Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A very Productive Tuesday!

At the start of the day I thought this was going to be a LONG, frustrating day. I was pokey getting out of bed but I threw on my outfit (a very cute one if I may add!) with my new trendy scarf. (I cant believe I own one of these said trendy scarves. Never thought I would) I put it one (hopefully the right way) and sped through my morning routine. I decided to wear my new, chestnut brown, oxfords. They were so cute! I was all excited about my new shoes and new scarf! I bounded down the street, happy the weather was nice when I noticed a twinging pain in my right heel. I ignored it thinking that new shoes always rub and Ill be ok. WRONG. By the time I was at the tube station both heels were raw and throbbing. I was grateful for a seat and hoped that they would be ok when I stood up to switch trains. Nope. They were now shooting pains up the back of my leg. (I am NOT exaggerating!) I hobbled as I switched trains and walking from the Great Portland tube to school was beyond painful. I was a waddling duck and I looked like I should be going to the pregnant women hospital thing that I walk by every day! If I had the tummy I would have fit right in! I collapsed on the couch at school thankful to have survived but then realizing that I had to make it back home somehow. I thought “bandaids!” and hobbled my way to the firstaid kit. No band aids. Everything else under the freaking medical sun, but no BAND AIDS! What kind of school am I going to? So I made my way to a seat for lecture and tried to ignore the throbbing.

Lets just say that the lecture that I somehow stayed conscious for was not worth the legitimate pain that I put myself through to hear it. The lecture was on a very specific kind of Italian pottery. It really could have been cool if it wasn’t so general! I don’t know if Im just used to more in depth stuff at HWS, but some of these lectures are just vague and broad stroking the entire concept. Either I know everything the lecturer says about something, o I know nothing so the basic overview isn’t enough for me to get everything. I don’t know… its weird.

Getting home was one painful blur. I took the bus from the tube station to the stop outside my flat. I felt so lazy but I couldn’t walk that far. I walked in and threw off my shoes and cleaned the bottoms. I packed them up to return them. I look down and there is blood seeping through both of my socks. Don’t let cute little shoes fool you!

After bandaging my feet I headed off to the library to skype the mother. She liked my trendy scarf! :) Then I shot off some emails and looked up some stuff and headed back to my flat. I was tired of waiting for Jack to text me the phone number for the electric so I had looked it up. I called them and in 2 minutes I was all set and Ill get my bill and welcome pack in the mail soon! It was stressing my out so I was happy to get that resolved!

I then grabbed the evil shoes, and the tights without feet and went to Oxford Street to RETURN THEM! I did and didn’t have any problems! I was asked so SO many times were Primark was. Primark is the Gabriels of London (for those of you who don’t know what the is….. its like Forever 21 but even cheaper) Tourists don’t realize how LONG Oxford Street is. The all get off at Oxford Circus and expect to be right there. Well… Primark is at the Marble Arch tube station… two stops away. After two times of being told that it couldn’t be there because its on Oxford St I gave up and just said I didn’t know. I did head over to Primark though because I wanted to check it out. It wasn’t all that special but I did get a pair of 2 pound pj pants, a 3 pound shirt, 1 pound ring, and some flat stuff. (see facebook!) The bedding was really cheap so I got a cover for my other duvet, a fitted sheet, and a second towel. It was all uber cheap! LOVE it.

My flat is starting to look better! I have cards that people had given me out on my dresser (In the living room) the couch looks better now and now I just wish I had something on the walls! I think Im going to get a plant at Sainsburys on Sunday. Every place needs a plant! I love living on my own. I feel so grown up! I am getting used to living alone.

After I set up all my new stuff Jack texted me the water number and I gave them a call. That took probably… 4 minutes and Im all set! Im so relieved! Now I need to figure out how to get exempt from Council Tax and register at a doctor in case I get the plague or shingles! (hey you never know. I have already gotten the old peoples disease so it could always pop back up!) I am getting there. Im almost completely settled!

Today was London and my one month anniversary. Getting out of that car a month ago, I never thought I would make it this long. I am so happy to be out of that lair! Everything is just better. I no long shove food down my throat to avoid seeing her. Its nice! I still think about her telling all of her friends! Hehehe :)

So that was my day. I need to go read and actually do work now that I have played all day. I have a presentation Friday and Tuesday! I don’t have powerpoint on my compy or the internet so this should be interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an eventful tuesday! Wow!! Glad that you could return the shoes. that sounded horrible! And I'm glad that you were able to get all of your utilities figured out!!
