Monday, October 10, 2011

A Manic Monday

Today started like any other Monday. I hit the snooze five times and laid in bed until the last possible minute. Somehow I still managed to make it out of the door on time. Hearing the Dragon stir in the upper lair is a good motivation!! I popped on the tunes and headed to class. The commute was going well until I hit the Hammersmith City Line. I hopped on the train and went from Edgeware to Baker Street. This is where all of a sudden it was torture to stand, I started really sweating, and I thought I was going to pass out. I decided that I could make it one more stop to Great Portland where I get off. He doors opened at Baker Street and Bam… I could see stars. I got off the tube and sat down on the bench. I drank some water, ate cheerios, and sat bent over for a bit. Then I was fine, hopped back on the tube and got to class alright. It was really weird though and I was paranoid that I was going to pass out again!! I was exhausted for the rest of the day and have a killer headache. The morning lecture was ok… German Renaissance painting. The afternoon was AWESOME! It was conservation of old master painting, and microscope analysis of the pigments. Loved it. The hour and a half flew by!!

Ok so Dragon Lady is pushing her boundaries here. Im having a hard time keeping my mouth shut. I made some pasta with meat sauce for dinner… something cheap and fast. SO I was making dinner.. and I was critiqued the entire time. I boiled the water, put in the pasta and started to brown my meat. I was informed that I needed to brown an onion first (I didn’t have one. I forgot it) and that I should have started the meat and then put the pasta on. THEN she said “maybe when you get married you will learn how to cook”. Yeah.. I was pretty mad. My pasta was really good with my meat sauce and everything came out just fine. I really don’t like her.

So that was my day… I need to do more work this week but I really am addicted to finding a new home. Hopefully Wednesday.


  1. Oh my goodness. I'm really glad that you didn't pass out and you knew that you needed to sit down and drink so water quickly. A little scary though!!

    Your classes sounded like a blast today. I'm glad that went well. At least you have something to look forward to!!

    Sorry to hear about the Dragon. Just so you know, I ALWAYS start the pasta before I start cooking the meat. It takes longer to cook the pasta then it does to cook meat and to make the sauce. You did it correctly :) You know how to cook!! I would have probably said something back to her at that point.

    Love you!

  2. Ok parents, pardon my comment but what a bitch. Quite the comment. It's not like you were feeding her. I'd be going nuts too. Good luck! I hope you find something that's better and it will allow you to really enjoy being in London.
