Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Flat Day!

This morning came WAY too quickly!! (in the sleeping sense… not getting out of the lair!) My alarm went off at 6:55 and I didn’t get out of bed until 7:25. Oops! I was still 4 minutes early getting to the Willesden Green station to meet Jack (the son of my new landlord) so everything worked out! I got my keys at 9 and got a TON of information thrown at me. I forgot to ask where to take the trash out to…. Have to figure that one out sometime! I did figure out my address though and how to pay my landlord. If anyone wants to send me mail just email me and Ill email my address to you! (Don’t really want to put my address on the world wide web!) I wont have internet remember until at least next Friday. I do have email on my phone… its hard to email off of it so my replies may be short!

After Jack left I wandered around my apartment (took .5 seconds!) and then headed out to Sainsburys to get some cleaning stuff. I got everything for 15 pounds! Not too bad! I did forget some things though (should have made that list!) so I have to go back sometime. I then came back home, put my leaning stuff away and headed back out… to the library!!! I noticed on my Sainsburys trip that I live two blocks away from the library! So I went and got a library card (even checked out a book!) and the pamphlet says that I can have free wifi if I bring in my laptop! They are only open until 8 which is stinky… but it is better than nothing at all! Im going to figure out how the wifi works tomorrow after class!

I then headed to school even though I was really early. I picked up lunch and ate it in the common room. A French girl sat down beside me and I was like “oh a new potential friend!!” and 2 seconds later I decided that it just wasn’t going to work out. (She is one very snotty French girl from Paris) So then I headed downstairs to our library, printed off my cover sheet for my assignment that is due tomorrow and wandered about the library. I am thinking about doing my thesis on Wallpaper… haven’t made a decision but I checked out a book about it to do some preliminary reading to see if wallpaper is cool or not! :)

I then went to the most pointless lecture of my life. I cant really tell you what it was about. Something about research. If you are thinking “wow that sounds like the 15th lecture that Anna has had on how to research” you are right. It was the 15th. It was 45 minutes of torture.

After lecture I went to the British Library to get a library card. Epic fail. Apparently it is easier to open a bank account in this country than to get library card. I need three things and she shot down my student letter, and my tenant agreement as my proof of address. I need a bill proving I live there. So no library card for me today… I took the bus to Notting Hill gate and then the tube home!

I have gone through the house 100 times opening everything to make sure Im not leaving anything behind! I am so paranoid! My car comes at 7 (should have said 6!) and then Ill spend the rest of the night unpacking without internet!

If the internet at the library works Ill post my blog tomorrow night! If not Ill post at school on Friday. I miss everyone! Please email! (ill be lonely and can easily get email!)


  1. Awesome! Glad to hear that you're all moved in. I hope it all went well. Now you have one less thing to stress about! Can't wait to hear about it all!! Love you!! And I would like you to email me your address :)

  2. Maybe the library can help you figure out how to set up internet at your house? They are a resource so maybe they will be able to point you in the right direction.

    Best of luck!
