Thursday, October 6, 2011

All About Yesterday

Sorry about yesterday’s post! It was a pretty crazy day/night. Wednesdays are usually study days (or field trip days with class) so I didn’t have school. It was awesome to be able to sleep in on hump day. I woke up about 10/10:30 and slowly got ready for my day. I was an awesome student and headed over to the Degas “Ballet in Movement” exhibit at the Royal Academy. We have to write a review on it which makes me feel very important until I remember its just a homework assignment and I have no clue what I am doing! I met up with Betsy at the exhibit and we saw some other girls from our program. I LOVED the exhibit! I love Dega and the ballet (remember I was supposed to have been a ballerina but mom stunted my talent) and they put his work next photos of the era and compare the movement in both. It was really good. Highly recommend the 7 hour flight across the pond for it! I did buy my first exhibit catalog so if anyone is interested I can loan it out!

After Betsy and I found Christies auction house (frustrating as that one night we were not close at all), got coffee and went to Fortnum and Masons. I love that store! Its been in Piccadilly Circus since 1701 and the best way of describing it is that they are the Tiffany’s of food. (Chocolate, Tea, stuff like that) For those of you familiar with Buffalo it Parkside Candies in a way more classy form. So of course I wanted everything!! Then we headed over to Covent Gardens. We found an art store for Betsy, and walked around the market there. It was here that I couldn’t stop staring at a poster and ended up buying it (check out my facebook wall. It is STUNNNG framed and has a key for ALL of the buildings!)It will have to hang next to the painting I bought in Rome!

I guess when I type it out my day seems pretty short but I got home late! Dragon Lady time. I walk in the door and she said something about o you bought stuff. So I (being nice and ATTEMPTING a relationship decided to show her what I got) I pull out my catalog and I get told that I shouldn’t buy the catalogs because I cant get them home. Ok….. cool. Then I pull the out the tube with my poster/print in it and was telling her what it was and she said “Don’t you go tacking that up on my walls” so I said “Oh well I wouldn’t want to ruin my poster with the tack holes!” and walked upstairs considering my attempt was a fail. So she ran around yelling how late she was for her movie club and left me in peace. She was in a hurry that she left out a few dirty strawberry covered dishes and when I was washing mine I just washed hers. No thank you yet….

So this summer I have gotten the lecture from the parents MANY times. Most of the reader my age probably did too… the “Common Courtesy” lecture. A favorite of all Im sure. Well nt only did I get it in the States…. But also the Dragon Lady seems to know it to. So I stood politely while she explained tht we need to know where each other are and leave notes. If my parents call and ask where I am she needs to know what to tell them (I said they don’t care because Im out of the country…. She didn’t laugh. Just stared. And it is kinda true….) Anyways I leave notes. I come home today… she isn’t here and NO NOTE! I would love to know when I need to brace myself against her gracing me with her presence! I would eat dinner now to avoid her if I knew she was coming back at 7 or something! No… apparently the “common courtesy” only goes on way.

Anyways after dinner I was going to have a 20 minute skype date with mom….. it was an hour. So that was 9:15 by that time. Then I showered, emailed people I needed to and yes… ignored my blog and went to bed. But hey.. to all you complainers out there (KATIE!) you have two to read tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks dude! I loved it, and I love hearing about your days. don't worry if you don't have time to write one night...I do understand :) Sounds like an awesome exhibit that you went to though! Oh and yes, I am jealous about the candy store!!
