed by 10:30! I survived my first night! :)

This morning I did not want to get up! (shocker. When do I??) I got ready and headed out the door (after checking 15 times to make sure that I had my paper that is due today!) The walk is longer than it was at Parson’s Green but the tube ride was only about 10 minutes! Awesome! So the commute was fast and painless! I even think I figured out the bus from my flat to the tube so if Im really lazy someday maybe Ill give that a try!

Class was boring this morning. It was the Sistine Chapel. I have heard about the Sistine Chapel SO many times! I just want to yell “I appreciate it! STOP lecturing us!!” After that I spent lunch reading the article I have to give my presentation on next Friday. My strength is reading comprehension. (ask the SAT) In an hour I got through 6 pages and I don’t really understand most of it. I HATE art history theory. HATE IT! Tomorrow is my first class so I can see how the other people are doing their presentations. Im so glad I am not going first!

After getting a headache from that we went to our first print handling session. I was disappointed that the prints were until plastic and we weren’t encouraged to touch. Hmmm… what I did get out of it is that I cant tell an engraving from an etching unless its REALLY obvious and I never want a career in prints. I am just not a fan.

I headed home at 3 and met the mom and two kids that live above me. The mom seems nice. She apologized for her little boy because she says that he thumps. Eh whatever. I can take a thumping toddler! Then I went to the big Sainsburys to get apartment stuff… and it was kind of a fail. I only got a bathmat, dishtowels and a wastepaper basket. So that was kind of frustrating. I did figure out the bus to get there in back though so I was impressed!

Tomorrow will be a long day I think. I am tired from the stress of this week and the last class tomorrow will be torture I think (Art. History. Theory. ) Im trying to make it without the internet. Its hard though being alone and not having the internet when you cant call anyone!

Im at the library with free wifi!! WOO!!! I am excited. I am very very tired though so kind of grumpy. Everything just has felt like a challenge lately. I just want life to get a little easier for me! Sigh. I am going to be very very stressed next week with my presentations coming up. This weekend wont be very fun!

Im starting to feel very alone… living myself is odd.

Oh some of you requested my letter that left. I actually feel really bad about it.

I am sorry to have left before you came home.
I was given an opportunity to move and felt I could not turn it down.
I have left you L140 for this week's rent
I will put the key through the cat door as I leave.
Thank you for your help in getting me acquainted with London

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Flat Day!

This morning came WAY too quickly!! (in the sleeping sense… not getting out of the lair!) My alarm went off at 6:55 and I didn’t get out of bed until 7:25. Oops! I was still 4 minutes early getting to the Willesden Green station to meet Jack (the son of my new landlord) so everything worked out! I got my keys at 9 and got a TON of information thrown at me. I forgot to ask where to take the trash out to…. Have to figure that one out sometime! I did figure out my address though and how to pay my landlord. If anyone wants to send me mail just email me and Ill email my address to you! (Don’t really want to put my address on the world wide web!) I wont have internet remember until at least next Friday. I do have email on my phone… its hard to email off of it so my replies may be short!

After Jack left I wandered around my apartment (took .5 seconds!) and then headed out to Sainsburys to get some cleaning stuff. I got everything for 15 pounds! Not too bad! I did forget some things though (should have made that list!) so I have to go back sometime. I then came back home, put my leaning stuff away and headed back out… to the library!!! I noticed on my Sainsburys trip that I live two blocks away from the library! So I went and got a library card (even checked out a book!) and the pamphlet says that I can have free wifi if I bring in my laptop! They are only open until 8 which is stinky… but it is better than nothing at all! Im going to figure out how the wifi works tomorrow after class!

I then headed to school even though I was really early. I picked up lunch and ate it in the common room. A French girl sat down beside me and I was like “oh a new potential friend!!” and 2 seconds later I decided that it just wasn’t going to work out. (She is one very snotty French girl from Paris) So then I headed downstairs to our library, printed off my cover sheet for my assignment that is due tomorrow and wandered about the library. I am thinking about doing my thesis on Wallpaper… haven’t made a decision but I checked out a book about it to do some preliminary reading to see if wallpaper is cool or not! :)

I then went to the most pointless lecture of my life. I cant really tell you what it was about. Something about research. If you are thinking “wow that sounds like the 15th lecture that Anna has had on how to research” you are right. It was the 15th. It was 45 minutes of torture.

After lecture I went to the British Library to get a library card. Epic fail. Apparently it is easier to open a bank account in this country than to get library card. I need three things and she shot down my student letter, and my tenant agreement as my proof of address. I need a bill proving I live there. So no library card for me today… I took the bus to Notting Hill gate and then the tube home!

I have gone through the house 100 times opening everything to make sure Im not leaving anything behind! I am so paranoid! My car comes at 7 (should have said 6!) and then Ill spend the rest of the night unpacking without internet!

If the internet at the library works Ill post my blog tomorrow night! If not Ill post at school on Friday. I miss everyone! Please email! (ill be lonely and can easily get email!)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Only Tuesday??? Sigh

Today was an ok normal day. The morning lecture was incoherent, vague and ALL over the place. It was about the High Renaissance but there were alterpieces thrown in the beginning from the early Renaissance then we ended with right before the Sistine chapel… in an hour and a half we covered a HUGE amount of material. It was not informative considering I had seen all of the images before and had gone to many of the places we covered in Rome! I wish I just could have slept in instead!

After lecture I ate my measly lunch and went to the post office with Betsy. Then I had to go to class at the Wallace collection. We were the only group that had class today! Gah! But it was really interesting. The Wallace Collection is pretty awesome. My seminar is on Baroque Portraits which I know nothing about so I actually have to pay attention in that class!

We only stayed there for an hour and after I headed to Oxford Street since I was so close to it already. I went to the Orange store and bought my router. If I already have a phone line I don’t need an engineer to come set anything up. My line will be active in 10 working days (Lame but WAY better than a month which everyone else has said!) If I do need an engineer to come Im going to be depressed because that will take 20 working days. I am really REALLY hoping I wont need an engineer. The guy said I probably wont if the tenant before me had a router (which she did). So Im keeping my fingers crossed because the internet is my life line at the moment and Il need it for school. Don’t take your interent for granted anyone! It sucks if you don’t have it and lugging everything to a wireless place (such at McDonalds) stinks! I will keep up with my blog! I will just have to post at school either inbetween class or after! Everyone may have to wait a little bit for pictures of my new pad! Hopefully only ten working days! (they said within so I am really hoping to have the world wide web by next Friday!) I just want something to go right and be easy here!

On the way home from Oxford Street today I was standing at the Notting Hill Gate tube station waiting for my train to Wimbledon (it is not a regular train which means lots of waiting) and I was reading the advertisements to pass time. I noticed one for the ballet at the Royal Opera House. They are putting on Sleeping Beauty! (Who doesn’t like Sleeping Beauty!) I went home and googled it…. And I ended up buying myself a ticket! It was only 15 pounds! Not too shabby! It is in the crap section but I really didn’t want to buy the next level (56 pounds) and the cheaper ones are standing only for 10 pounds. I decided for 5 more pounds Ill have a chair! So I am excited! I figured that was more ok to go to alone than the England vs Sweden football game! AND its cheaper, and in the Royal Opera House!

This is my last night in the lair! I am so excited! I don’t like being here alone, and I don’t like her being here! It’s a lose lose. I wish she would just come home at 10-10:30 every night so I knew someone was coming home, but I would never have to see her :) That would be perfect! But tomorrow is another adventure! I called for my car and said my address that I wanted picked up. The guy immediately said :Oh Mrs. Armytage’s place!” great…. I know that she uses them a lot but I didn’t know she used them THAT much! I hope she doesn’t trace me through them! I have an embarrassing amount of stuff to fit in the car tomorrow. I hope the guy doesn’t hate me!

Tonight is pretty chill. Shower, skyping, going to bed early. I have to get my keys at 9am! GAH that is early! I am ready to get settled somewhere! I feel like a nomad with no home. I really hadn’t ever settled in here because I wanted to move so badly! Im anxious for tomorrow!

Cups of Tea: 8

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Grumpy Robber

I have been a grump today. I admit it. I had to get up early this morning and go to a seminar about opportunities at Christies. What a waste a time. Basically the message is good luck. We have no chance. There were 5100 applicants for 220 spots, and most of those 220 spots were open for internal movement only. Meh. I didn’t want to work there anyways. It sounds like working at Chautauqua, but the people are actually rich and there is art involved. Not my cup of tea. I would rather skip the people part and just have the art! After that the lecture was really cool. It was all about Renaissance dress. It was epic. Then it was lunch time and off to Museum Rotation number one. My group went to the Victoria and Albert Museum. I talked VOLUNTARILY in class 3 times. I was so proud of myself. I still have no friends, but at least Ill get good grades for being a loner. I felt a little light headed at times so I was freaking out through the whole thing. I didn’t want to the loner that faints randomly when I see a Donatello (we were in the Donatello room!) I managed not to pass out and offer three answers. Impressive.

I came home and my books from mom were on the front step. I almost cried with relief. PHEW they are here! I grabbed them and pretty much hugged them all the way to the door. Then I had a brand new experience that I bet none of you have had. Has anyone been in someone’s attic without being allowed to? I was today. I felt like a robber. A clumsy and slow one (I couldn’t figure out how the stairs came down from the ceiling) but a thief none the less. It is weird being someone that you know you aren’t allowed to be but you are grabbing your own things that are tucked away in the corner. It was spooky too because she has SO much stuff in random piles everywhere. I was praying the ENTIRE time that I wouldn’t knock a mountain over and cause 100 things to shatter.

After that odd experience I started packing. All I have left is the closet, bathroom and the books spread around my floor. I am excited to move but its going to be a pain. I am feeling like a nomad! Oh and the water and electricity are going to be on when I move in. The dad is going to give me numbers to call to get everything in my name. The internet, however, wont be which is stressful. I kinda need the internet and I cant figure out how to set it up. I have been looking up plans but they all want my home phone number. Blah. Im going to try to go into an Orange store tomorrow and see whats up.

Tonight is finishing laundry, showering and maybe reading. Oh I decided to try the dryer…. I was scared so I put it on gentle dry for 15 minutes. Nothing really happened. So I got a little braver and did intense dry for 30 mins… now my towel and sweatshirt are hot and damp instead of cold and damp. The dryer stinks.

Tomorrow is the morning lecture, a gallery visit and then internet hunting!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunny Sunday (hehe)

Today I slept in. It was glorious. I got out of bed at 10:30 and I loved it! I headed right out to Sainsbury’s (the one I couldn’t find before. Yeah it was really easy to get to…) I wandered around looking for the laundry aisle. When I found it I was baffled at what to buy. I had no clue. You can pick from powder, liquid, and liquid squares. The Dragon uses powder so that is what I got considering Im using her machine and knowing my luck if I stuck liquid in there it would blow up or something. I was lucky because the small box was 2.99 and the huge box was on sale from 5.00 down to 4.00. So for one more pound I doubled my box. I am excited. The same happened with the softener. When you cant dry your clothes and they have to air dry they get really hard and weird so the softener helps! I found one that smelled good (it has frebreze!) for 1.20 but then I looked down and the one two sizes bigger was 50% off and only 2 pounds! I am set with laundry stuff for a long time!

I still cannot cross the street. I look like an idiot every single time and there are a lot of roads to cross on a daily basis! I am starting to remember to look right first. I still look both ways 15 times, but im starting to look in the more important direction first! The thing I cant get down is what side of the road comes at you faster. For example… at home if you are crossing the road the first important lane is the left side of you, than you look right to make sure wont die crossing the next lane. Here you look right, and then left to make sure you wont die before you reach the sidewalk. That is the part I cant get down. I look right and everything is clear and then I look right again and think “Oh its clear” and then there is a car heading my way from the left. So I may die someday steps away from the curb.

What I love about London that wasn’t the case in Rome… no one knows that Im not a Londoner until I either open my mouth, or they see me cross the street. :) In Rome red-hair meant I wasn’t from Rome, or Italy for that matter! Here I stick out as much and people ask me for directions! Also I think it helps that I don’t travel in a pack. (I would need friends for that!)

I have done SO much reading today. Im pretty proud of myself actually. It was my first day home not going anywhere and sightseeing. It was so nice and I am feeling a little better now that I have started doing work for school. It is so hard to get back in the groove of academic reading and writing. I haven’t done any of it since May… probably the first week since my Honors was done on my birthday, my Chinese final was done 2 days after, sculpture wasn’t reading or writing so it was probably my History of Rome paper that was the last thing I have done. Being in London isn’t helping to motivate me! Now that I have started again I am ready and excited to be at school. Im a nerd… I LOVE school! I wish this was my job forever. And I wish I got paid for it not dishing thousands!!! Today’s reading was rough however. Art history THEORY. My favorite… and its SO easy to understand. Gah. Take Wolffin for example… I know he is a genius. It would be helped if he dumbed down his genius ideas so little minions, like me, could understand what the heck he was getting at. I understood the first section, but the last 6 pages are MILES above my head. I guess Im going to be reading that section again! After that was Pollock who I have thankfully read before thanks to Professor Ciletti. Pollock is a little bit of an extreme feminist which gets old, but at least I can understand what she is saying! I took notes while I was reading which is DEFINATLY a first. But hey after this year Im going to be smart because of it :)

Oh I should also mention that I finished my pathetic review of the Degas exhibit. And I did my laundry (not all of it though because my little tiny drying tree couldn’t handle all of my laundry!) I was productive! I still need to start of list of random stuff that Im going to need for my new pad (handsoap, dishsoap, dish towels etc..)

I came here convinced that I was going to buy a piece of Wedgewood. I am still hopeful but its kinda pricey. I want something “english” that I am going have forever to remember this year by. (For those of you who don’t know, I bought an amazing painting of the bridge I walked over everyday to class. I meant the artist, toured his little gallery and came out with an awesome oil painting. I am looking for something like this for England. Not necessarily a painting but something of the same caliber!) I was in Fortnum and Masons last week and I saw a cute little tea cozy thing (it’s a dome that covers the teapot to keep it warm) I am now thinking about finding a really nice teapot and buying a cozy for it. Ill have that forever and it will be cheaper than a Wedgewood too!! I have not lost hope of owning a blue plate with white figurines so if anyone would like to make a donation to this fund please feel free!! : ))))

I am getting so excited to move into my new bachelorette pad that will probably look like a teenage dorm room! I am pumped to explore my new neighborhood and figure everything out. I just wish I knew how to figure out the bills. After that is all figured out I will be stress free! (except for the 2 presentations I have coming up on the 28th and Nov. 1st)

I bought crackers the other day for my Nutella. SO YUMMY! I have finally figured it out… Ritz and nutella is like the Elmer Fudge cookies. So delicious. If Ritz were only shaped like elves it would be perfect!

Ok Im out of things to say! Off to make my list before skyping the parents, then its bed because school starts at 9 tomorrow. Gah! (it wouldn’t be bad if I didn’t have to leave an hour and a half before class)

Cups of Tea: 7
Royalty: NONE!! Where do they all hang out at???

Saturday, October 15, 2011

My plan was to sleep in this morning but I was wide awake at 9 (I know… that is still technically sleeping in but I was really hoping for 10!) I had a slow morning which was nice. At noon or so I decided to venture out for the day! I took the 28 bus a few stops so I could catch the 11 bus. The 11 is essentially the best bus. Instead of taking one of the bus tour, just hop on the 11. It goes by Westminster, the eye, Parliament, Big Ben, Sloane Square, War Rooms, St Pauls and ends at Liverpool street. It is a good way to see the city without paying 20 pounds for a tour ticket! I even snagged a front row seat on the second story! Best “free” way to see the city!

I got off the bus after it went by Parliament and I wandered around. I was looking forward to see the “Virgin Queen” (which btw I really don’t believe. Her and Mr Dudley were too close….) but Westminster is apparently closed on Saturday. Learned something new! I was disappointed. I made my way back to the tube after a bit and headed to Bond Street. I wandered in and out of stores and found myself once again in Hamleys. I love that toy store! I really wanted an army of little tin soldiers but… they were 23 pounds per tiny little man. I left the story toy free, but with a large strawberry lollipop. :) I go the tube at Piccadilly and headed home. When I reached Earl’s Court I learned something else very important. When living in Fulham learn the Chelsea Football Club’s match schedule. My usually quiet platform was PACKED with blue jerseys of all sizes. Thankfully they all got off at Fulham Broadway and I only had to endure two stops with them! It wasn’t bad, just crowded.

I would just love to mention that I have not purchased any article of clothing, shoes, bags, or anything else. (Ok Ok I bought a wand but that is AWESOME! And isn’t clothing!) Oh and I have resisted on MANY occasions Waterstones… a mutli-floored bookstore that kicks Barnes and Nobles in the behind. I really want to go in, but know that I would emerge with my weight in books and no way to get them home. It’s a heartbreaking situation.

Third thing I learned today… my new home is close to Wembley Stadium ;) I believe that a football game is in my future. November 15th would actually be really awesome England versus Sweden. (sorry mom but Im rooting for England!) I would also love to get tickets for an equestrian Olympic competition. I don’t know how long Ill be here though for. Oh fourth thing I learned today… Equestrian (or Dressage) is the only Olympic even that women and men compete against each other in as equals. Just throwing that out to all the feminists out there! :)

I am anxious to move into my new abode. Having such a big house to myself is lonely. And I have to keep telling myself that people have to get through a fence/gate, and two deadbolt locks. Sigh. I am nervous about bills though and having the internet, water and electric ready to go on Thursday! I need that stress to be over so I can finally start concentrating on what Im here for… school.

If nothing else this very expensive experience is making me grow up. I feel like I am out in the real world finally. (probably even more so when Im out from under the Dragon Lady) I’m looking for housing, figuring out bank accounts, bill, utilities, transportation and directions all for myself. PHEW! I feel like I have a job also because Im commuting to class, not sprinting across a quad. Im beginning to feel like an adult… and I don’t know how I feel about that! It has been a good experience so far even with all my problems because Ashville NY is a piece of cake compared to this.

I miss HWS. Not gonna lie. I have stopped looking at the This Week In Photos because it makes me “home” sick. I miss my lake, friends, professors, and the comfort of everything being familiar. Doing a honor project was the best decision I made. My thesis here is supposed to be about the same length as my Honors. A lot of people are freaking out about it but I know I can do it. I did it once, I can do it again. AND I don’t have to defend my Masters thesis and I had to defend my Honors. I feel prepared!!

Tonight is reading, shower, doing little things that I keep forgetting to and trying to sleep better than I did last night! I miss everyone!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Finally Friday!

I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow! Today was a long day! I had class this morning (Leonardo Da Vinci!) The lecturer was really funny and stressed that no one should ever call Leonardo by Da Vinci! I liked him right away! Also he pulled up the Mona Lisa and said you all know this and moved on. Finally someone else who doesn’t drool over the Mona Lisa! Actually he said most of the hype was around when it was stolen in the early 1900’s. It became front page news, returned and people became fascinated with it. The Mona Lisa just isn’t as cool as everyone thinks it is!

After class I had THREE hours until my library tour. Gah. So I figured out how to log onto the compys in the library, got my print credits all set up, and got my library card for the senate house. I also made a friend (I think!) and we bought tickets to a Leonardo talk on Dec 2nd with the worlds leading expert on Leo… Martin Kemp. It only cost 4 pounds! The exhibit is coming to the National Gallery in November so I am excited to see it.

The library tour was too informative. I didn’t retain anything really except a website that organizes your research. Its called and I really REALLY could have used it for my honors project! I just came home and downloaded it! I am excited to figure it out. If I can it will really help me I think! Also I found Google chrome on y computer and I am in love with it already. Internet explorer is SO slow compared to it!

I watched Greys last night (thanks again to Jessi!) and it was greys meets Star Wars/Lord of the Rings. Loved it! Best episode yet! (ok maybe not but still… it was fun!)

I cant decide what Im going to do tomorrow. I need to pick an adventure. After the library tour at the Senate House I was going to go to the British Museum because we were so close. Well apparently I hit British Library not British Museum on my phone map and I ended up far away from it. I had a feeling walking there that it wasn’t right. Nothing looked familiar! So instead my adventure tonight was taking the double decker bus to Notting Hill Gate (to catch the district line tube there). It was fun being up so high and seeing the city!

I am used to doing things alone and exploring the city. Its just living alone that is weird… and lonely. I need friends!

Off to skype mom and the sister! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Busy Busy Day

Phew today has been long and hectic but there isn’t much to write about! I woke up, got ready and told the Dragon to have fun in France. I was than informed that she is going to enjoy France… not have fun. She is spending time with a girlfriend so one enjoys the time, they don’t have fun. Geez. So up to the very last moments with her I was rolling my eyes. I went to class and sat through a torturous lecture on printmaking. He ran over by 15 minutes so it really was the lecture that wouldn’t end.

We only had a half day today so when I handed in my confirmation form for Venice I asked about my student letters and they had them! So I ran home (or took the tube for an hour) and grabbed my check and other info and headed to the nearest HSBC bank. I set up an account and deposited my loan check. In four days I can touch that money which is perfect because Im moving in Wednesday to my new home!

After the bank I decided to head to Saliburys (kinda the walmart of London) to grab my bedding for my new place. Its kinda ugly… well not ugly. Just very teen era looking. I wanted the cheapest one and this set was more than half off so that was the one I have. If any of you remember my room freshman year of college….the shower curtain that I put over my closet…. That is what my new duvet looks like. Blue, green and white dots. I am over that look but loved the 21 pound savings! I hulled that all back on the tube and my ten minute walk home. That was fun. Im home now very tired but with lots to do. Its peaceful here without the dragon and I love the fact that I am never seeing her again!

Off to finish my paper, eat dinner, more work, shower and bed! Wow exciting!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The best Day so far!

Today has been a rollercoaster ride of a day! I am so thankful that it ended on a good note! A great one actually! It started off not so great. I woke up late so I was going to miss the 10am tour of the student housing (the one that I really couldn’t afford anyways) So I get off the tube and decide to find the place so I can make the 11am tour. I got lost. Couldn’t find it to save my life and the area was kind of weird and not super sketchy, but sketchy enough. So I gave up (crap are, out of my price range and INCREDIBLY lost). I headed back to Hammersmith to the Starbucks, where I ordered a Café Mocha so I could sit there and call people who placed ads in Loot (a paper of ads) for flats. I called 8 people and only one really sounded nice. (the others were agents (who have fees),or people at work who wanted me to call them back) The nice guy said that his son would call me in a few hours to arrange a viewing. He called within 20 minutes and said that he had a viewing at 2:15 if I wanted to come. I said sure, and then he said to come at 1:15 so I would beat all the other viewings of the day. Sweet!

So I headed to Willesdan Green for the viewing. I noticed that it was in the perfect spot, right on the edge of zone 2 (for the tube. It gets more expensive the farther out you get so I really wanted to stay in zone 2) and its on the Jubilee line which means I ride a few stops to Baker Street, switch trains and go one stop to Great Portland. So easy to get to class! Anyways I arrive and its on High Road (meaning everything is on that road. Grocery stores, restaurants…. Everything) The son is about my age and he works for his dad showing his dad’s properties. He was really nice and friendly. I can just tell I am not getting scammed. He shows me the place. Its cute (smells really strongly of paint because they just redecorated) You walk in and the bedroom is on the left and the bathroom is off of the bedroom. Down the hall is the living room with a half wall between the kitchen. Its really small but super cute. I like it. There a fridge, washing machine, oven etc. I am hoping there is a microwave but honestly I cant remember! Oh well its not like I have one right now anyways.

He says that the price doesn’t include bills. Sigh. So I choked. I said I would think about and talk to my parents. I leave and call mom. No answer (she had to pick today to go out to breakfast!!!) So I frantically call dad. We decide go for it. I text Jack… no response. I think at this point I lost it (he had a viewing right after e) after awhile I call him…. Its still available!!! I snag it! We meet back up and I sign the contract for 6 months (extendable at one month increments), get receipts and I move in WEDNESDAY! I am so pumped.

I am still nervous and stressed though. Now I have to set up a bank account before Wednesday and I need to figure out how to become exempt from the council tax (im a student!) and set up my water, internet, and electric! I have never done any of this in the USA so I am lost about how to do it in London. I guess I will figure it out somehow!

Tonight is my last night with the Dragon. I am so excited. She leaves tomorrow for France and Ill make my great escape! I really need to do schoolwork tonight so I may post again if anything interesting comes up or Ill write again tomorrow!!

In all seriousness…. ANYONE who wants to come to London now has a free home. Warning… you have to share a double bed with me or sleep on the futon couch. :) I am serious about anyone coming! I would LOVE visitors!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just a Tuesday

This morning didn’t start off so great. I was wondering why the Dragon was clamoring around the kitchen at 8 in the morning. I get ready for school (im kinda running late thanks to falling back to sleep between snoozes) and as soon as I walk into the kitchen Im greeted with a “Look what you’ve done”. Turns out I single handily defrosted her freezer. Gah. There was water all over (which she had mopped) but I was “lucky because I really could have had caused severe damage if the water had gotten to the carpet”. Her and her stupid carpet! Anyways I apologized while trying to quickly make my lunch for school. I half-listened to her rant. Im just hoping that the salmon is alright because knowing my luck she will think it is ruined and I’ll have to pay for it. I just left the house and hurried to the tube.

My student oyster card hadn’t come yesterday. (It came today actually and my picture looks really good! O and for people who don’t know an oyster card is a tube/bus credit card thing. The student ones are discounted quite a bit so I really wanted one!) So today I decided to just buy one day at 8 pounds instead of buying the week at 28 pounds because I knew it would come soon. I go to the machine and buy a single day. It comes to 8 pounds and I insert my 20 pound note because I really need change so breaking a 20 seemed like a good plan. My ticket pops out along with a 2 pound coin. The machine didn’t give me my 10 pound note. I go to the man in the window and tell him the tale. He looks at me like Im the dumbest person he has ever met and say “machines don’t give back notes, just coins” so I say cant you do anything for me. He says no. So I literally threw away 10 pounds (15 dollars) into a machine. I was angry.

I get on the tube and I start sweating. Really badly again. Thinking about how great of a morning I have had I am just waiting to pass out. I didn’t though and didn’t even feel like I was going to but I was paranoid the entire ride into school!

School was awesome. Im such a nerd! We had 15th-16th century tapestries today. I don’t know how I missed learning about them at HWS! It was really interesting. After the lecture they asked anyone who needed help with housing to stay after class. (about time Christies!) I stayed of course and so did two other girls. The Japanese girl was there and I have decided I could never live with her.. and Clemance (cane spell her name) is French and she seems cool enough. We all told our horror stories (all of us found our people in the Christies catalog. Hmmm…..) and we have to meet with Hela to tell her that our situations aren’t working and we got the from Christies. Anyways Rebecca (a tutor) told us about Loot… a free advertising paper that we should look in. (I tried to buy this after school and my really nice newspaper lady told me to wait to tomorrow because that is the new issue). Also Rebecca was going to look up some agents that she has used in the past and put some feelers out for us. I would even be ok with sharing a flat with Clemance if it comes to it! I am really trying to find somewhere by the weekend so I can move out next week. The Dragon is going to France and I want to make my great escape without her here!

I have realized that all I talk about is the Dragon. Im getting tired of her and you all are probably sick of hearing me complain so change of topic! I love London. I loved Rome, but in a different way. The people here are nicer, they speak English so it is easier to communicate and they actually wear normal clothing unlike New Yorkers. Sorry USA, but Rome beats NYC and London blows both of them out of the water! I just like the culture and British history so Im loving London! Also the museums are FREE! Not the special exhibits, but the normal ones are! The accents though are hard for me. Not all but Scottish!! O my goodness. I love how it sounds but listening to a lecture in a thick Scottish accent takes concentration!

School… I love it but its going to start getting hard. Actually maybe not… but im nervous anyways. When I think about it 2 final papers, 2 presentations, and 2 projects is nothing! I had that in each of my four classes at HWS! Im just nervous that the theory course will take up a lot of my time. After this week Im going to be busy for two weeks but then things seem to die down until the end of the course. ( I have a Degas Review due on the 20th, my presentation on the 28th, my other presentation on Nov. 1st and my last project on the 11th.) My last project will be fun. Its an artifact analysis so Im not worried! I just have to live through the 1st of November!

Another thing that is going to be weird… I need to change my word processing to the UK setting. They spell thing differently and we were told today that we are in the UK so you write like you are in the UK. Awesome. So I guess its mould instead of mold, and theatre instead of theater! It will just take a bit to get used it! I cant imagine having English as my second language and taking this course! Its hard enough when I speak English! Curtains are even called something else! (something that starts with a p)

I ate dinner early (5:30) so I could avoid the Dragon as she isn’t home yet from her little lunch date with whoever. I cant wait until she leaves on Thursday!! I wont see her much tomorrow as Ill be spending my day looking for a new home! Tonight Im going to try to write some of my review so I can get it over with. Im sorry to you if you are someone on my “I need to email list” (mainly Jessi and Katie!) Im trying to get stuff done so I can send you both a long overdo email! Im just hoping that the Dragon doesn’t bring up the freezer again!

Cups of Tea: still 5

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Manic Monday

Today started like any other Monday. I hit the snooze five times and laid in bed until the last possible minute. Somehow I still managed to make it out of the door on time. Hearing the Dragon stir in the upper lair is a good motivation!! I popped on the tunes and headed to class. The commute was going well until I hit the Hammersmith City Line. I hopped on the train and went from Edgeware to Baker Street. This is where all of a sudden it was torture to stand, I started really sweating, and I thought I was going to pass out. I decided that I could make it one more stop to Great Portland where I get off. He doors opened at Baker Street and Bam… I could see stars. I got off the tube and sat down on the bench. I drank some water, ate cheerios, and sat bent over for a bit. Then I was fine, hopped back on the tube and got to class alright. It was really weird though and I was paranoid that I was going to pass out again!! I was exhausted for the rest of the day and have a killer headache. The morning lecture was ok… German Renaissance painting. The afternoon was AWESOME! It was conservation of old master painting, and microscope analysis of the pigments. Loved it. The hour and a half flew by!!

Ok so Dragon Lady is pushing her boundaries here. Im having a hard time keeping my mouth shut. I made some pasta with meat sauce for dinner… something cheap and fast. SO I was making dinner.. and I was critiqued the entire time. I boiled the water, put in the pasta and started to brown my meat. I was informed that I needed to brown an onion first (I didn’t have one. I forgot it) and that I should have started the meat and then put the pasta on. THEN she said “maybe when you get married you will learn how to cook”. Yeah.. I was pretty mad. My pasta was really good with my meat sauce and everything came out just fine. I really don’t like her.

So that was my day… I need to do more work this week but I really am addicted to finding a new home. Hopefully Wednesday.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hanging with the Dragon

Today was just a bad day. Im a grump so Im sorry in advance for the negativity. I woke up dreading the outing, but decided I really needed to try to make the best of it. We were supposed to leave at 10… we left at 11. (her fault. I would have been murdered if I was running late) She made me put my tampons in the bathroom cupboard before we left. I gave her some attitude… not going to lie. So we finally left the house and she decided that she hates the tube so we are taking the bus. The tube would have taken us like… 45 minutes. The bus… an hour and 15. Whatever… I got to see some of London so I still was trying to have fun. The ENTIRE way there though I got whacked, poked, and bruised because she had to show me everything! Annoying but again… im attempting to have fun. We arrive and grab a sandwich for lunch and we eat it in the park at St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was really pretty. After that off to the jewelry fair. It cost 7 pounds to get in! GAH!

There was some really pretty things there it just wasn’t that fun because there was NO way I could afford anything. I would have walked through it in about an hour, not 3.5 that it took us. Dragon Lady was so embarrassing. She told me before we left that she would only spend 200 pounds for anything. When we got there she would ask how much something was (it was always over 200 pounds) she would get all excited, try it on, hem and haw and then say that she would think about it because she had seen something else at another stand that was better. Yes… that was my day. There were 90 stands so it probably happened 75 times. Ridiculous and embarrassing. Ill leave all the other little stuff out, but basically I was embarrassed the entire time.

After the fair we went next door to St Paul’s. There was an organ recital that was really good. I had gone there with Uncle Billy four years ago for the Sunday service and I remembered everything there. I had fun looking around from my chair. Dragon Lady was actually silent for 45 minutes so that was the best part.

We caught the bus home and she decided that she didn’t have anything for dinner we needed to make something and split it. So that was fun….. we got premade chicken and some veggies. It wasn’t that bad when I type it now… but after being with her for the whole day and thinking I was done this was torture. FINALLY we were done and I could sprint upstairs to skype mom. Gah. I got nothing done today. SO frustrating.

Until tomorrow

Cups of tea: 5
No royal sighting

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cleaning the Lair

Cleaning… it is so much fun! It is even better when you have to clean your portion of the Dragon’s Lair. I woke this morning and after checking my email, plunged into cleaning. First was dusting. There was no dust to dust but I moved the dust rag around every surface just so I had actually done it. Actually I lied… first I picked up my stuff so I could dust. I had to push all my stuff under the wardrobe farther so she wouldn’t be able to see my notebooks and have another “suggestion” about where to put them. When I was done dusting I stalled because Dragon Lady was going to the theater and leaving at noon. Finally when she left I took everything off of the bed…. And had to remake it with the clean set of sheets. Ok this was my first experience of making a double bed. The bed/sheets almost won the battle. By the end I was sweating but the bed looks really good. No creases, everything tucked in. I did a good job! (If Dragon Lady inspects my making of the bed Im moving into a hotel that very moment) After struggling making the bed I carted the half a ton of sheets down the stairs to the washing machine. (the sheets are really thick, that is why there is half of a ton!)

I have been known to be scolded for over filling the washer. This I blame HWS for because each load was $1.25 and if Im paying that much to wash Im going to wash as much as I can! SO when I was sitting on the kitchen floor peering into the tiny front loading washer I decided that I would be murdered if something happened to this machine. I decided to put one heavy sheet in with two pillow cases. (now that I write that out I seem stupid but really… it’s a small washer and the sheets are really thick and HUGE) Just as I am turning it on Dragon Lady walks in the door. Awesome. She forgot her glasses. She sees me sitting there holding half of the sheets and has a fit. She yells stop runs over to the machine, asks what I put in there, swears and then tells me that Im wasting money by not doing all the sheets together. Really? My luck sucks. So she puts the machine on spin so it wont wash them and tells me when spin is done, add ALL the sheets and then wash them together. And then she leaves. I was silent through the entire thing because she would not have wanted me to open my mouth. I need to move out.

The rest of the day is pretty boring. I “hoovered”, finished the laundry, cleaned the bathroom, ate cheerios on the bed (without milk… im not that rebellious), worked on my review (didn’t get nearly as much done as I wanted), made a grocery and stalked the gumtree website for hours. The one thing that didn’t get done was washing my towel. I am too afraid to. It’s hot pink and never has been near a washing machine before. Knowing my luck I will ruin her towels, or leave pink lint in the washer or something. Gah. I don’t know what to do. Hopefully move out within the week so I can wash it somewhere else! I may use one of the spare towels in the bathroom this week. This is so pathetic! I cant even do laundry without fear. Grrrr…..

Tomorrow I got stuck going to a stupid jewelry fair that costs me 7 pounds AND I have to spend the day with her. I hate my life! I do NOT want to go. At all. Anyone wanna come hang out with the Dragon for me??

Im off to make dinner without my every move being watched and critiqued. Then hopefully getting some work done!

Friday, October 7, 2011


Yay for Friday!! Today was a pretty good day actually. I got up an hour early to go to a voluntary “History of Christies” lecture. Honestly I should have just slept. It was just a more detailed talk about the outline of the business that we had received at orientation. Oh well. Our morning lecture was Renaissance Architecture. It was boring. I feel like Doric, Iconic, etc has been beaten to death. Especially since I spent a semester in Rome. I have kind of been there and done that! I sat a doodled columns for an hour and a half. The lecturer was really good today though. He threw in jokes and funny one-liners. It was fun. Then it was lunch and I didn’t read as much as I normally do. I talked more (which stunk because my book its at a climax!) but I realize that I need to be social. I am tired of meeting new people. I wish I could just have ONE day that I didn’t have to make really stupid small talk and meet a new person.

The afternoon lecture was really interesting but confusing. It touched on the things that we were going to talk about in my scary seminar. Basically when Im done with this course Im going to be so smart and educated! It will be hard, but so far in my life the hard classes are the ones I learn from. The way home was smooth sailing today!!! How awesome is that! It is the first time that I just flew home. I read the free paper because I got a seat! (I cant stand and read on the tube!) The Evening Standard is a free paper that is actually pretty good. (I mean its WAY better than the P.J! Its probably USA Today quality) I learn more about the States y reading the UK newspapers than I knew while I was home!

The Dragon Lady will be the death of me. First she wants me to go to a jewelry fair that costs 7 pounds to go to on Sunday. Don’t want to go but she said she doenst want to go alone so I kinda feel badly. (I know Im pathetic…. Feeling bad for the Dragon). I said I had a lot of work to do and then she says “O yes you need to clean to. Do that tomorrow” So it looks like Im cleaning tomorrow. Grrr. Then I have walked around the house with her debated on which shade of WHITE she should paint her hallway. Literally I had to stand there for 45 minutes while she debated and she STILL hasn’t decided. She is discussing it with her friend on the phone right now. I just hate that it doenst matter what I doing… whenever she wants me I have to go then. I apparently am on her schedule. I NEED to find a new home. I just have no hope. O and she is just such a *itch.

SO that was my day. Not too exciting. O I do need help…. Does anyone out there know why I cant buy anything from itunes?? I could in Italy. I even changed my region to the UK on my account and then it said that my credit card isn’t registered in the UK. But if im registered in the States it wont let me buy anything either. GAH I need new music!!!

Speaking of music… I have started to listen to my ipod on the way to school. I love it. Im in such a better mood in the morning! Oh and update….. I am feeling like a Londoner! I commute to school and back without looking at the tube signs! Woo!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A boringly normal Thursday

So the fun of the commute is over. I am officially not friends with the District line. I woke up today early and decided to leave early (why stay in case Dragon Lady wakes and descends to talk to me!) Thankfully it did as it took me an HOUR and a HALF to get to school today. On a bad day before it took an hour but thanks to a signal failure in Earl’s Court the trains were all delayed and slow. I got to school at 10 (still 15 minutes early!) and the lecture wasn’t to too bad. It was 15th century Northern art which I have done much with so it was a great break from the Italian Renaissance. Then it was the usual… eat lunch, attempt small talk, read my awesome book and go back in the lecture room for round two. It was from 1:30-3 that was a killer. It was all about how to use an online library catalog. While it may have helped the older generation (who were all taking notes) us “kids” who just did their undergrad, this was torture. We have had that talk every year for the past 4 years. Thanks to my honor project I KNOW how to do research and deal with articles, JSTOR and other resources. It was BORING.

I was excited to get home early today. I rode the tube from Great Portland Street to Edgeware Road. It was here that I learned that the last leg of my journey was suspended and that I would have to go around. So back on the train towards Great Portland, then to Piccadilly Circus, another change at Earls Square, and FINALLY get off at Parsons Green. It just was really frustrating for some reason today. It shouldn’t have been because I had nowhere to go, but I was just a grump by the time I got to Parsons Green. Then I stopped to grab some bread for my daily pb sandwich and walked on home. (Crap Dragon Lady just walked in) I have done my daily search for new housing and nothing is turning up. Im going to be here forever!

Something weird… So everytime I open the dish washer I hold my breath because it STINKS. The woman who is particular about EVERYTHING else in this house doesn’t rinse her plates before she puts them in the dish washer. Then she runs it only like twice a week so it all just sits there and festers. It drives me crazy!

So Dragon Lady came home and stopped in to see how my day was. Then she looks around my room and says that my poster tube cant be sticking out from under my wardrobe that I need to put it in a drawer. Then she says this weekend I need to wash my sheets, vacuum, dust, and put my school things on the dresser not under the wardrobe. And finally she tells me to come, and we go to my bathroom. Here she tells me that I need to be picking up my bathmat after showers. She then opens the cupboard to find a crock that she had lent me, and told me to put my tampons in it so the box isn’t just sitting on the counter. I just stared at her. After the bathroom was the lesson AGAIN on garbage. She went through it like I was an idiot and wouldn’t be able to figure it out. IT was the second time she had told me because I had been up for THIRTY hours before and didn’t retain the “rubbish procedure”. I am past the point of faking politeness. I just stood there. I NEED to move out.

A HUGE shout-out to Jessi! She is def one of the coolest people on the planet for hooking me up with Greys over here! I never thought I would be able to watch it and I was so depressed but Jessi fixed EVERYTHING! Thanks dude!!! You are the best! : )

I have wild plans tonight. Try to survive dinner with the Dragon, skype with mom, shower and bed. I have to be a school an hour early because I signed up for a History of Christies class. I am a nerd and therefor excited about it! Until tomorrow….

All About Yesterday

Sorry about yesterday’s post! It was a pretty crazy day/night. Wednesdays are usually study days (or field trip days with class) so I didn’t have school. It was awesome to be able to sleep in on hump day. I woke up about 10/10:30 and slowly got ready for my day. I was an awesome student and headed over to the Degas “Ballet in Movement” exhibit at the Royal Academy. We have to write a review on it which makes me feel very important until I remember its just a homework assignment and I have no clue what I am doing! I met up with Betsy at the exhibit and we saw some other girls from our program. I LOVED the exhibit! I love Dega and the ballet (remember I was supposed to have been a ballerina but mom stunted my talent) and they put his work next photos of the era and compare the movement in both. It was really good. Highly recommend the 7 hour flight across the pond for it! I did buy my first exhibit catalog so if anyone is interested I can loan it out!

After Betsy and I found Christies auction house (frustrating as that one night we were not close at all), got coffee and went to Fortnum and Masons. I love that store! Its been in Piccadilly Circus since 1701 and the best way of describing it is that they are the Tiffany’s of food. (Chocolate, Tea, stuff like that) For those of you familiar with Buffalo it Parkside Candies in a way more classy form. So of course I wanted everything!! Then we headed over to Covent Gardens. We found an art store for Betsy, and walked around the market there. It was here that I couldn’t stop staring at a poster and ended up buying it (check out my facebook wall. It is STUNNNG framed and has a key for ALL of the buildings!)It will have to hang next to the painting I bought in Rome!

I guess when I type it out my day seems pretty short but I got home late! Dragon Lady time. I walk in the door and she said something about o you bought stuff. So I (being nice and ATTEMPTING a relationship decided to show her what I got) I pull out my catalog and I get told that I shouldn’t buy the catalogs because I cant get them home. Ok….. cool. Then I pull the out the tube with my poster/print in it and was telling her what it was and she said “Don’t you go tacking that up on my walls” so I said “Oh well I wouldn’t want to ruin my poster with the tack holes!” and walked upstairs considering my attempt was a fail. So she ran around yelling how late she was for her movie club and left me in peace. She was in a hurry that she left out a few dirty strawberry covered dishes and when I was washing mine I just washed hers. No thank you yet….

So this summer I have gotten the lecture from the parents MANY times. Most of the reader my age probably did too… the “Common Courtesy” lecture. A favorite of all Im sure. Well nt only did I get it in the States…. But also the Dragon Lady seems to know it to. So I stood politely while she explained tht we need to know where each other are and leave notes. If my parents call and ask where I am she needs to know what to tell them (I said they don’t care because Im out of the country…. She didn’t laugh. Just stared. And it is kinda true….) Anyways I leave notes. I come home today… she isn’t here and NO NOTE! I would love to know when I need to brace myself against her gracing me with her presence! I would eat dinner now to avoid her if I knew she was coming back at 7 or something! No… apparently the “common courtesy” only goes on way.

Anyways after dinner I was going to have a 20 minute skype date with mom….. it was an hour. So that was 9:15 by that time. Then I showered, emailed people I needed to and yes… ignored my blog and went to bed. But hey.. to all you complainers out there (KATIE!) you have two to read tonight!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Im so sorry everyone! It was such a busy day and the night got away with me! Check back in tomorrow for updates on the Dragon Lady, Degas and other random stuff!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just a Tuesday

Today went better than yesterday. I was running a little bit later today because Dragon Lady was downstairs when I left. Gah! She has a sitting room and never uses it. Instead she sits in the kitchen and there was this morning looking like death because she had horrible bed hair and no makeup on. (she actually isn’t that bad looking with makeup…. Its without it things get scary.) Nothing like a shock in the morning to wake you up for class! Anyway she HAD to make small talk so she asked what international trips I was going on with Christies… I told her and instantly she had to give me all the advice on how Christies books trips and how ill fly Ryanair and stay in 3 star hotels. Im really getting to the point that I want to talk back to her but at the same time I don’t want to die. So I finally said I was running late (not really because I give myself an hour and half for an hour trip) and I was free.

My morning class was easy. Way easy. Early Italian Renaissance…. I could have written a paper on that in my sleep. I barely took notes and just enjoyed a really easy review lecture. Then it was an hour and a half lunch in which I ate my normal (pb sandwich, fruit snacks and a fruit) I have no idea what im ging to do without welchs fruit snacks in a few weeks. I only have 20 packets left! Then I spent the rest of my tie reading my really good book that I am addicted to. I know I should be meeting new people but the ones around me were ridiculous (I know I sound snotty but I don’t want to hear about some random girl’s hook ups that she has had since her time here and how many dates she has lined up from guys she has met at the bar. Yes I think I lost some IQ points) I couldn’t move either to a new group of people because the lounge was packed and there were no seats open. I was lucky to have one!

After lunch was a 30 min intro to another seminar. I somehow pushed my way to the signup after the preview and got Patrick for my tutor (we had a choice for this seminar. I got the cool tutor that I had on the first day of orientation and we are doing Baroque Portraits!!) The other choices were ore Italian Renaissance which frankly Im getting tired of doing. So I am so excited about this seminar. I will have to teach a class though. Why does Christies hate us??

In the Great Portland tube station (the one right near school) I met a girl from my scary seminar (from yesterday) Her name is Katie and she is from New Zealand. She lives in Parsons Green also and we rode the tube together and chatted. She said that it is customary for New Zealanders to come to London for a bit after they finish up school. She did that and then went home, and decided to come back. Now she is in the Christies program with me. She lives with friends from home and said that sharing a flat is the best way to go. Yeah…. Wish I had friends. She said that I shouldn’t have to live like I am and I need to find something else! (the no sitting on the bedspread really shocks people) She said tho that this is a rough tie for housing and maybe I should wait a bit and keep looking after the student rush. Sigh. That means more time in the Dragons Lair.

I came home and actually announced I was home (yesterday I didn’t and I shocked her by barging in). Today when I bellowed she was on the phone so she wasn’t too happy that I bellowed. Yes… it’s a lose-lose situation here at 5 Hurlington Square. She spent a half hour tomenting a poor man on the phone about her stupid tv problems. It reminded me of the calls that I got from good ole Chautauquans. I would have hung up her though. And I have been inspired by my recent journey to the Sherlock Holmes museum…. I have been trying to see if she comes in my only two rooms in the entire house. The answer… yes. First of all the bathroom…. She picks up my bathmat. I intentionally leave it on the floor just to see… Also she puts up the toilet lid. This is strange… When I came it was down so I have been putting back down and I usually set my towel on there while showering etc. When I come home from school its up. Weird. I left a wrinkle in the bedspread today on purpose and the bed was completely smooth when I came back. AND she told me today that the Sunday paper isn’t as good as the Saturday paper (which she said was a big difference between London and the New York Times. Insert eyeroll) so that means that she saw my Sunday Times sitting on my desk which is under one of my notebooks! Im thinking about leaving my underwear on the floor tomorrow just to see what happens ; ) I think that would be fun!

Off to watch some random movie with the Dragon Lady and then skyping the sister!! WOO!

P.S I am really giving up hope of finding a new home