Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hanging with the Dragon

Today was just a bad day. Im a grump so Im sorry in advance for the negativity. I woke up dreading the outing, but decided I really needed to try to make the best of it. We were supposed to leave at 10… we left at 11. (her fault. I would have been murdered if I was running late) She made me put my tampons in the bathroom cupboard before we left. I gave her some attitude… not going to lie. So we finally left the house and she decided that she hates the tube so we are taking the bus. The tube would have taken us like… 45 minutes. The bus… an hour and 15. Whatever… I got to see some of London so I still was trying to have fun. The ENTIRE way there though I got whacked, poked, and bruised because she had to show me everything! Annoying but again… im attempting to have fun. We arrive and grab a sandwich for lunch and we eat it in the park at St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was really pretty. After that off to the jewelry fair. It cost 7 pounds to get in! GAH!

There was some really pretty things there it just wasn’t that fun because there was NO way I could afford anything. I would have walked through it in about an hour, not 3.5 that it took us. Dragon Lady was so embarrassing. She told me before we left that she would only spend 200 pounds for anything. When we got there she would ask how much something was (it was always over 200 pounds) she would get all excited, try it on, hem and haw and then say that she would think about it because she had seen something else at another stand that was better. Yes… that was my day. There were 90 stands so it probably happened 75 times. Ridiculous and embarrassing. Ill leave all the other little stuff out, but basically I was embarrassed the entire time.

After the fair we went next door to St Paul’s. There was an organ recital that was really good. I had gone there with Uncle Billy four years ago for the Sunday service and I remembered everything there. I had fun looking around from my chair. Dragon Lady was actually silent for 45 minutes so that was the best part.

We caught the bus home and she decided that she didn’t have anything for dinner we needed to make something and split it. So that was fun….. we got premade chicken and some veggies. It wasn’t that bad when I type it now… but after being with her for the whole day and thinking I was done this was torture. FINALLY we were done and I could sprint upstairs to skype mom. Gah. I got nothing done today. SO frustrating.

Until tomorrow

Cups of tea: 5
No royal sighting

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