Friday, October 7, 2011


Yay for Friday!! Today was a pretty good day actually. I got up an hour early to go to a voluntary “History of Christies” lecture. Honestly I should have just slept. It was just a more detailed talk about the outline of the business that we had received at orientation. Oh well. Our morning lecture was Renaissance Architecture. It was boring. I feel like Doric, Iconic, etc has been beaten to death. Especially since I spent a semester in Rome. I have kind of been there and done that! I sat a doodled columns for an hour and a half. The lecturer was really good today though. He threw in jokes and funny one-liners. It was fun. Then it was lunch and I didn’t read as much as I normally do. I talked more (which stunk because my book its at a climax!) but I realize that I need to be social. I am tired of meeting new people. I wish I could just have ONE day that I didn’t have to make really stupid small talk and meet a new person.

The afternoon lecture was really interesting but confusing. It touched on the things that we were going to talk about in my scary seminar. Basically when Im done with this course Im going to be so smart and educated! It will be hard, but so far in my life the hard classes are the ones I learn from. The way home was smooth sailing today!!! How awesome is that! It is the first time that I just flew home. I read the free paper because I got a seat! (I cant stand and read on the tube!) The Evening Standard is a free paper that is actually pretty good. (I mean its WAY better than the P.J! Its probably USA Today quality) I learn more about the States y reading the UK newspapers than I knew while I was home!

The Dragon Lady will be the death of me. First she wants me to go to a jewelry fair that costs 7 pounds to go to on Sunday. Don’t want to go but she said she doenst want to go alone so I kinda feel badly. (I know Im pathetic…. Feeling bad for the Dragon). I said I had a lot of work to do and then she says “O yes you need to clean to. Do that tomorrow” So it looks like Im cleaning tomorrow. Grrr. Then I have walked around the house with her debated on which shade of WHITE she should paint her hallway. Literally I had to stand there for 45 minutes while she debated and she STILL hasn’t decided. She is discussing it with her friend on the phone right now. I just hate that it doenst matter what I doing… whenever she wants me I have to go then. I apparently am on her schedule. I NEED to find a new home. I just have no hope. O and she is just such a *itch.

SO that was my day. Not too exciting. O I do need help…. Does anyone out there know why I cant buy anything from itunes?? I could in Italy. I even changed my region to the UK on my account and then it said that my credit card isn’t registered in the UK. But if im registered in the States it wont let me buy anything either. GAH I need new music!!!

Speaking of music… I have started to listen to my ipod on the way to school. I love it. Im in such a better mood in the morning! Oh and update….. I am feeling like a Londoner! I commute to school and back without looking at the tube signs! Woo!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you're feeling more comfortable in London. Sounds like you're fitting in very easily! Sorry about the Dragon though. She sounds needy, lonely, but her attitude sucks. Good luck with her!
