Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunny Sunday (hehe)

Today I slept in. It was glorious. I got out of bed at 10:30 and I loved it! I headed right out to Sainsbury’s (the one I couldn’t find before. Yeah it was really easy to get to…) I wandered around looking for the laundry aisle. When I found it I was baffled at what to buy. I had no clue. You can pick from powder, liquid, and liquid squares. The Dragon uses powder so that is what I got considering Im using her machine and knowing my luck if I stuck liquid in there it would blow up or something. I was lucky because the small box was 2.99 and the huge box was on sale from 5.00 down to 4.00. So for one more pound I doubled my box. I am excited. The same happened with the softener. When you cant dry your clothes and they have to air dry they get really hard and weird so the softener helps! I found one that smelled good (it has frebreze!) for 1.20 but then I looked down and the one two sizes bigger was 50% off and only 2 pounds! I am set with laundry stuff for a long time!

I still cannot cross the street. I look like an idiot every single time and there are a lot of roads to cross on a daily basis! I am starting to remember to look right first. I still look both ways 15 times, but im starting to look in the more important direction first! The thing I cant get down is what side of the road comes at you faster. For example… at home if you are crossing the road the first important lane is the left side of you, than you look right to make sure wont die crossing the next lane. Here you look right, and then left to make sure you wont die before you reach the sidewalk. That is the part I cant get down. I look right and everything is clear and then I look right again and think “Oh its clear” and then there is a car heading my way from the left. So I may die someday steps away from the curb.

What I love about London that wasn’t the case in Rome… no one knows that Im not a Londoner until I either open my mouth, or they see me cross the street. :) In Rome red-hair meant I wasn’t from Rome, or Italy for that matter! Here I stick out as much and people ask me for directions! Also I think it helps that I don’t travel in a pack. (I would need friends for that!)

I have done SO much reading today. Im pretty proud of myself actually. It was my first day home not going anywhere and sightseeing. It was so nice and I am feeling a little better now that I have started doing work for school. It is so hard to get back in the groove of academic reading and writing. I haven’t done any of it since May… probably the first week since my Honors was done on my birthday, my Chinese final was done 2 days after, sculpture wasn’t reading or writing so it was probably my History of Rome paper that was the last thing I have done. Being in London isn’t helping to motivate me! Now that I have started again I am ready and excited to be at school. Im a nerd… I LOVE school! I wish this was my job forever. And I wish I got paid for it not dishing thousands!!! Today’s reading was rough however. Art history THEORY. My favorite… and its SO easy to understand. Gah. Take Wolffin for example… I know he is a genius. It would be helped if he dumbed down his genius ideas so little minions, like me, could understand what the heck he was getting at. I understood the first section, but the last 6 pages are MILES above my head. I guess Im going to be reading that section again! After that was Pollock who I have thankfully read before thanks to Professor Ciletti. Pollock is a little bit of an extreme feminist which gets old, but at least I can understand what she is saying! I took notes while I was reading which is DEFINATLY a first. But hey after this year Im going to be smart because of it :)

Oh I should also mention that I finished my pathetic review of the Degas exhibit. And I did my laundry (not all of it though because my little tiny drying tree couldn’t handle all of my laundry!) I was productive! I still need to start of list of random stuff that Im going to need for my new pad (handsoap, dishsoap, dish towels etc..)

I came here convinced that I was going to buy a piece of Wedgewood. I am still hopeful but its kinda pricey. I want something “english” that I am going have forever to remember this year by. (For those of you who don’t know, I bought an amazing painting of the bridge I walked over everyday to class. I meant the artist, toured his little gallery and came out with an awesome oil painting. I am looking for something like this for England. Not necessarily a painting but something of the same caliber!) I was in Fortnum and Masons last week and I saw a cute little tea cozy thing (it’s a dome that covers the teapot to keep it warm) I am now thinking about finding a really nice teapot and buying a cozy for it. Ill have that forever and it will be cheaper than a Wedgewood too!! I have not lost hope of owning a blue plate with white figurines so if anyone would like to make a donation to this fund please feel free!! : ))))

I am getting so excited to move into my new bachelorette pad that will probably look like a teenage dorm room! I am pumped to explore my new neighborhood and figure everything out. I just wish I knew how to figure out the bills. After that is all figured out I will be stress free! (except for the 2 presentations I have coming up on the 28th and Nov. 1st)

I bought crackers the other day for my Nutella. SO YUMMY! I have finally figured it out… Ritz and nutella is like the Elmer Fudge cookies. So delicious. If Ritz were only shaped like elves it would be perfect!

Ok Im out of things to say! Off to make my list before skyping the parents, then its bed because school starts at 9 tomorrow. Gah! (it wouldn’t be bad if I didn’t have to leave an hour and a half before class)

Cups of Tea: 7
Royalty: NONE!! Where do they all hang out at???

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I love this post. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished again! Also, the crossing the street thing cracks me up. however, I'm sure that I would get hit by a car! LOL. Also, the ritz and the nuetella thing cracked me up forever too. I'm glad that you can have your "cookies". Have fun finding something English!!
