Saturday, October 15, 2011

My plan was to sleep in this morning but I was wide awake at 9 (I know… that is still technically sleeping in but I was really hoping for 10!) I had a slow morning which was nice. At noon or so I decided to venture out for the day! I took the 28 bus a few stops so I could catch the 11 bus. The 11 is essentially the best bus. Instead of taking one of the bus tour, just hop on the 11. It goes by Westminster, the eye, Parliament, Big Ben, Sloane Square, War Rooms, St Pauls and ends at Liverpool street. It is a good way to see the city without paying 20 pounds for a tour ticket! I even snagged a front row seat on the second story! Best “free” way to see the city!

I got off the bus after it went by Parliament and I wandered around. I was looking forward to see the “Virgin Queen” (which btw I really don’t believe. Her and Mr Dudley were too close….) but Westminster is apparently closed on Saturday. Learned something new! I was disappointed. I made my way back to the tube after a bit and headed to Bond Street. I wandered in and out of stores and found myself once again in Hamleys. I love that toy store! I really wanted an army of little tin soldiers but… they were 23 pounds per tiny little man. I left the story toy free, but with a large strawberry lollipop. :) I go the tube at Piccadilly and headed home. When I reached Earl’s Court I learned something else very important. When living in Fulham learn the Chelsea Football Club’s match schedule. My usually quiet platform was PACKED with blue jerseys of all sizes. Thankfully they all got off at Fulham Broadway and I only had to endure two stops with them! It wasn’t bad, just crowded.

I would just love to mention that I have not purchased any article of clothing, shoes, bags, or anything else. (Ok Ok I bought a wand but that is AWESOME! And isn’t clothing!) Oh and I have resisted on MANY occasions Waterstones… a mutli-floored bookstore that kicks Barnes and Nobles in the behind. I really want to go in, but know that I would emerge with my weight in books and no way to get them home. It’s a heartbreaking situation.

Third thing I learned today… my new home is close to Wembley Stadium ;) I believe that a football game is in my future. November 15th would actually be really awesome England versus Sweden. (sorry mom but Im rooting for England!) I would also love to get tickets for an equestrian Olympic competition. I don’t know how long Ill be here though for. Oh fourth thing I learned today… Equestrian (or Dressage) is the only Olympic even that women and men compete against each other in as equals. Just throwing that out to all the feminists out there! :)

I am anxious to move into my new abode. Having such a big house to myself is lonely. And I have to keep telling myself that people have to get through a fence/gate, and two deadbolt locks. Sigh. I am nervous about bills though and having the internet, water and electric ready to go on Thursday! I need that stress to be over so I can finally start concentrating on what Im here for… school.

If nothing else this very expensive experience is making me grow up. I feel like I am out in the real world finally. (probably even more so when Im out from under the Dragon Lady) I’m looking for housing, figuring out bank accounts, bill, utilities, transportation and directions all for myself. PHEW! I feel like I have a job also because Im commuting to class, not sprinting across a quad. Im beginning to feel like an adult… and I don’t know how I feel about that! It has been a good experience so far even with all my problems because Ashville NY is a piece of cake compared to this.

I miss HWS. Not gonna lie. I have stopped looking at the This Week In Photos because it makes me “home” sick. I miss my lake, friends, professors, and the comfort of everything being familiar. Doing a honor project was the best decision I made. My thesis here is supposed to be about the same length as my Honors. A lot of people are freaking out about it but I know I can do it. I did it once, I can do it again. AND I don’t have to defend my Masters thesis and I had to defend my Honors. I feel prepared!!

Tonight is reading, shower, doing little things that I keep forgetting to and trying to sleep better than I did last night! I miss everyone!


  1. Wow sounds like you still had a great day! Awesome way to see the city!! Have fun when you get to a soccer game. Please take pictures!! Did you figure out utilities then? Or are you still trying to do that?

    Have a great day tomorrow.

  2. Im still trying to figure out utilites. Im going to text the son again and see if he talked to his dad
