Thursday, October 6, 2011

A boringly normal Thursday

So the fun of the commute is over. I am officially not friends with the District line. I woke up today early and decided to leave early (why stay in case Dragon Lady wakes and descends to talk to me!) Thankfully it did as it took me an HOUR and a HALF to get to school today. On a bad day before it took an hour but thanks to a signal failure in Earl’s Court the trains were all delayed and slow. I got to school at 10 (still 15 minutes early!) and the lecture wasn’t to too bad. It was 15th century Northern art which I have done much with so it was a great break from the Italian Renaissance. Then it was the usual… eat lunch, attempt small talk, read my awesome book and go back in the lecture room for round two. It was from 1:30-3 that was a killer. It was all about how to use an online library catalog. While it may have helped the older generation (who were all taking notes) us “kids” who just did their undergrad, this was torture. We have had that talk every year for the past 4 years. Thanks to my honor project I KNOW how to do research and deal with articles, JSTOR and other resources. It was BORING.

I was excited to get home early today. I rode the tube from Great Portland Street to Edgeware Road. It was here that I learned that the last leg of my journey was suspended and that I would have to go around. So back on the train towards Great Portland, then to Piccadilly Circus, another change at Earls Square, and FINALLY get off at Parsons Green. It just was really frustrating for some reason today. It shouldn’t have been because I had nowhere to go, but I was just a grump by the time I got to Parsons Green. Then I stopped to grab some bread for my daily pb sandwich and walked on home. (Crap Dragon Lady just walked in) I have done my daily search for new housing and nothing is turning up. Im going to be here forever!

Something weird… So everytime I open the dish washer I hold my breath because it STINKS. The woman who is particular about EVERYTHING else in this house doesn’t rinse her plates before she puts them in the dish washer. Then she runs it only like twice a week so it all just sits there and festers. It drives me crazy!

So Dragon Lady came home and stopped in to see how my day was. Then she looks around my room and says that my poster tube cant be sticking out from under my wardrobe that I need to put it in a drawer. Then she says this weekend I need to wash my sheets, vacuum, dust, and put my school things on the dresser not under the wardrobe. And finally she tells me to come, and we go to my bathroom. Here she tells me that I need to be picking up my bathmat after showers. She then opens the cupboard to find a crock that she had lent me, and told me to put my tampons in it so the box isn’t just sitting on the counter. I just stared at her. After the bathroom was the lesson AGAIN on garbage. She went through it like I was an idiot and wouldn’t be able to figure it out. IT was the second time she had told me because I had been up for THIRTY hours before and didn’t retain the “rubbish procedure”. I am past the point of faking politeness. I just stood there. I NEED to move out.

A HUGE shout-out to Jessi! She is def one of the coolest people on the planet for hooking me up with Greys over here! I never thought I would be able to watch it and I was so depressed but Jessi fixed EVERYTHING! Thanks dude!!! You are the best! : )

I have wild plans tonight. Try to survive dinner with the Dragon, skype with mom, shower and bed. I have to be a school an hour early because I signed up for a History of Christies class. I am a nerd and therefor excited about it! Until tomorrow….


  1. I'm so glad I'm now officially one of the coolest people on the planet. You are so welcome!!

  2. I am so sorry about your frustrating day! I hate days like that. And I'm sorry to hear about your "cleaning" lessons. Have fun with your new class tomorrow!
